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Charlotte Lehmann (Soprano)

Born: January 16, 1938 - Germany

The internationally estimated German soprano, Charlotte Lehmann, studied at college of music and the university of the Saarland, afterwards at the Saarbrücken, with Sibylle Ursula Fuchs and privately with Paul Lohmann, Wiesbaden. She was prize-winner of the international competitions “L’Amour du Chant” and the UFAM and concentrated in Europe and America.

Charlotte Lehmann has appeared with all German broadcasting corporations, as well as in France, Switzerland, Belgium, the Netherlands and Turkey. On the television she appeared with both ARD and ZDF. She has participated in CD recordings with works of J.S. Bach, W.A. Mozart, Robert Schumann, Wolf, Gabriel Fauré, Debussy, Paul Hindemith, and Arnold Schoenberg for the labels Camera, Vox, Corona, Bayer Records and EMI. She was the first singer to record the complete Song Cycles op.3, 6 and 10 (with her piano partner Jost Michaels) at the beginning of the 1980’s for several broadcasting corporations. Many of her interpretations set also today still yardsticks. In 1982 she received the prize of the German Record Critics (Debussy and A. Schoenberg, EMI).

In 1972 Charlotte Lehmann took up training activity at the University for Music of Hannover. Since 1988 she has the chair for singing at the University for Music of Würzburg. She was a teacher of international winners such as Lioba brown, Lioba Brown (Bayreuth, Vienna, Milan), Grammy winner Thomas Quasthoff (Detmold), and Professor Maria Kowollik. She has led international master courses in Brazil, Chile, England, Bulgaria, Japan, and Luxembourg. She gives regularly courses in the music meeting place Haus Marteau (Lichtenberg- Bayreuth). She is editor of aria-books by J.S. Bach and W.A. Mozart for all kind of voices being correct kinds voices (Bärenreiter-Verlag), and in preparation aria-book of George Frideric Handel

Charlotte Lehmann is internationally in demand as jurist as and lecturer. She is at present Honour president of Federal Association of German singing pedagogues, and a member of the specialised committee federal competition singing of Berlin. Among her other pupils and/or singers who have attended her master-classes: Johanna Krödel (Mezzo-soprano/Contralto), Julia Obert (Soprano), Gerry Zimmermann (Baritone).

Mostly from Werner Genuit Website, English translation by Aryeh Oron (June 2003)
Ruud Janssen (February 2006)
Contributed by
Aryeh Oron (June 2003)

Recordings of Bach Cantatas & Other Vocal Works




Hermann Achenbach


BWV 232

Gerhard Rehm


BWV 246

Links to other Sites

nmz 97-11 Dossier: Charlotte Lehmann (Hg.): Mozart Arienbuch [German]
Charlotte Lehmann (Werner Genuit) [German]
Lehmann Charlotte, Prof. (HFM-Würzburg) [German]

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Last update: Tuesday, May 28, 2024 15:48