Index to Short Biographies of Performers - L |
La Banda, Baroque Orchestra (Germany) |
Ensemble La Dolcezza, Instrumental Ensemble (Germany) |
Valeria La Grotta, Soprano (Italy) |
Patrizio La Placa, Baritone (Italy) |
Annekathrin Laabs, Mezzo-soprano (Germany) |
Pekka Laakkonen, Choral Conductor, Organ (Finland) |
David van Laar, Counter-tenor (The Netherlands) |
Bernard Labadie, Conductor (Canada) |
Thomas Labé, Piano (USA) |
Dominique Labelle, Soprano, Mezzo-soprano (Canada) |
Katia & Marielle Labèque, Duo Piano (France) |
Dom André Laberge, Organ, Harpsichord (Canada) |
Ana Maria Labin, Soprano (Romania) |
Petra Labitzke, Soprano (Germany) |
Juan Laborería, Bass (Spain) |
Annette Labusch, Soprano (Switzerland) |
Dorothee Labusch, Mezzo-soprano (Germany / Switzerland) |
Marco Maria Lacasella, Conductor (Italy) |
Marthe Lacasse, Choral Conductor (Canada) |
Gabriella Di Laccio, Soprano (Brazil / England) |
Joelle Lachance, Mezzo-soprano (USA) |
Imre Lachegyi, Recorder, Musical Director (Hungary) |
Elaine Lachica, Soprano (USA) |
Dorota Lachowicz, Mezzo-soprano (Poland) |
Isabelle Lacroix, Soprano (Canada) |
Randolph Lacy, Tenor (USA) |
Boglárka Laczák, Mezzo-soprano+ (Hungary) |
Joseph Ladéroute, Tenor (Canada) |
Ranveig Lægreid, Soprano (Norway) |
Katelijne Van Laethem, Soprano, Mezzo-soprano (Belgium) |
Liliana Lafranchi, Mezzo-soprano (Switzerland) |
Bernard Lagacé, Organ (Canada) |
Mireille Lagacé, Conductor, Organ, Harpsichord (Canada) |
Enrico Lagasca, Bass-Baritone (Philipines / USA) |
Daniel Lager, Counter-tenor (Germany) |
Peter Lagger, Bass (Switzerland) |
Gertrud Lahusen-Oertel, Contralto (Country ?) [Missing Biography] |
Laibach, Avant-garde Band (Slovenia) |
Catherine Laidler-Lau, Soprano (USA) |
Lorri Lail, Mezzo-soprano (Sweden) |
Eric Laine, Tenor (USA) |
Riitta Laine, Choral Conductor, Organ (Finland) |
James Laing, Counter-tenor (England) |
Allan Laino, Conductor, Baritone (USA) |
Tomáš Lajtkep, Tenor (Czech Republic) |
Krisztina Láki, Soprano (Hungary) |
Stuart Lakin, Bass (England) |
Lina Lalandi, Harpsichord, Clavichord (Greece / England) |
Grzegorz Lalek, Violin (Poland) |
Joanna Lalek, Mezzo-soprano (Poland) |
Antonella Lalli, Soprano (Switzerland) [Missing Biography] |
Josée Lalonde, Mezzo-soprano (Canada) |
Olivier Lallouette, Baritone (France) |
Julien Laloux, Conductor, Organ, Tenor (France) |
Chloe Lam, Soprano (Hong Kong) |
Jade Lam, Soprano (Hong Kong / England) |
Ken Lam, Conductor (Hong Kong / USA) |
Isabella Lamadriz, Soprano (USA) |
Ashlee Lamar, Soprano (USA) |
Eric Lamb, Flute (USA) |
Bernd Lambauer, Tenor, Haute-contre (Austria) |
Judith Lambden, Piano (Australia) |
Mason Lambert, Baritone (USA) |
Roseline Lambert, Soprano (Canada) |
Misa Lamdark, Mezzo-soprano (Switzerland) |
Gerda Lammers, Soprano (Germany) |
Horst Lamnek, Bass-Baritone (Austria) |
Jeanne Lamon, Conductor, Violin (USA / Canada) |
James Lamond, Tenor (Country ?) [Missing Biography] |
Rosa Lamoreaux, Soprano (USA) |
Eteri Lamoris, Soprano (Georgia) |
Teppo Lampela, Counter-tenor, Baritone (Finland) |
Thomas Lamphere, Bass (USA) |
Hervé Lamy, Tenor (France) |
Stephen Lancaster, Baritone (Canada / USA) |
Albert Landa, Piano (Australia) |
Nani Landau, Soprano (Argentina) |
Bernhard Landauer, Counter-tenor (Austria) |
Thomas Lander, Baritone (Sweden) |
Garah Landes, Piano, Organ, Choral Conductor (USA) |
Margherita de Landi, Contralto (Germany) |
Wanda Landowska, Harpsichord, Piano (Poland) |
Christina Landshamer, Soprano (Germany) |
Rosemarie Landry, Soprano (Canada) |
Julla von Landsberg, Soprano (Germany) |
Louis Landuyt, Baritone (Belgium) |
Sophie Landy, Soprano (France) |
Bryan Lane, Tenor (USA) |
Carys Lane, Soprano (England) |
Jennifer Lane, Mezzo-soprano (USA) |
Louis Lane, Conductor (USA) |
Piers Lane, Piano (England / Australia) |
Elisabeth Lang, Contralto (Country ?) [Missing Biography] |
Frieder Lang, Tenor (Germany) |
Johannes Lang, Organ (Germany) |
Lang Lang, Piano (China) |
Lindsey Lang, Soprano, Mezzo-soprano (USA) |
Petra Lang, Mezzo-soprano (Germany) |
Rosemarie Lang, Mezzo-soprano (Germany) |
Gunhild Lang-Alsvik, Soprano (Norway) |
Michiel ten Houte de Lange, Tenor (Country ?) [Missing Biography] |
Mathieu Lange, Conductor (Germany) |
Wolfgang Lange, Conductor (The Netherlands) |
Sinikka Langeland, Folk Singer (Norway) |
August Langenbeck, Choral Conductor (Germany) |
St. Vitus-Chor Langenbrücken, Choir (Germany) |
Martina Langenbucher, Mezzo-soprano (Germany) |
Enrico Langer, Choral Conductor, Organ, Harpsichord (Germany) |
Peter Langgartner, Viola (Austria) |
Susanne Langholf, Soprano (Germany) |
Ursula Langmayr, Soprano (Austria) |
Susanne Langner, Mezzo-soprano, Contralto (Germany) |
Heribert Langosz, Tenor, Organ, Choral Conductor (Germany) |
Philip Langridge, Tenor (England) |
Phillip Langshaw, Bass (Australia) |
Irina Lankova, Piano (Russia, Belgium) |
Annet Lans, Soprano (The Netherlands) |
Vera Lansink, Soprano (The Netherlands) |
Bernard Lanskey, Piano (Australia / Singapore) |
Jack Lantz, Choral Conductor (USA) |
Rosana Lanzelotte, Harpsichord (Brazil) |
Sabrina Lanzi, Piano (Italy) |
Itamar Lapid, Bass, Choral Conductor (Israel / The Netherlands) |
Michel Laplénie, Conductor (France) |
Christophe Laporte, Counter-tenor (France) |
Paul Laprade, Choral Conductor (USA) |
Andrei Laptev, Tenor (Australia) |
Olivier Laquerre, Bass-Baritone (Canada) |
Carolena Belle Lara, Mezzo-soprano (USA) |
Javiera Lara, Mezzo-soprano (Chile) |
Barockorchester L'ARCO (BOLA), Baroque Orchestra (Germany) |
Lester Lardenoye, Counter-tenor (England) |
Ruth Laredo, Piano (USA) |
Mieke van Laren, Mezzo-soprano (The Netherlands) |
Mercedes Lario, Soprano (Spain) |
Matthew Larkin, Choral Conductor, Organ (England / Canada) |
Jennifer Larmore, Mezzo-soprano (USA) |
Barockorchester L’arpa festante (BOLAF), Baroque Orchestra (Germany) |
François de Larrard, Piano (France) |
Maxence Larrieu, Flute (France) |
Alicia de Larrocha, Piano (Spain) |
Anna Larsen, Piano (USA) |
Christopher Larsen, Choral Conductor (USA) |
Morten Frank Larsen, Bass-Baritone (Denmark) |
Sverre Larsen, Piano (Denmark) |
Aaron Larson, Baritone (USA) |
Erik Larson, Baritone (USA) |
Jonathon Joseph Larson, Tenor (USA) |
Steve Larson, Piano (USA) |
Susan Larson, Soprano (USA) |
Anna Larsson, Contralto (Sweden) |
Lisa Larsson, Soprano (Sweden) |
Sofia Larsson, Soprano (England) |
Christina Larsson Malmberg, Soprano (Sweden) |
Genia Las (AKA Panna Genia), Soprano, Mezzo-soprano (USA) |
Juanita Lascarro, Soprano (Colombia) |
Mark Laseter, Tenor (USA) |
Hulda Lashanska, Soprano (USA) |
Thomas Laske, Baritone (Germany) |
Igor Lasko, Piano (Russia) |
Oskar Laßner, Baritone (Country ?) |
Javier Laso, Piano (Switzerland / Spain) |
Wim Lassche, Piano (Norway) [Missing Biography] |
Françoise Lasserre, Conductor (France) |
Magda Lászlò, Soprano (Hungary) |
Margit László, Soprano (Hungary) |
Vanessa Latarche, Piano (England) |
Jacob Lateiner, Piano (Cuba / USA) |
Richard Latham, Baritone, Choral Conductor (England) |
Keith Lathrom, Tenor, Choral Conductor (USA) |
Jackie Lathrop, Soprano (USA) [Missing Biography] |
Mark Latimer, Piano (England) |
Peter Latona, Choral Conductor, Organ (USA) |
Olivier Latry, Organ (France) |
Giorgi Latsabidze, Piano (Gerorgia) |
Martin Lattke, Tenor (Germany) |
Wolfram Lattke, Tenor (Germany) |
Latvia Ensenbles: |
Latvian Radio Choir, Choir (Latvia) |
Latvian State Academic Choir, Choir (Latvia) |
State Choir Latvija, Choir (Latvia) |
^^^^^ |
Wolf Latzel, Baritone (Germany) |
John-Szicheng Lau, Conductor, Piano (Country ?) |
Catherine Laidler-Lau, Soprano (USA) |
Ruth Lau, Mezzo-soprano (Hong Kong) |
Sanders Lau, Tenor, Conductor (Hong Kong) |
Sabine Laubach, Soprano (Germany) |
Horst Laubenthal, Tenor (Germany) |
Dawn Holt Lauber, Soprano (USA) |
Laudantes Consort, Vocal Ensemble (Belgium) |
Benjamin Laude, Piano (USA) |
Augustin Laudet, Tenor (France) |
Helmut Laue, Bass-Baritone (Country ?) [Missing Biography] |
Alexander Lauer, Baritone (Germany) |
Claudia Maria Laule, Mezzo-soprano (Germany) |
Hilde Lauquére-Hartmann, Soprano (Country ?) [Missing Biography] |
Guillemette Laurens, Mezzo-soprano (France) |
Laurenscantorij, Choir (The Netherlands) |
Peter de Laurentiis, Tenor (Italy) |
Marebel Laurenz, ? (Sweden) [Missing Biography] |
Risto Lauriala, Piano (Finland) |
Amanda Lauricella, Soprano (USA) |
Hildegard Laurich, Contralto (Germany) |
Pavel Laus, Tenor (Russia) |
Lausanne Ensembles (Switzerland): |
Chœur Pro Arte de Lausanne (CPAL), Choir (Switzerland) |
Choeur Vivace de Lausanne (UCL), Choir (Switz) |
Ensemble Vocal de Lausanne (EVL), Vocal Ensemble (Switzerland) |
Orchestre de Chambre de Lausanne (OCL), Chamber Orchestra (Switzerland) |
Union Chorale de Lausanne (UCL), Choir (Switzerland) |
^^^^^ |
Susanne Lautenbacher, Violin (Germany) |
Gregg Lauterbach, Baritone (USA) |
Lautten Compagney (Berlin), Instrumental Ensemble (Germany) |
Justin Lavender, Tenor (England) |
Mark Laverty, Piano (USA) |
Nadia Lavoyer, Soprano (France) |
John Law, Piano (England) |
Pauline Law, Contralto (USA) |
Victoria Lawal, Soprano (USA) |
Susannah Lawergren, Soprano (Australia) |
Douglas Lawrence, Bass-Baritone (USA) |
Ernice Lawrence, Tenor (Country ?) [Missing Biography] |
Gregory Lawrence, Violin, Conductor (USA) |
Tim Lawrence, Tenor (England / Norway) |
Andrew Lawrence-King, Harp (England) |
Lisa Marie Lawson, Violin, Viola, Soprano, Music Director (USA) |
Mhairi Lawson, Soprano (Scotland, UK) |
Peter Lawson, Piano (England) |
Philip Lawson, Baritone (England) |
Éva Lax, Mezzo-soprano (Hungary) |
Janet Lax, Mezzo-soprano (England) |
Josh Layne, Harp (Canada) |
Stephen Layton, Conductor (England) |
Ivana Lazar, Soprano (Croatia) |
Alexander Lazarev, Conductor (USA) |
Katya Lazareva, Viola (Belarus / England) |
François Lazarevitch, Flute (France) |
Leila Lazenby, Soprano (USA) |
Jean-Philippe Lazure, Tenor (Canada) |
Mark Le Brocq, Tenor (England) |
Hélène Le Corre, Soprano (France) |
Yannick Le Gaillard, Harpsichord (Country ?) [Missing Biography] |
Pierre-Guy Le Gall White, Baritone (USA / The Netherlands) |
Claire-Marie Le Guay, Piano (France) |
Éric Le Sage, Piano (France) |
Sally Le Sage, Soprano (England) |
Joanna Leach, Piano (England) |
Rolf Leandersson, Baritone (Sweden) |
Andrea Leap, Soprano (USA) |
Evelyn Lear, Soprano (USA) |
Andreas Lebeda, Bass-Baritone (Austria) |
Ivan Lebedev, Piano, Organ, Harpsichord, Musical Director (Russia) |
Martin Lebel, Conductor, Piano, Cello (France) |
Eva Lebherz-Valentin, Soprano (Germany) |
Myriam Leblanc, Soprano (Canada) |
Suzie LeBlanc, Soprano (Canada) |
Enide Lebrocquy, Soprano (Belgium) |
Éric Lebrun, Organ (France) |
Frederick Lechner, Bass-Baritone (Germany / USA) |
Irmgard Lechner, Harpsichord (Germany ?) [Missing Biography] |
Werner Lechte, Bass (Germany) |
Stéphanie Leclercq, Mezzo-soprano (France) |
Philip Ledger, Conductor, Organ, Harpsichord (England) |
Iain Ledingham, Conductor, Piano, Harpsichord (England) |
Albert LeDoux, Choral Conductor (USA) |
Claudine Ledoux, Mezzo-soprano (Canada) |
Henri Ledroit, Counter-tenor (France) |
Michèle Ledroit, Soprano, Choral Conductor (France) |
Jeffrey Ledwidge, Bass (Ireland) |
Chung Uk Lee, Choral Conductor, Bass-Baritone (South Korea / USA) |
David Lee, Scotland, UK (England) |
David Dong Qyu Lee, Counter-tenor (Korea / Canada) |
Gun-Wook Lee, Bass (South Korea) |
Isaak Lee, Tenor (USA) |
Jarrod Lee, Bass-Baritone (USA) |
Jeannette Lee, Mezzo-soprano (Hong Kong / USA) |
Jennifer Min-Young Lee, Conductor, Piano (Korea / Canada) |
Jihye Lee, Piano (South Korea) |
Jonathan Lee, Organ (Australia ?) |
John Lee, Bass-Baritone (Singapore) |
Lynda Lee, Soprano, Mezzo-soprano (Ireland) |
Linda Lee Jones, Soprano (USA) |
Mei Yen Lee, Mezzo-soprano, Piano (Malaysia) |
Minyoung Lee > Minyoung Catharina Häger, Soprano (South Korea / Germany) |
Miran Lee, Mezzo-soprano (South Korea) |
Nelly Lee, Soprano (Russia) |
Sang-Hyuk Lee, Tenor (Korea) |
Sean Lee, Counter-tenor (South Korea / USA) |
Seoyong Lee, Bass-Baritone (South Korea / USA) |
Sinhaeng Lee, Conductor (Korea / USA) |
Su-Hee Lee, Soprano (South Korea) |
Sun Min Lee, Choral Conductor (Korea) |
Yoon-Ju Lee, Piano (Korea) |
Yun-Jeong Lee, Soprano (South Korea) |
Kim Leeds, Mezzo-soprano (USA) |
St Peter's Singers of Leeds, Choir (England) |
Gerard Leegwater, Choral Conductor, Organ (The Netherlands) |
Gijs Leenaars, Choral Conductor (The Netherlands) |
Cornelius Leenen, Baritone, Choral Conductor (Germany) |
Brian Leeper, Baritone (USA) |
Thijs van Leer, Rock Musician, Flute, Keryboards (The Netherlands) |
Noor Leertouwer, Soprano (Country ?) [Missing Biography] |
Matthew Leese, Baritone, Conductor (New Zealand) |
Jasper Leever, Bass (The Netherlands) |
Reinbert de Leeuw, Conductor (The Netherlands) |
Yvonne Lefébure, Piano (France) |
Eugénie Lefebvre, Soprano (France) |
Marie Leferrière, Mezsoprano (Canada) |
Alain Lefèvre, Piano (Canada) |
Jeanne Lefort, Soprano (France) |
Joseph Legaspi, Baritone (Philipines) |
François Legée, Conductor (France) |
Rebecca Leggett, Mezzo-soprano (England) |
Ethel Leginska, Piano, Conductor (England / USA) |
Maureen Lehane, Mezzo-soprano (England) |
György Lehel, Conductor (Hungary) |
Karsten Lehl, Baritone (Germany) |
Bradley Lehman, Organ, Harpsichord, Clavichord (USA) |
Thomas Lehman, Baritone (USA) |
Björn Lehmann, Piano (Germany) |
Charlotte Lehmann, Soprano (Germany) |
Fritz Lehmann, Conductor (Germany) |
Gabriela Lehmann, Soprano (Chile) |
Lotte Lehmann, Soprano (Germany / USA) |
Martin Lehmann, Choral Conductor (Germany) |
Wiebke Lehmkuhl, Contralto (Germany) |
Henriette Lehne, Contralto (Country ?) [Missing Biography] |
Erika Lehnen-Sgroi, Soprano (USA) |
Georg Lehner, Baritone (Austria) |
Matti Lehtinen, Bass (Finland) |
Topi Lehtipuu, Tenor (Australia / Finland) |
Jan Lehtola, Organ (Finland) |
Günther Leib, Baritone (Germany) |
Lior Leibovici, Tenor (Israel / France) |
René Leibowitz, Conductor (Poland / France) |
Michael Leibundgut, Bass (Switzerland) |
Leichlinger Kantorei, Choir (Germany) |
Leiden Ensembles (The Netherlands): |
Kamerkoor en Orkest Collegium Musicum Leiden, Choir & Orchestra (The Nethelands) |
Leids Projectkoor Choir (The Nethelands) |
^^^^^ |
Markus Leidenberger, Choral Conductor, Organ (Germany) |
David Leigh, Harpsichord (England) |
Erich Leinsdorf, Conductor (Austria / USA) |
Leipzig Ensembles (Saxony, Germany): |
Amici Musicae, Chor & Orchester, Leipzig (Germany) |
Bach Consort Leipzig, Vocal & Instrumental Ensemble (Germany) |
Favorit- und Capellchor Leipzig (FCCL), Vocal Ensemble (Germany) |
Leipziger Bach-Solisten, Vocal Ensemble (Germany) |
Leipziger Barockorchester (LBO), Baroque Orchestrea (Germany) |
Calmus Ensemble Leipzig, Vocal Ensemble (Germany) |
Camerata Leipzig, Chamber Orchestra (Germany) |
Leipziger Cantorey, Vocal Ensemble (Germany) |
Collegium Vocale Leipzig (CVL), Vocal Ensemble (Germany) |
Leipziger Concert Ensemble (LCE), Instrumental Ensemble (Germany) |
Das Leipziger Concerto Vocale = Concerto Vocale Leipzig (LCV), Vocal Ensemble (Germany) |
GewandhausKammerchor, Leipzig (GKS), Chamber Choir (Germany) |
Gewandhausorchester Leipzig (GOL), Symphony Orchestra (Germany) |
Leipziger Oratorienchor, Choir (Germany) |
Leipziger Universitätschor (LUC), Choir (Germany) |
Leipziger Vocalensemble (LVE), Vocal Ensemble (Germany) |
MDR Sinfonieorchester Leipzig (MDRSO), Symphony Orchestra (Germany) |
Mendelssohn Kammerorchester Leipzig (MKO Leipzig), Chamber Orchestra (Germany) |
Neues Bachisches Collegium Musicum Leipzig (NBCML), Instrumental Ensemble (Germany) |
Neues Leipziger Barockensemble (NLBO), Instrumental Baroque Ensemble (Germany) |
Rundfunkchor Leipzig (RCL), Choir (Germany) |
Rundfunk-Sinfonieorchester Leipzig, Symphony Orchestra (Germany) |
Schola Cantorum Leipzig, Choir (Germany) |
Thomanerchor Leipzig, Choral Group (Germany)
- Soloists of the Thomanerchor Leipzig |
^^^^^ |
David Leisner, Guitar (USA) |
Emmi Leisner, Contralto (Germany) |
Jelle Leistra, Tenor, Choral Conductor (The Netherlands) |
Simone Leitão, Piano (Brazil) |
Malcolm Leitch, Baritone (England / New Zealand) |
Flávio Leite, Tenor (Brazil) |
Leith Hill Music Festival Chorus & Orchestra (LHMF), Choir & Orchestra (England) |
Sylvia Leith, Mezzo-soprano (USA) |
Cecilia Leitner, Soprano (USA) |
Ferdinand Leitner, Conductor (Germany) |
Franz Leitner, Tenor (Austria) |
Jérôme Lejeune, Viola da gamba, Conductor (Belgium) |
François Leleux, Oboe, Conductor (France) |
Kristin Lelm, Soprano (USA) |
Meike Leluschko, Soprano (Germany) |
Ensemble Baroque du Léman (EBL), Instrumental Baroque Ensemble (Switzerland) |
Marien-Kantorei Lemgo, Choir (Germany) |
Elaine Lemieux, Mezzo-soprano (Canada / USA) |
Mariane Lemieux, Soprano (Canada / USA) |
Étienne Lemieux-Després, Conductor (Canada) |
Markus Lemke, Bass-Baritone (Germany) |
Olaf Lemme, Baritone (Germany) |
Tiana Lemnitz, Soprano (Germany) |
Cassandra Lemoine, Soprano (Canada) |
Carol Lems-Dworkin, Piano (USA) |
Thibaut Lenaerts, Tenor (Belgium) |
Lucretia Lendi, Mezzo-soprano (Switzerland) |
Claus Lengert, Boy Soprano (Country ?) [Missing Biography] |
Leningrad Ensembles (Russia): |
Leningrad Philharmonic Orchestra (SPPO), Symphony Orchestra (Russia, USSR) |
Leningrad Symphony Orchestra (SPSO), Symphony Orchestra (Russia, USSR) |
^^^^^ |
Abigail Haynes Lennox, Soprano (USA) |
Leia Lensing, Mezzo-soprano (USA) |
Angelika Lenter, Soprano (Germany) |
Anna Lenti, Soprano, Choral Conductor (USA) |
Daniel Thomas Lentz, Bass-Baritone (U) |
Veronica Lenz-Kuhn, Soprano (Country ?) [Missing Biography] |
Alban Lenzen, Bass-Baritone (Germany) |
Albin Lenzer, Boy Alto (Country ?) [Missing Biography] |
Lotte Leonard, Soprano (Germany) |
Sarah Leonard, Soprano (England) |
Trio Leonardo, Instrumental Trio (Italy) |
Eva Maria Leonardy, Soprano (Germany) |
Constanza Leone, Soprano (Argentina) |
Monica Leone, Piano (Italy) |
Leonhardt-Consort, Period-instrument Ensemble (The Netherlands) |
Christoph Leonhardt, Tenor (Germany) |
Gustav Leonhardt, Conductor, Harpsichord, Organ (The Netherlands) |
Roman Leontiev, Conductor (Russia) |
Jan Leontsky, Piano (France) |
Leopold String Trio, String Trio (England) |
Capella Leopoldina, Instrumental Ensemble (Austria) |
George Lepauw, Piano (France / USA) |
Albrecht Lepetit, Tenor (Germany) |
Marcel Lepetit, Tenor (Country ?) [Missing Biography] |
Jerald Lepinski, Bass, Choral Conductor (USA) |
Elizabeth Lepock, Soprano (Canada) |
Michael Lepock, Baritone (Canada) |
Vesa-Matti Leppänen, Violin (Finland / New Zealand) |
Raymond Leppard, Conductor (England) |
Thierry Lequenne, Choral Conductor (Belgium) |
Joe Lerangis, Conductor, Tenor (USA) |
Helene Lerch, Harpsichord., Organ (Germany) |
Norma Lerer, Contralto (Argentina) |
Gaële Le Roi, Soprano (France) |
Vincent Lesage, Tenor (Belgium) |
Chani & Nadja Lesaulnier, Harpsichord Duo (France) |
Martin Lescault, Tenor (USA) |
Polina Leschenko, Piano (Russia) |
Mario Lesiak, Tenor, Lute (Austria) |
Ekaterina Leskova, Mezzo-soprano (Russia) |
Luz Leskowitz, Violin (Austria) |
Gérard Lesne, Counter-tenor (France) |
Weronika Leśniewska, Mezzo-soprano (Poland) |
Daniel Lessner, Piano (USA) |
Richard Lester, Harpsichord (England) |
Ewa Leszczyńska, Soprano (Poland) |
Christine Letcher, Soprano, Piano (USA) |
Andreas Lettowsky, Bass-Baritone (Austria) |
Gunar Letzbor, Conductor, Violin (Austria) |
Andrea Letzing, Contralto, Choral Conductor (Germany) |
Grace Leung, Conductor (Hong Kong) |
Nicole Leung, Soprano (Canada) |
Vincent de Leur, Baritone (The Netherlands) |
Marie-Ange Leurent, Organ (France) |
Martinus Leusink, Boy Soprano, Tenor (The Netherlands) |
Pieter Jan Leusink, Conductor (The Netherlands) |
Peter Leussink, Tenor (Austria) |
Sonja Leutwyler, Mezzo-soprano (Switzerland) |
Ray Lev, Piano (Russia / USA) |
Beth Levin, Piano (USA) |
Ira Levin, Piano (USA) |
Robert Levin, Piano, Harpsichord, Fortepiano (USA) |
Tchelet Levin, Soprano (Israel) |
Michaël Lévinas, Piano (France) |
James Levine, Conductor, Pianist (USA) |
Josh Levine, Baritone (USA) |
Samuel Levine, Tenor (USA) |
Igor Levit, Piano (Russia / Germany) |
Assaf Levitin, Bass-Baritone (Israel) |
Valentina Levko, Mezzo-soprano (Russia) |
Bruno Le Levreur, Counter-tenor (France) |
Daniel Levy, Piano (Argentina) |
Aleksandra Lewandowska, Soprano (Poland / Switzerland) |
Raymond Lewenthal, Piano (USA) |
Michael Lewin, Guitar, Lute (England) |
Alan Lewis, Choral Conductor, Organ (USA) |
Brian Lewis, Choral Conductor (USA) |
Cheryse McLeod Lewis, Mezzo-soprano (USA) |
Emma Lewis, Mezzo-soprano (England) |
Henry Lewis, Conductor (USA) |
John Lewis (MJQ), Piano (USA) |
J. Reilly Lewis, Conductor (USA) |
Keith Lewis, Tenor (New Zealand) |
Richard Lewis, Tenor (England) |
Tricia Lewis Agar, Alto, Cello (USA) |
Jan Lewtak, Violin, Conductor (Poland) |
Agnes Leydhecker, Contralto (Germany) |
Henner Leyhe, Tenor (Germany) |
Katharina Leyhe, Soprano (Germany) |
Julia Lezhneva, Soprano (Russia) |
Cecilia Li, Piano Taiwan |
Margaret Lias, Mezzo-soprano (USA) |
Ekaterina Liberova, Soprano (Russia) |
Gabriel Liboiron-Cohen, Tenor (USA) |
Martina Licari, Soprano (Italy) |
Tilman Lichdi, Tenor (Germany) |
Lichfield Cathedral Choir, Choir (England) |
Marlene Lichtenberg, Mezzo-soprano (Italy) |
Romelia Lichtenstein, Soprano (Bulgaria / Germany) |
Daniel Lichti, Bass-Baritone (Canada) |
Daniel Lickteig, Baritone (USA) |
Symphonisches Orchester Liechtenstein (SOL), Symphony Orchestra (Liechtenstein) |
Michael Lieb, Counter-tenor (Germany) |
Amy Lieberman, Choral Conductor (USA) |
Carol Lieberman, Violin (USA) |
Maggie Lieberman, Soprano (USA) |
Christhard Liebert, Boy Alto (Country ?) [Missing Biography] |
Vocalensemble Liebfrauen, Choir (Germany) |
Jonathan Liebich, Baritone (Canada) |
Angela Liebold, Mezzo-soprano (Germany) |
Christoph Liebold, Bass-Baritone (Germany) |
Alexander Liebreich, Conductor (Germany) |
Ruth Liebscher, Soprano (Germany) |
Linda Liebschutz, Mezzo-soprano (USA) |
Robin Liebwerth, Bass (Germany) |
Liège Ensemble (Belgium): |
Les Solistes de Liége (LSDL), Chamber Ensemble (Belgium) |
Orchestre Philharmonique Royal de Liège (OPRL), Symphony Orchestra (Belgium) |
^^^^^ |
Niklas Liepe, Violin (Germany) |
Klaus Liepmann, Conductor, Violin (Germany / USA) |
Bertus van Lier, Conductor (The Netherlands) |
Leon van Liere, Tenor (The Netherlands) |
Bart van Lieshout, Tenor (The Netherlands) |
Dorien Lievers, Contralto, Mezzo-soprano (The Netherlands) |
Vincent Lièvre-Picard, Tenor (France) |
Konstantin Lifschitz, Piano (Russia / Ukraine) |
Xavier de Lignerolles, Tenor (France) |
Ariadne Lih, Soprano (Canada) |
Peter Lika, Bass (Germany) |
Tom Lilburn, Counter-tenor (England) |
Olof Lilja, Tenor (Sweden) |
Gunnar Liljas, Bass (Sweden) |
Madeline Lillich, Soprano (USA) |
Rita Lilly, Soprano (USA) |
Margarita Lilova, Mezzo-soprano (Bulgaria) |
Albert Lim, Baritone (Hong Kong) |
Dong-Hyek Lim, Piano (South Korea) |
Jennifer Lim, Piano (Korea / Canada) |
Jimmy Lim, Tenor (Malaysia) |
Min-Woo Lim, Tenor (South Korea) |
Sojung Lim, Soprano (South Korea) |
Eneida Lima, Soprano, Piano (Brazil) |
Jabez Lima, Tenor (Brazil) |
Ensemble Baroque de Limoges (EBL), Instrumental Baroque Ensemble (France) |
Chiu-Tze Lin, Piano (Singapore) |
Jenny Lin, Piano (Taiwan / USA) |
Steve Lin, Guitar (USA) |
Wilbur Lin, Conductor, Harpsichord, Piano (Taiwan) |
Chamber Music Society of Lincoln Center (CMS), Instrumental Ensemble (USA) |
Christian Lindberg, Trombone, Conductor (Sweden) |
Maria Lindal, Violin, Musical Director (Sweden) |
Jakob Lindberg, Lute (Sweden) |
Paula Lindberg-Salomon, Contralto (Germany) |
Kerstin Lindberg-Torlind, Soprano (Sweden) |
Clint van der Linde, Boy Soprano, Counter-tenor (South Africa) |
Dagmar Linde, Contralto (Germany) |
Hans-Martin Linde, Conductor, Flute, Baritone (Germany) |
Hans-Peter Linde, Cello, Viola da gamba, Musical Director (Germany) [Missing Biography] |
Jörn Lindemann, Tenor (Germany) |
Jaap ter Linden, Cello, Viola da gamba, Conductor (The Netherlands) |
Joost van der Linden, Tenor (The Netherlands) |
Patrick van der Linden, Conductor (The Netherlands) |
Rick van der Linden, Rock Musician, Keyboards (The Netherlands) |
Sophia Linden, Soprano (Germany) |
Martin Lindenthal, Tenor, Musical Director (Austria) |
Johan Linderoth, Tenor (Sweden) |
Elske te Lindert, Soprano, Organ (The Netherlands) |
Simon Lindley, Choral Conductor, Organ (England) |
Otto-Erich Lindner, Baritone (Country ?) [Missing Biography] |
Chor St. Bonifatius, Lingen, Choir (Germany) |
Ashley Lingenhoel, Soprano (USA) |
Brian Link, Counter-tenor (USA) |
Greg Link., Bass (England) |
Kurt Link, Bass (Austria / USA) |
Holger Linn, Bass (Germany) |
Martina Lins, Soprano (Germany) |
Elisabeth Linsenmeyer, Choral Conductor, Organ (Germany) |
Heinz Maria Linz, Baritone (Germany) |
Francesca Lionetta, Soprano (USA) |
Dinu Lipatti, Piano (Romania) |
Andrew Lipian, Counter-tenor (USA) |
Gavriel Lipkind, Cello (Israel) |
Samuel Lipman, Piano (USA) |
Marjana Lipovšek, Contralto (Slovenia) |
Sebastian Lipp, Tenor (Germany) |
Wilma Lipp, Soprano (Austria) |
Karl-Heinz Lippe, Baritone (Germany) |
Herbert Lippert, Tenor (Austria) |
Thomas Lippert, Baritone (Germany) |
Joan Lippincott, Organ (USA) |
Isabel Lippitz, Soprano (Germany) |
Lipsiensis Ensembles: |
Camerata Lipsiensis, Instrumental Ensemble (Germany) |
Cantores Lipsienses, Chamber Choir (Germany) |
Concentus Musicus Lipsiensis, Instrumntal Ensemble (Germany) |
^^^^^ |
Martha Lipton, Mezzo-soprano (USA) |
Orquesta Lira Saguntina, Symphony Orchestra (Spain) |
Romina Lischka, Viola da gamba (Austria) |
Marcos Lisenberg, Tenor (Brazil) |
Leon Lishner, Bass-Baritone (USA) |
Bartosz Lisik, Baritone (Poland) |
Emmy Lisken, Contralto (Germany) |
Rolf Lislevand, Lute (Norway) |
Hans Lißmann, Tenor (Germany) |
Olga Lisovskaya, Soprano (Ukraine / USA) |
Emanuel List, Bass (Austria / USA) |
Liszt Ferenc Kamarazenekar (LFKZ, FLCO), Chamber Orchestra (Hungary) |
David van Lith, Tenor, Choral Conductor (The Netherlands) |
Lithuania Ensembles: |
Lithuanian Chamber Orchestra (LCO), Chamber Orchestra (Lithuania) |
Lithuanian National Opera and Ballet Theatre: Orchestra & Chorus (LNOBT), Orchestra & Choir (Lithuania) |
^^^^^ |
Franz Litschauer, Conductor (Austria ?) [Missing Biography] |
George Little, Choral Conductor (Canada) |
Jeremy Little, Tenor (USA) |
Margaret Little, Viola da gamba, Baroque Viola (Canada) |
Trinity Cathedral Choir, Little Rock, Choir (USA) |
Joe Littlewood, Boy Soprano (England) [Missing Biography] |
Andrew Litton, Conductor (USA) |
James Litton, Choral Conductor (USA) |
Gisela Litz, Contralto (Germany) |
Geoffrey Liu, Piano (USA) |
James Liu, Baritone (USA) |
Ji Liu, Piano (China) |
Sining Liu Piano (China) |
Wen Chin Liu, Mezzo-soprano, Choral Conductor (Malaysia) |
David Lively, Piano (USA) |
Liverpool Ensembles (England): |
Liverpool Cathedral Choir, Choir (England) |
Liverpool Philharmonic Orchestra (RLPO), Symphony Orchestra (England) |
Royal Liverpool Philharmonic Orchestra (RLPO), Symphony Orchestra (England) |
^^^^^ |
George Livings, Tenor (USA) |
Diana Livingston Friedley, Soprano (USA) |
Arnold Livingston Geis, Tenor (USA) |
Kathleen Livingstone, Soprano (Scotland, UK) |
Mešani Pevski Zbor Glasbene Matice Ljubljana, Choir (Slovenia) |
Grant Llewellyn, Conductor (Wales, UK) |
Antoni Lliteres, Tenor (Spain) |
Abigail Lloyd, Soprano (USA) |
Alexandra Lloyd, Soprano (England) |
David Lloyd, Tenor (USA) |
Rachael Lloyd, Mezzo-soprano (England) |
Clare Lloyd-Griffiths, Soprano (England) |
David Lloyd-Jones, Conductor (England) |
Richard Lloyd-Morgan, Bass (Nigeria / England) |
Carys Lloyd Roberts, Soprano (Wales, UK) |
Sibylla Maria Löbbert, Mezzo-soprano (Germany) |
Thea Lobo, Mezzo-soprano (USA) |
Leonardo Locatelli, Piano (Italy) |
Barbara Löcher, Soprano (Switzerland) |
Electra Lochhead, Soprano (Scotland) |
Glen Lockery, Tenor, Choral Conductor (USA) |
Arietha Lockhart, Soprano (USA) |
Ensemble Lodron, Instrumental Ensemble (Country ?) [Missing Biography] |
Diane Loeb, Mezzo-soprano (Canada) |
Arthur Loesser, Piano (USA) |
Maria Löfberg, Choral Conductor, Organ (Sweden) |
Nathan Lofton, Choral Conductor, Baritone (USA) |
Le Concert de la Loge, Period-instrument Orchestra (France) |
Stephan Loges, Bass (Germany) |
Richard Logiewa, Baritone (Germany) |
Hanna Lohde, Soprano (Country ?) |
Antoinette Lohmann, Violin, Viola, Music Director (The Netherlands) |
Florian Lohmann, Choral Conductor, Tenor (USA) |
Johannes Löhner, Conductor, Piano (USA) |
Bernward Lohr, Conductor, Harpsichord (Germany) |
Frank Löhr, Conductor (Germany) |
Josef Loibl, Bass (Germany) |
Carlo Lombardi, Piano (USA) |
Alexandra Lomeiko, Violin (New Zealand / England) |
Jennie Lomm, Soprano (Sweden) |
Sigurd van Lommel, Counter-tenor (The Netherlands) |
Lukas Lomtscher, Bass-Baritone (Germany) |
Lonarc Oboe Trio, Oboe Trio (England) |
Marta Lončar, Soprano (Croatia) |
London Ensembles (England, UK): |
London Bach Singers, Vocal Ensemble (England) |
London Bach Society (LBS), Vocal & Instrumental Ensemble (England) |
London Baroque, Instrumental Ensemble (England) |
London Baroque Ensemble, Instrumental Ensemble (England) |
Baroque Brass of London (BBL), Brass Ensemble (England) |
London Brass, Brass Ensemble (England) |
City of London Sinfonia (CLS), Chamber Orchestra (England) |
London Chamber Orchestra (LCO), Chamber Orchestra (England) |
London Choral Society (LCS), Choir (England) |
London Chorus (LCS), Choir (England) |
Concertante of London, Instrumental Ensemble (England) |
London Conchord Ensemble, Instrumental Ensemble (England) |
Early Music Consort of London, Early Music Ensemble (England) |
London Festival Orchestra (LFO), Orchestra (England) |
London Harpsichord Ensemble (LHE), Instrumental Ensemble (England) |
London Mozart Players (LMP), Chamber Orchestra (England) |
National Philharmonic Orchestra (of London), Symphony Orchestra (England) |
New London Consort (NLC), Early Music Ensemble (England) |
New Queen’s Hall Orchestra (NQHO), Symphony Orchestra (England) |
London Musici, Orchestra (England) |
London Oratory Junior Choir (LOJC), Junior Choir (England) |
London Philharmonic Choir, Choir (England) |
London Philharmonic Orchestra (LPO), Symphony Orchestra (England) |
Philomusica of London (POL), Chamber Orchestre (England) |
London Pro Arte Orchestra (LPAO), Orchestra (England) |
London Pro Musica (LPM), Choir (Canada) |
Royal Philharmonic Orchestra of London (RPO), Symphony Orchestra (England) |
London Sinfonietta, Chamber Orchestra (England) |
London Symphony Orchestra (LSO), Symphony Orchestra (England) |
Choir of St. Paul's Cathedral, London (SPCC), Choir (England) |
London Voices, Choral Ensenble (England) |
^^^^^ |
Frederick Long, Bass-Baritone (England) |
Kathleen Long, Piano (England) |
Matthew Long, Tenoor () |
Long Beach Chorale & Chamber Orchestra, Choir & Chamber Orchestra (USA) |
Jacques-François Loiseleur des Longchamps, Baritone (France) |
Alex Longnecker, Tenor (USA) |
Nathan Longnecker, Bass (USA) |
Stephanie Lönne, Soprano (Germany) |
Ulrich Löns, Tenor (Germany) |
James Loomis, Bass (USA) |
Falco van Loon, Tenor (The Netherlands) |
Bernard Loonen, Tenor (The Netherlands) |
Emmy Loose, Soprano (Austria) |
Penny Loosemore, Piano (England) |
Arthur Loosli, Bass-Baritone (Switzerland) |
Linda Loosli, Soprano (Switzerland) |
Theo Loosli, Conductor (Switzerland) |
Gustavo Lopes, Baritone, Choral Conductor (Portugal) |
Laura Lopes, Mezzo-soprano (Portugal / The Netherlands) |
Génesis López, Mezzo-soprano (Venezuela / Germany) |
Jeremy Luis Lopez, Tenor (USA) |
Lina López, Soprano (Colombia) |
Pablo García López, Tenor (Spain) |
Paolo Lopez, Male Soprano (Italy) |
Julio López Agudo, Tenor (Spain) |
Jesús López-Cobos, Conductor (Spain) |
Gerardo López Gámez, Tenor (Spain) |
Iván López-Reynoso, Conductor, Counter-tenor (Mexico) |
Jorge Lopez-Yañez, Tenor (Mexico) |
Christian Lorca, Conductor (Chile) |
Rebecca Lord, Choral Conductor (USA) |
Roberto Loreggian, Organ, Harpsichord (Italy) |
Eugénie Lorentz, Soprano (Country ?) [Missing Biography] |
Klaus Lorenz, Baritone (Country ?) [Missing Biography] |
Siegfried Lorenz, Baritone (Germany) |
Ingrid Lorenzen, Contralto (Country ?) [Missing Biography] |
Kathrin Lorenzen, Soprano (Germany) |
Wolfram Lorenzen, Piano (Germany) |
Giovanni Leonardo Lorenzin, Conductor (Italy) |
Le Concert Lorrain, Early Music Instrumental Ensemble (France) |
Los Angeles Ensembles (California, USA): |
Camerata of Los Angeles Chorus & Orchestra, Choir & Orchestra (USA) |
Los Angeles Chamber Choir (LACC), Chamber Choir (USA) |
Los Angeles Chamber Orchestra (LACO), Chamber Orchestra (USA) |
Los Angeles Philharmonic Orchestra (LAPO), Symphony Orchestra (USA) |
^^^^^ |
Victoria de Los Angeles, Soprano (Spain) |
Anette Lösch, Soprano (Germany) |
Angela Lösch, Mezzo-soprano (Germany) |
Clemens-Christian Löschmann, Tenor (Germany) |
Lukas Loss, Piano (Switzerland) |
Florence Losseau, Mezzo-soprano (Germany) |
Felicity Lott, Soprano (England) |
Rüdiger Lotter, Violin, Conductor (Germany) |
Cédric Lotterie, Tenor (France) |
Christel Lötzsch, Mezzo-soprano (USA) |
Miranda Loud, Mezzo-soprano (USA) |
David Louie, Piano, Harpsichord (Canada) |
Samantha Louis-Jean, Soprano (France / Canada) |
Louisville Chorus, Choir (USA) |
Glenys Loulis, Mezzo-soprano (England / Greek) |
François Loup, Bass-Baritone (Switzerland) |
Marcus Loureiro, Tenor (Brazil) |
Gonçalo Lourenço, Conductor (Portugal) |
Jacques Loussier, Piano (France) |
Brianna Louwen, Soprano (Australia) |
Kari Lövaas, Soprano, Mezzo-soprano (Norway) |
Shirley Love, Mezzo-soprano (USA) |
Carol Loverde, Soprano (USA) |
Jason Low, Bass (Malaysia) |
Adrian Lowe, Tenor (England) |
Lowell Chamber Orchestra, Chamber Orchestra (USA) |
Thomas Lowen, Bass (England) |
Mark Lowenstein, Tenor, Conductor (USA) |
Jerome Lowenthal, Piano (USA) |
MaryRuth Lown, Soprano (USA) |
Christopher Lowrey, Counter-tenor (USA / England) |
Veronika Loy, Soprano (Germany) |
Daniel Lozakovich, Violin (Sweden) |
LSU Chamber Singers, Vocal Ensemble (USA) |
Lübecker Kantori / Lübecker Knabenkantorei an St. Marien (LKK), Choir / Boys’ Choir (Germany) |
Alexei Lubimov, Piano, Harpsichord (Russia) |
Germaine Lubin, Soprano (France) |
Jeckron Lubis, Choral Conductor (Indenosia) |
Pierre Luboshutz, Piano (Russia / USA) |
Iwona Lubowicz, Soprano (Poland) |
Sergiu Luca, Violin, Conductor (Romania / Israel / USA) |
Humbert Lucarelli, Oboe (USA) |
Violaine Lucas, Mezzo-soprano (France) |
Brenda Lucas Ogdon, Piano (England) |
Pamela Lucciarini, Soprano (Italy) |
Juan Lucero, Baritone (USA) |
Matthias Lucht, Tenor (Germany) |
Heidrun Luchterhandt, Soprano (Germany) |
Mislav Lucić, Tenor (Germany / Croatia) |
Martin Lücker, Organ (Germany) |
Cassandra Luckhardt, Viola da gamba, Baroque Cello (USA) |
Janelle Lucyk, Soprano (Belgium / Canada) |
Robert Ludden, Bass (USA) |
Lüdenscheider Vokalensemble, Chamber Choir (Germany) |
Matthias Lüdi, Tenor (Switzerland) |
Hélène Ludolph, Soprano (Belgium / The Netherlands) |
Andrea Ludwig, Mezzo-soprano (Canada) |
Christa Ludwig, Mezzo-soprano (Germany) |
Hannah Ludwig, Mezzo-soprano (USA) |
Ilse Ludwig, Mezzo-soprano (Germany) |
Matthias Ludwig, Baritone (Germany) |
Mirko Ludwig, Tenor (Germany) |
Walther Ludwig, Tenor (Germany) |
Josef Luftensteiner, Boy Soprano, Baritone (Austria) |
Luhansk Philharmonic Symphony Orchestra, Symphony Orchestra (Ukraine) |
Oliver Luhn, Bass (Germany) |
Ernst Max Lühr, Bass (Country ?) |
Marie van Luijk, Soprano (Belgium / The Netherlands) |
Pau De Luís Alba, Choral Conductor (Spain) |
Fabio Luisi, Conductor (Italy) |
Gianluca Luisi, Piano (Italy) |
Enico Luk, Counter-tenor (Hong Kong) |
Ralf Lukas, Bass-Baritone (Germany) |
Viktor Lukas, Organ, Harpsichord, Conductor (Germany) |
Aneta Łukaszewicz, Mezzo-soprano (Poland) |
Vyacheslav Lukhanin, Bass (Kyrgyzstan, USSR) |
Halina Łukomska, Soprano (Poland) |
Václav Luks, Conductor, Harpsichord, French Horn (Czech Republic) |
Giedré Luks̆aité-Mrázková, Harpsichord, Organ (Lithuania, Czech Republic) |
Orchestre Musique des Lumières, Chamber Orchestra (Switzerland) |
Gianna Lunardi, Mezzo-soprano (Switzerland) |
Victoria Lund, Soprano (USA) |
Gunnar Lundberg, Bass (Sweden) |
Emily Lunde, Mezzo-soprano (USA) |
Nanette Lunde, Harpsichord (USA) |
Carol Lundergan, Soprano (USA) |
Edward Lundergan, Conductor (USA) |
Isabella Lundqvist, Soprano (Sweden) |
Lunds Vokalensemble, Chamber Choir (Sweden) |
Lüneburger Bachorchester, Chamber Orchestra (Germany) |
Joanne Lunn, Soprano (England) |
Markku Luolajan-Mikkola, Cello, Viola da gamba (Finland) |
Judith Lüpold, Mezzo-soprano, Contralto (Switzerland) |
Rahel Luserke, Soprano (Germany) |
Katy Lushman, Soprano (USA) |
Ludwig Lusser, Organ (Austria) |
Luther Ensembles: |
Lutherania Choir, Choir (Hungary) |
Luthers Bach Ensemble (LBE), Chamber Choir & Baroque Orchestra (The Netherlands) |
Luther College Chamber Orchestra, Chamber Orchestra (USA) |
Luther College Nordic Choir, Choir (USA) |
Luther College Symphony Orchestra, Symphony Orchestra (USA) |
^^^^^ |
Robert Luts, Tenor (Belgium) |
Meret Lüthi, Violin, Music Director (Switzerland) |
Gregor Lütje, Boy Soprano (Germany) |
Georg Lutz, Bass-Baritone (Country ?) [Missing Biography] |
Martin Lutz, Conductor, Harpsichord, Organ (Germany) |
Rudolf Lutz, Conductor, Organ, Harpsichord, Piano (Switzerland) |
Sonja Lutz, Soprano (Austria) |
York Lutz, Baritone (Germany ?) [Missing Biography] |
Gert Lutze, Tenor (Germany) |
Matthias Lutze, Bass-Baritone (Germany) |
Sabine Lutzenberger, Mezzo-soprano (Germany) |
Orchestre Philharmonique du Luxembourg (OPL), Symphony Orchestra (Luxembourg) |
Benjamin Luxon, Baritone (England) |
Luzern (Lucerne) Ensembles (Switzeland): |
Accademia Barocca Lucernensis, Vocal & Instrumental Ensemble (Switzerland) |
Bach-Ensemble Luzern (BEL), Choir & Orchestra (Switzerland) |
Collegium Musicum Luzern, Choir & Orchestra (Switzerland) |
Lucerne Festival Strings = Festival Strings Lucerne (LFS), Chamber Orchestra (Switzerland) |
Goldberg Trio Lucerne, String Trio (Switzerland) |
^^^^^ |
Santiago Lusardi Girelli, Conductor (Argentina) |
Jesper Lützhöft, Guitar (Denmark) |
Lviv Ensembles (Ukraine): |
Baroque Chapel of the Mykola Lysenko Lviv National Music Academy, Baroque Ensemble (Ukraine) |
Lviv National Philharmonic Symphony Orchestra = Lviv Philharmonic Orchestra, Symphony Orchestra (Ukraine) |
^^^^^ |
Max Lyall, Tenor, Piano (USA) |
Lyatoshynsky Ensemble, Vocal & Instrumental Ensemble (Ukraine) |
Amy Lyddon-Towl, Mezzo-soprano (England) |
Emil Lykke, Tenor (Denmark) |
Piotr Łykowski, Counter-tenor (Poland) |
Greer Lyle, Soprano (USA) |
Moura Lympany, Piano (England) |
Christina Lynch, Soprano (USA) |
Lisa Lynch, Soprano (USA) |
Christopher Lyndon-Gee, Conductor, Piano (England) |
Lynn Swanson Festival Singers (LSFS), Choir (USA) |
Ed Lyon, Tenor (England) |
Marie Lys, Soprano (Switzerland) |
Fran Van Lysebettens, Mezzo-soprano (Belgium) |
Abigail Lysinger, Mezzo-Soprano (USA) |
Gwendolyn Lytle, Soprano (USA) |
Prepared by Aryeh Oron (January 2001 - March 2025) |