Index to Short Biographies of Performers - P |
Louis van der Paal, Harpsichord (Belgium) [Missing Biography] |
Hanns Paarmann, Bass (Country ?) [Missing Biography] |
Else Paaske, Mezzo-soprano (Denmark) |
Stephen Pace, Baritone (USA) |
Jonathan Pacey, Bass (England) |
María Jesús Pacheco Caballero, Soprano, Choral Conductor (Spain) |
Rubén Pacheco Mozas, Conductor (Spain) |
Józef Pacholczyk, Piano (Poland / USA) |
Pacific Ensembles: |
Pacific Baroque Orchestra, Early Music Ensemble (Canada) |
Pacific Boychoir, Boys' Choir (USA) |
Camerata Pacifica, Chamber Ensemble (USA) |
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Jeni Packalén, Mezzo-soprano (Finland) |
Jefferson Packer, Baritone (USA) |
Anna Padalko, Mezzo-soprano (Russia / Germany) |
PA'dam, Chamber Choir (The Netherlands) |
Catherine Padaut, Soprano (France) |
Andrew Padgett, Bass-Baritone (USA) |
Eugénie de Padirac, Soprano (France) |
Mark Padmore, Tenor (England) |
Andrea Padova, Piano (Italy) |
Orchestra di Padova e del Veneto (OPV), Chamber Orchestra (Italy) |
Mitchell Pady, Tenor, Choral Conductor (Northern Ireland / Canada) |
Beniamino Paganini, Transverse Flute, Harpsichord, Artistic Director (Belgium) |
Lucy Page, Soprano (England) |
Robert Page, Conductor (USA) |
Willis Page, Conductor (USA) |
Gerrod Pagenkopf, Counter-tenor (USA) |
Xavier Pagès, Baritone, Choral Conductor (Spain) |
Luigi Pagliarini, Conductor (Italy) |
Bettina Pahn, Soprano (Germany) |
Emmanuel Pahud, Flute (Switzerland) |
Nikolaus Paid, Tenor (Country ?) [Missing Biography] |
Kun-Woo Paik, Piano (Korea) |
Jean-François Pailliard, Conductor (France) |
Daniel Pailthorpe, Flute (England) |
Temple Painter, Harpsichord, Organ (USA) |
Helena Paish, Soprano (Scotland, UK) |
João Paixão, Baritone (Portugal) |
Marta Paklar, Soprano (Estonia) |
Concerto Palatino, Baroque Brass Ensemble (Europe) |
Christian Palberg, Bass (Germany) |
The Palestrina Choir, Choir (Ireland) |
Alexander Paley, Piano (Moldova / USA) |
Anna-Maria Palii, Soprano (Germany) |
Palladian Ensemble, Instrumental Ensemble (England) |
Zoe Rose Pallas, Soprano (USA) |
Christian Palm, Baritone (Germany) |
Catherine M. Palmer, Choral Conductor, Organ (USA / Canada) |
Caroline Palmer, Piano (Singapore / England) |
Felicity Palmer, Soprano (England) |
Jono Palmer, Bass, Choral Conductor (New Zealand / USA) |
Kathryn Palmer, Soprano (Canada) |
Rudolph Palmer, Choral Conductor (USA) |
Ruth Palmer, Violin (England) |
Maria Palmqvist, Mezzo-soprano (Sweden) [Missing Biography] |
Luigi Palombi, Piano (Italy) |
Massimo Palumbo, Piano (Italy) |
Marcela Pan, Mezzo-soprano (Argentina / USA) |
Kalin Panajotov, Oboe (Bulgaria) |
Olena Panasyuk, Soprano (Ukraine / Spain) |
Phyllis Pancella, Mezzo-soprano (USA) |
Pandolfis Consort Wien, Instrumental Ensemble (Austria) |
Paolo Pandolfo, Viola da gamba (Italy) |
Almut Panfilenko, Soprano (Germany) |
Chloe Christian Pang, Piano (USA) |
Stefan Pangratz, Boy Soprano (Country ?) [Missing Biography] |
Małgorzata Pańko, Mezzo-soprano (Poland) |
François Panneton, Conductor (Canada) |
Nicoletta Panni, Soprano (Italy) |
Pannon Philharmonic Orchestra (PFZ), Symphony Orchestra (Hungary) |
Pannon Philharmonic Festival Choir, Choir (Hungary) |
Luciana Pansa, Soprano, Mezzo-soprano (Brazil / Italy) |
Samuel Pantcheff, Baritone (England) |
Sherezade Panthaki, Soprano (India / USA) |
Marc Pantillon, Piano (USA / Switzerland) |
Marc Pantus, Bass-Baritone (The Netherlands) |
Charles Panzéra, Baritone (Switzerland / France) |
Julia Paolillo, Mezzo-soprano (USA) |
Dimitri Papadimitriou, Piano (Greece) |
Juliet Ariadne Papadopoulos, Soprano (USA) |
Marie-Claudine Papadopoulos, Violin (France) |
Marios Papadopoulos, Piano, Conductor (Cypros) |
Christine Papania, Soprano (USA) |
Alexandra Papastefanou, Piano (Greece) |
Myrtò Papatanasiu, Soprano (Greece) |
Dmitry Paperno, Piano (Russia) |
Antigone Papoulkas, Mezzo-soprano (Germany) |
Iakovos Pappas, Harpsichord (Greece / France) |
Anna Paradiso, Harpsichord (Italy) |
Moshe Paranov, Conductor (USA) |
Edwige Parat, Soprano (France) |
Paul Paray, Conductor, Organ (France) |
Elizabeth Parcells, Soprano (USA) |
Czech Chamber Philharmonic Orchestra Pardubice, Chamber Orchestra (Czech Republic) |
John Parella, Bass (USA) |
André Parfenov, Piano (Russia) |
Manoug Parikian, Violin (Turkey / England) |
Paris Ensembles (France): |
Orchestre Académie Symphonique de Paris (ASP), Orchestra (France) |
Paris Boys Choir (PCSCN), Boys Choir (France) |
Camerata Saint-Louis de Paris, Vocal & Instrumental Ensemble (France) |
Chanteurs de Saint-Eustache, Paris (SDSE), Choir (France) |
Ensemble Orchestral de Paris (EOP), Orchestra (France) |
Orchestre du Conservatoire de Paris = Orchestre de la Société des Concerts du Conservatoire, Symphony Orchestra (France) |
Orchestre Symphonique de Paris, Symphony Orchestra (France) |
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Chee-Yong Park, Choral Conductor (South Korea) |
Dong-Hoon Park, Bass-Baritone (Country ?) [Missing Biography] |
Hannah Park, Mezzo-soprano (USA) |
Heung-Woo Park, Baritone (South Korea) |
Jong-Won Park, Choral Conductor (South Korea / USA) |
Jonghyun Park, Tenor (South Korea) |
Jina Park, Mezzo-soprano (South Korea) |
Ki-Hyun Park, Bass (South Korea / Germany) |
Lauren Adja Park, Conductor, Piano (USA) |
Owain Park, Bass (England) |
Se Hwan Park, Conductor, Piano (Korea) |
Sejin Park, Soprano (South Korea) |
Seung-Hee Park, Tenor (South Korea) |
Seung-Hyuk Park, Baritone (South Korea) |
Song Yi Park, Choral Conductor, Organ (South Korea) |
Soo-Ah Park, Soprano (South Korea) |
Phoenix Park-Kim, Piano (South Korea) |
Christopher Parkening, Guitar (USA) |
Helen Parker, Soprano (England) |
Patricia Parker, Mezzo-soprano (Country ?) [Missing Biography] |
William Parker, Baritone (USA) |
Eric Parkin, Piano (England) [Missing Biography] |
Stefan Parkman, Tenor, Conductor (Sweden) |
David Parks, Tenor (USA) |
Vokalconsort & Ensemble Parlando, Vocal & Instrumental Ensemble (Germany) |
Nicholas Parle, Harpsichord (Australia) |
Le Parlement de Musique (LPDM), Instrumental Ensemble (France) |
Parley Ensembles: |
The Parley of Instruments, Instrumental Ensemble (England) |
Tallahassee Bach Parley, Baroque Ensemble (USA) |
Valentin Parli, Bass (Switzerland) |
Edward Parmentier, Harpsichord, Organ (USA) |
Parnassi musici, Period-Instrument Ensemble (Germany) |
Giancarlo Parodi, Organ (Italy) |
Paolo Paroni, Conductor (Italy) |
Beatriz Parra, Soprano (Ecuador) |
Joseph Parrish, Bass-Baritone (USA) |
Guadalupe Parrondo, Piano (Peru / Mexico) |
Andrew Parrott, Conductor (England) |
Ben Parry, Baritone, Conductor (England) |
Daniel Parsley, Choral Conductor (USA) |
Brian Parsons, Tenor (England) |
Paul Parsons, Harpsichord (England) |
Timothy Parsons, Counter-tenor (USA) |
William Parsons, Bass (Country ?) [Missing Biography] |
Jacob Partington, Counter-tenor (England) |
Robyn Parton, Soprano (England) |
Schirin Partowi, Contralto (Germany) |
Bethany Partridge, Soprano (England) |
Hugh Partridge, Viola, Conductor (USA) |
Ian Partridge, Tenor (England) |
Lionel Party, Harpsichord (Chile) |
Michał Partyka, Baritone (France) |
Maxime Pascal, Conductor (France) |
Olga Pashchenko, Harpsichord, Fortepiano, Piano, Organ (Russia) |
Claire Pascoe, Mezzo-soprano (England) |
Massimiliano Pascucci, Tenor (Italy) |
Alexandra Pashkova, Soprano (Ukraine) |
Anne Pashley, Soprano (England) |
Olga Pasiecznik, Soprano (Ukraine) |
Giovanni Pasini, Viola, Conductor (Italy / Qatar) |
Ensemble PasSages, Vocal & Instrumental Ensemble (Belgium) |
Cristiana Passerini, Harp (Italy) |
Timothy Passetto, Baritone (USA) |
Les Passions de l'Ame, Baroque Orchestra (Switzerland) |
Martyna Pastuszka, Violin (Poland) |
Harjo Pasveer, Bass (The Netherlands) |
Jan Pasveer, Choral Conductor (The Netherlands) |
Júlia Pászthy, Soprano (Hungary) |
Polina Pasztircsák, Soprano (Hungary) |
Claudia Patacca, Soprano (The Netherlands) |
Kálmán Pataky, Tenor (Hungary) |
Trisdee na Patalung, Conductor, Piano (Thailand) |
Will Pate, Baritone (England) |
Roshan Patel, Tenor (England) |
Denis Patković, Accordion (Germany) |
Iain Paton, Tenor (Scotland, UK) |
Catherine Patriasz, Mezzo-soprano (Country ?) [Missing Biography] |
Alberto Patron, Organ, Piano, Composer (Italy) |
Louis-Pierre Patron, Baritone (France) |
Sophia Patsi, Contralto (Greece) |
Elizabeth C. Patterson, Choral Conductor (USA) |
Kynesha Patterson, Soprano (USA) |
Stuart Patterson, Tenor (Scotland, UK) |
Julius Patzak, Tenor (Austria) |
Christel Patzschke, Soprano (Country ?) [Missing Biography] |
Augustine Paul, Choral Conductor (India) |
Elisabeth Paul, Mezzo-soprano (England) |
John Paul, Harpsichord, Lute-Harpsichord (USA) |
Lore Paul, Soprano (Germany) |
Thomas Paul, Bass (USA) |
Gianandrea Pauletta, Organ, Harpsichord (Italy) |
Pauliner Barockensemble (PBE), Baroque Instrumental Ensemble (Germany) |
Hedvig Paulig, Soprano (Finland) |
Luke Paulino, Counter-tenor (USA) |
Alexandra Paulmichl, Mezzo-soprano (Germany) |
Patrick Pauloski, Baritone, Choral Conductor (USA) |
Melinda Paulsen, Mezzo-soprano, Contralto (USA) |
Ulf Friedrich Paulsen, Bass (Country ?) [Missing Biography] |
Jens Paulus, Baritone, Choral Conductor (Germany) |
Mia Pavlik, Soprano (Country ?) [Missing Biography] |
Dora Pavlíková, Soprano (Czech Republic) |
Natalia Pavlova-Seymour, Soprano (Russia) |
Michael Pavlu, Bass (Switzerland) |
Sofia Pavone, Mezzo-soprano (Italy / Germany) |
Alexandra Pawlus, Soprano (Canada) |
Joseph Payne, Harpsichord, Clavichord, Organ (China / England) |
Raffaele Pé, Counter-tenor (Italy) |
John Peace, Piano, Organ (England) |
Adrian Peacock, Bass, Conductor (England) |
Martin Pearlman, conductor, Harpsichord (USA) |
Peter Pears, tenor (England) |
Morgan Pearse, Baritone (Australia / England) |
Gail Pearson, Soprano (Wales, UK) |
Leslie Pearson, Harpsichord, Piano, Organ (England) |
Mark Pearson, Bass (USA) |
Alexis Peart, Mezzo-soprano (USA) |
James Pease, Bass-Baritone (USA) |
Patricia Pease, Mezzo-soprano (USA) |
Rebecca Pechefsky, Harpsichord (USA) |
Owen Peck, Organ (USA) |
Susanne Peck, Soprano, Choral Conductor (USA) |
Grete Pedersen, Choral Conductor (Norway) |
Suzanne Pederson, Soprano (Australia) |
William Pederson, Tenor (USA) |
Fiorella Pediconi, Soprano (Italy) |
Andrea Pedrazzini, Organ, Piano, Conductor (Switzerland) |
Juan María Pedrero, Organ (Spain) |
La Pedrina, Instrumental & Vocal Ensemble (Switzerland) |
Francesco Saverio Pedrini, Conductor, Organ (Italy) |
Simone Pedroni, Piano (Italy) |
Mônica Pedrosa, Soprano (Brazil) |
Mark Pedrotti, Baritone (New Zealand) |
Adrienne Pedrotti-Bingamon, Soprano (USA) |
Charles Peebles, Conductor (England) |
Annely Peebo, Mezzo-soprano (Estonia) |
Jan Peerce, Tenor (USA) |
Nathaniel Peets, Choral Conductor, Bass-Baritone (USA) |
Andreas Pehl, Counter-tenor (Germany) |
Edith Peinemann, Violin (Germany) |
Patrick Peire, Conductor (Belgium) |
Sarah Peire, Soprano (Belgium) |
Rita Peiretti, Harpsichord (Italy) |
Guy Pelc, Baritone (Israel) |
Gudrun Pelker, Mezzo-soprano (Germany) |
Frank Pelleg, Harpsichord (Austria-Hungary / Israel) |
Andrea Pellegrini, Mezzo-soprano (Denmark) |
Sarah Pelletier, Soprano, Piano, Choral Conductor (USA) |
Wilfrid Pelletier, Conductor, Piano (Canada) |
Antonio Pellizzari, Conductor (Country ?) [Missing Biography] |
Marie-Pierre Peloil, Soprano (France) |
Caroline Pelon, Soprano (France) |
Pierangelo Pelucchi, Conductor (Italy) |
Abigail Pena, Soprano (USA) |
Isaac Pendley, Baritone (USA) |
Hannah Penn, Mezzo-soprano (USA) |
Rebecca Penneys, Piano (USA) |
Ceferina Penny, Soprano (England) |
Timothy Penrose, Counter-tenor (England) |
Guy Penson, Harpsichord (Belgium) |
Adelheid Peper, Contralto (Germany) |
Kathryn Peperkorn, Soprano (USA) |
Marie Perbost, Soprano (France) |
Murray Perahia, Piano, Conductor (USA) |
Claudia Pereira, Soprano (Chile) |
Miklós Perényi, Cello (Hungary) |
Caroline Peres, Soprano (Brazil) |
Ricardo Peres, Piano (Brazil) |
Anastasiya Peretyahina, Soprano (Russia) |
Olga Peretyatko, Soprano (Russia) |
Amor Lilia Pérez, Mezzo-soprano (Cuba / Italy) |
Carlos Pérez, Guitar (Chile) |
Cesáreo Pérez, Tenor (USA) |
Daniel Pérez, Baritone, Choral Conductor (Switzerland) |
Elena Pérez, Mezzo-soprano (Chile) |
Natalie Pérez, Mezzo-soprano, Soprano (France) |
Elizabeth Pérez Mejía, Soprano (Colombia) |
André Pérez Muiño, Tenor (Galicia, Spain) |
Boris Pergamenschikow, Cello (Russia / Germany) |
Periferia Vocal, Chamber Choir (Argentina) |
Linda Perillo, soprano (Canada) |
Margarita Perkas > Margherita Perras |
Julian Perkins, Conductor, Keyboard Player (England) |
Mikko Perkola, Viola da gamba (Finland) |
Hille Perl, Viola da gamba (Germany) |
Vlado Perlemuter, Piano (Russia / France) |
René Perler, Bass-Baritone (Switzerland) |
Itzhak Perlman, Violin, Conductor (Israel) |
Navah Perlman, Piano (USA) |
Alois Pernerstorfer, Bass-Baritone (Austria) |
Pierre Perny, Tenor (France) |
Magali Perol-Dumora, Soprano (France) |
Osvaldo Peroni, Tenor (Argentina) |
Margherita Perras, Soprano (Greece) |
Claudine Perret, Mezzo-soprano (Switzerland) |
Juliette Perret, Soprano (Fra) |
Chantal Perrier-Layec, Harpsichord (Country ?) [Missing Biography] |
Yvonne Perrin, Soprano (Switzerland) |
Maria Perrotta, Piano (Italy) |
Aurélien Perruchet, Bass-Baritone (France) |
Geoffroy Perruchoud, Bass, Clarinet (Switzerland) |
Eric Perry, Tenor, Conductor (USA) |
Herbert Perry, Bass-Baritone (USA) |
Jacob Perry, Tenor (USA) |
Janet Perry, Soprano (USA) |
John Perry, Piano (USA) |
Martha Perry, Violin, Viola (USA) |
Randall Douglas Perry, Chorale Conductor (USA) |
Nandani Persaud, Mezzo-soprano (USA) |
Katharina Persicke, Soprano (Germany) |
Miah Persson, Soprano (Sweden) |
Olle Persson, Bass-Baritone (Sweden) |
Sergio Perticaroli, Piano (Italy) |
Zsuzsa Pertis, Harpsichord (Hungary) |
Michele Pertusi, Bass-Baritone (Italy) |
Roman Perucki, Organ (Poland) |
Sonia Peruzzo, Soprano (Italy) |
Nannita Peschke, Soprano (Germany) |
Cédric Pescia, Piano (Switzerland / France) |
Antonio Pessetto, Conductor, Organ (Italy) |
Yella Pessl, Harpsichord (Austria / USA) |
Georg Christoph Peter, Bass (Germany) |
Mauro Peter, Tenor (Switzerland) |
Thomas Peter, Baritone (Country ?) [Missing Biography] |
Hans Petermandl, Piano (Austria) |
Markus Petermann, Tenor (Germany) |
Michael Peters, Bass (USA) |
Nils Ole Peters, Tenor (Germany) |
Roberta Peters, Soprano (USA) |
Yvonne Peters, Conductor (The Netherlands) |
Anja Petersen, Soprano (Germany) |
Asger Lynge Petersen, Bass (Denmark) |
Brice Petersen, Choral Conductor, Organ (USA) |
Marlis Petersen, Soprano (Germany) |
E. Barr Peterson, Bass (USA) |
Charlene Peterson, Soprano (USA) |
Eric Peterson, Tenor (Australia) |
Jason Paul Peterson, Piano (USA) |
Katherine Peterson, Piano, Violin (USA) |
Patricia Petibon, Soprano (France) |
Tamara Adamov Petijević, Conductor, Violin (Serbia) |
Robert Petillo, Tenor (USA) |
Anne-Sophie Petit, Soprano (France) |
Mélissa Petit, Soprano (France) |
Petit/Petite Ensembles: |
Petits Chanteurs de Sainte-Croix de Neuilly (PCSCN), Boys Choir (France) |
Le Petit Concert Baroque (PCB), Harpsichord Duo (France) |
La Petite Bande (LPB), Baroque Instrumental & Choral Ensemble (Belgium) |
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Stephanie Petitlaurent, Soprano (Germany) |
Marietta Petkova, Piano (Bulgaria) |
Rudolf Petrak, Tenor (Czechoslovakia / USA) |
Aneta Petrasová, Mezzo-soprano (Czech Republic) |
Mária Petrašovská, Mezzo-soprano (Slovakia) |
Lexis Petrella, Soprano (USA) [Missing Biography] |
Bogdan Petrenko, Bass-Baritone (Russia) |
Emilia Petrescu, Soprano (Romania) |
Egon Petri, Piano (Germany) |
Michala Petri, Recorder (Denmark) |
Petri-Kammerchor, Chamber Choir (Germany) |
Petri-Kantorei, Choir (Germany) |
Ivan Petrov, Counter-tenor (Russia) |
Maria Petrov, Soprano (Estonia) |
Nikolai Petrov, Piano (Russia) |
Boris Petrushansky, Piano (Russia / Italy) |
Jan Petryka, Tenor (Poland) |
Howell Petty, Soprano (USA) |
Martin Petzold, Tenor (Germany) |
Gundula Peyerl, Soprano (Germany) |
Oly Pfaff, Tenor (Country ?) [Missing Biography] |
Werner Pfaff, Choral Conductor (Germany) |
Kammerorchester Pfaffenhofen, Chamber Orchestra (Germany) |
Annemarie Pfahler, Soprano (Germany) |
Christoph Pfaller, Tenor (Germany) |
Valerie Pfannkuch, Mezzo-soprano (Germany) |
Marianne Pfau, Oboe, Music Director (Germany / USA) |
Stephanie Pfeffer, Soprano (Austria) |
Christian Pfeifer, Choral Conductor (Germany) |
Julius Pfeifer, Tenor (Germany) |
Ansgar Pfeiffer, Boy Soprano, Counter-tenor (Germany) |
Friedrich Pfeiffer, Boy Soprano, Horn (Austria) |
Kathrin Pfeiffer, Contralto (Country ?) [Missing Biography] |
Thomas Pfeiffer, Baritone (Germany) |
Pfeiffer-Trompeten-Consort (PTC), Trumpet Consort (Germany) |
Alfred Pfeifle, Tenor (Germany) |
Retus Pfister, Baritone (Switzerland) |
Annelise Pflugbeil, Clavichord (Germany) |
Hans Pflugbeil, Conductor (Germany) |
Pforzheim Ensembles (Baden-Württemberg, Germany): |
Bachorchester Pforzheim (BOP), Orchestra (Germany) |
Pforzheim Chamber Orchestra (PCO), Chamber Orchestra (Germany) |
Motettenchor Pforzheim (MCP), Choir (Germany) |
Oratorienchor Pforzheim (OCP), Choir (Germany) |
Südwestdeutsches Kammerorchester Pforzheim (SDKOP), Chamber Orchestra (Germany) |
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Brigitte Pfretzschner, Contralto (Germany) |
Kathryne Pham, Soprano (USA) |
Nicholas Phan, Tenor (USA) |
Phantasm, Viol Consort (England) |
Emely Phelps, Piano (USA) |
Maria Jo Phelps, Mezzo-soprano (USA) |
Matthew Phelps, Choral Conductor, Organ, Piano (USA) |
Laura Phelut, Mezzo-soprano (France) |
Orchestra Collegium Philarmonicum, Napoli, Chamber Orchestra (Italy) |
Phildalephia Ensembles (Pennsylvania, USA): |
Philadelphia Bach Collegium, Instrumental Ensemble (USA) |
Chamber Orchestra of Philadelphia, Chamber Orchestra (USA) |
Choral Arts Philadelphia, Choir (USA) |
Mendelssohn Club Chorus of Philadelphia (MCChorus), Choir (USA) |
Philadelphia Orchestra, Symphony Orchestra (USA) |
Philadelphia Singers, Chamber Choir (USA) |
^^^^^ |
Austin Philemon, Choral Conductor, Organ (USA) |
Philharmonia / Philharmonie Ensembles: |
Philharmonia Baroque Orchestra (San Francisco) (PBO), Baroque Orchestra (USA) |
Philharmonia Northwest, Chamber Orchestra (USA) |
Philharmonia Orchestra, Symphony Orchestra England |
Philharmonia Virtuosi of New York (PVNY), Chamber Orchestra (USA) |
Philharmonie der Nationen, Symphony Orchestra (Germany) |
^^^^^ |
Philharmonischer Chor Köln (PCK), Choir (Germany) |
Philip Jones Brass Ensemble (PJBE), Brass Ensemble (England) |
Piet Philipse, Organ, Conductor (The Netherlands) |
Pim Philipse, Baritone, Piano, Conductor (The Netherlands) |
Isidor Philipp, Piano (Hungary / France) |
Philipp-Nicolai-Kantorei Unna (PNKU), Choir (Germany) |
Bruno Philippe, Cello (France) |
Maria Philippi, Contralto (Germany) |
Sonja Philippin, Soprano (Germany) |
Sybille Philippin, Mezzo-soprano (Germany) |
Craig Phillips, Bass-Baritone (USA) |
Elizabeth Phillips, Soprano (USA) |
Jill Phillips, Mezzo-soprano (USA) |
Jonathan Phillips, Piano (England) |
Margaret Phillips, Organ, Harpsichord (England) |
Mary Phillips, Mezzo-soprano (USA) |
Peter Phillips, Choral Conductor (England) |
Susanna Phillips, Soprano (USA) |
Tom Phillips, Tenor (England) |
Ruby Philogene, Mezzo-soprano (England) |
Philomusica of London (POL), Chamber Orchestre (England) |
Paul Phoenix, Tenor (England) |
Ho-Young Pi, Violin (South Korea) |
Rosaline Pi, Soprano (Hong Kong) |
Luca Pianca, Lute (Switzerland - Italy) |
Erich Piasetzki, Organ (Germany) |
Sandrine Piau, Soprano (France) |
Mariana Batista Picado, Soprano (Portugal) |
Betty Picard, Soprano (USA) |
Piccadilly Sinfonietta/Sinfonia, Chamber Orchestra (England) |
Marina Piccinini, Flute (Canada ? / USA) |
Monica Piccinini, Soprano (Italy) |
Pablo Piccinni, Choral Conductor (Argentina) |
Capella Piccola, Choir (Germany) |
Cappella Piccola Hohenwestedt, Chamber Choir (Germany) |
Silvia Piccollo, Soprano (Italy) |
Anthea Pichanik, Contralto (France) |
David Pichlmaier, Baritone (Germany) |
Raphaël Pichon, Conductor, Counter-tenor (France) |
Edith Picht-Axenfeld, Harpsichord, Piano (Germany) |
Jeremy Pick, Baritone (USA) |
Elizabeth Picker, Mezzo-soprano (USA) |
Cheryl Pickering, Mezzo-soprano (Australia) |
Jacqueline Pickett, Double-bass (USA) |
Philip Pickett, Conductor, Recorder (England) |
Francesco Piemontesi, Piano (Switzerland) |
Daniel-Ben Pienaar, Piano (South Africa) |
Nicole Pieper, Mezzo-soprano, Contralto (Germany) |
Giacomo Pieracci, Bass, Oboe (Italy) |
Enrico Pieranunzi, Piano (Italy) |
Eugene Pierce, Choral Conductor (USA) |
Jacqueline Pierce, Mezzo-soprano (USA) |
Pauline Pierce, Mezzo-soprano (USA) |
Rowan Pierce, Soprano (England) |
Sun-Ly Pierce, Mezzo-soprano (USA) |
Bep Pierik, Soprano (The Netherlands) |
Philippe Pierlot, Music Director, Viola da Gamba (Belgium) |
Rudolf Piernay, Baritone (Germany) |
Piotr Pieron, Bass (Poland) |
Riitta Pietarinen, Soprano (Finland) |
Jana Pieters, Soprano (Belgium) |
Odile Pietti, Soprano (France) |
Katja Pieweck, Mezzo-soprano (Germany) |
Elspeth Piggott, Soprano (England) |
Giannicola Pigliucci, Bass (Italy) |
Matti Juhani Piipponen, Tenor (Finland) |
Julian Pike, Tenor (England) |
Robert Pikler, Conductor (Hungary / Australia) |
Anna Pikulska, Organ (Poland) |
Anthony Pilcher, Baritone (USA) |
Jakob Pilgram, Tenor (Switzerland) |
Neva Pilgrim, Soprano (USA) |
Roberta Pili, Piano (Italy) |
Jonathan Pilkington, Tenor (USA) |
Catherine Pillonel-Bacchetta, Contralto (Switzerland) |
Cécile Pilorger, Contralto (France) |
Steffen-Christian Piltz, Bass (Germany) |
Ulla Pilz, Soprano (Austria) |
Ana Cristina Vicente Pimpinela, Soprano (Spain) |
Leyla Pinar, Harpsichord (Turkey) |
Daniel Pincus, Tenor (USA) |
Ava Pine, Soprano (USA) |
Rachel Barton Pine, Violin (USA) |
Doris Pines, Piano (USA) |
Karl Heinz Pinhammer, Baritone (Germany) |
Margarida Pinheiro, Soprano (Portugal) |
Reginaldo Pinheiro, Tenor (Brazil) |
Bryan Pinkall, Tenor (USA) |
Pnina Pinkert-Inbar, Soprano (Germany / Israel) |
Daniel Pinkham, Conductor (USA) |
Trevor Pinnock, Conductor, Harpsichord (England) |
Rhoda Pinsley Levin, Piano (USA) |
Ágnes Pintér, Soprano (Hungary) |
Filipe Pinto-Ribeiro, Piano (Portugal) |
Luigi Piovano, Cello (Italy) |
Maria-João Pires, Piano (Portugal) |
Iñigo Pírfano, Conductor (Spain) |
Antonio Piricone, Harpsichord, Piano (Italy) |
Donald Pirnie, Baritone (Country ?) [Missing Biography] |
Galina Pisarenko, Soprano (Russia) |
Luca Pisaroni, Bass-Baritone (Venezuela / France) |
Hans Pischner, Harpsichord (Germany) |
Charlotte Pistor, Soprano (USA / Austria) |
Robert Pitcher, Tenor (USA) |
Steven Pitkanen, Baritone (Canada) |
Pascal Pittie, Tenor (The Netherlands) |
Pittsburgh Ensembles (Pennsylvania, USA): |
Pittsburgh Baroque Ensemble, Instrumental Ensemble (USA) |
Children's Festival Chorus of Pittsburgh (CFC), Children’s Choir (USA) |
Pittsburgh Symphony Orchestra (PSO), Symphony Orchestra (USA) |
^^^^^ |
David Pittsinger, Bass-Baritone (USA) |
Gertrude Pitzinger, Contralto (Bohemia ?) |
Andreas Pixner, Choral Conductor (Austria) |
Artur Pizarro, Piano (Portugal) |
José Pizarro, Tenor (Spain) |
Maria Pizzuto, Mezzo-soprano (Germany) |
Adam Plachetka, Bass-Baritone Czech Republic |
Cantoria Plagensis, Choir (Austria) |
Maia Planas, Soprano (Spain) |
Rita De Plancke, Contralto (Belgium) |
Nina Maria Plangg, Soprano (Austria) |
Marie Planinsek, Soprano (France) |
Plantage Barok Orkest, Baroque Orchestra (The Netherlands) |
Antoine Plante, Conductor (Canada / USA) |
Alfred Planyavsky, Tenor, Double-bass (Austria) |
Charlotte Plasse, Soprano (France) |
Verónica Plata, Soprano (Spain) |
Sibylla Plate, Contralto (Country ?) [Missing Biography] |
Arnhild Plath, Mezzo-soprano (Germany) |
Rachel Platt, Soprano (England) |
Aldo Platteau, Choral Conductor (Belgium) |
Petra Plattner, Mezzo-soprano (Austria) |
Martin Platz, Tenor (Germany) |
Thomas Platzgummer, Conductor, Cello (Austria) |
Nora Plaza, Soprano (Argentina) |
Wilma Pleiss, Contralto (Country ?) [Missing Biography] |
Kaja Plessing, Mezzo-soprano (Germany) |
Mikhail Pletnev, Piano, Conductor (Russia) |
Joachim Pliquett, Trumpet, Musical Director (Germany) |
Paul Plishka, Bass (USA) |
Sybille Plocher-Ottersbach, Soprano (Germany) |
Felix Plock, Baritone (Germany) |
Annemieke van der Ploeg, Contralto, Mezzo-soprano (The Netherlands) |
Donald Plott, Choral Conductor (USA) |
Hélène Plouffe, Violin, Viola, Viola d’amore (Canada) |
Jonathan Plowright, Piano (England) |
PLU Chamber Singers, Vocal Ensemble (USA) |
PLU Choir of the West (COW), Choir (USA) |
Hetty Plümacher, Mezzo-soprano, Contralto (Germany) |
The Plymouth Trio, Ensemble (USA) |
Jochanan Pniel, Baritone (Germany / Israel) |
Claudius Pobbig, Tenor (Germany) |
Patrick Pobeschin, Baritone (Germany) |
Ewa Pobłocka, Piano (Poland) |
Anja Pöche, Soprano (Germany) |
La Compagnie Pochette, String Trio (Finland-Russia) |
Nichole Pockrus, Soprano (USA) |
Thomas Pocock, Tenor (England) |
Helena Poczykowska, Contralto (Poland) |
Kai Podack, Boy Soprano (Germany) |
Julian Podger, Tenor, Choral Conductor (England) |
Rachel Podger, Violin (England) |
Ewa Podleś, Contralto (Poland) |
Magdalena Podkościelna, Soprano (Poland) |
Michel Podolski, Lute (Belgium) |
Igor Podoplelov, Baritone (Russia) |
Günther Pods, Tenor (Germany) |
Karin van der Poel, Contralto, Mezzo-soprano (The Netherlands) |
Truike van ver Poel, Mezzo-soprano (The Netherlands) |
Alfred Poell, Baritone (Austria) |
Michel Poels, Baritone (The Netherlands) |
Ivo Pogorelich, Piano (Croatia) |
Mika Pohjola, Piano (Croatia) |
Juho Pohjonen, Piano (Finland) |
Albrecht Pöhl, Baritone (Germany) |
Gisela Pohl, Mezzo-soprano (Germany) |
Johannes Pohl, Boy Soprano (Germany) |
Rudolf Pohl, Choral Conductor (Germany) |
Lucas Pohle, Organ (Germany) |
Christian Pohlers, Tenor (Germany) |
Robert Pohlers, Boy Alto, Tenor (Germany) |
Daniel Pohnert, Tenor, Baritone (Germany) |
Helmut Pohorec, Baritone (Austria) |
George Poinar, Conductor, Violin (Romania / USA) |
Réjean Poirier, Harpsichord, Organ (Canada) |
Helmut Pojunke, Bass (Country ?) [MiBiography] |
Jiřina Pokorná, Organ (Czech Republic) |
Paul-Peter Polak, Bass (The Netherlands) |
Barbara Polášek, Guitar (Germany ?) |
Naan Põld, Tenor (Estonia, former USSR) |
Brett Polegato, Baritone (Canada) |
François Polgár, Choral Conductor, Organ (France) |
László Polgar, Bass (Hungary) |
John Polhamus, Baritone (USA) |
Kimberly Poli, Mezzo-soprano (USA) |
Gerhard Polifka, Conductor (Germany) |
Polish Ensembles: |
Capella Regia Polona, Period Instruments Ensemble (Poland) |
Polish Chamber Orchestra, Chamber Orchestra (Poland) |
Polish Radio Chamber Orchestra (OKPR = Orkiestra Kameralna Polskiego Radia Amadeus), Chamber Orchestra (Poland) |
Polish National Radio Symphony Orchestra (PNRSO), Symphony Orchestra (Poland) |
Polnische Kammerphilharmonie (PKP), Chamber Orchestra (Poland) |
^^^^^ |
Yair Polishuk [Polishook], Baritone (Israel) |
Daniel Pollack, Piano (USA) |
Marie-Sophie Pollak, Soprano (Germany) |
Veronica Pollicino, Mezzo-soprano (USA / Canada) |
Manuel Pollinger, Bass (Switzerland) |
Maurizio Pollini, Piano (Italy) |
Pablo Pollitzer, Tenor (Argentina) |
Asier Polo, Cello (Spain) |
Hermann Christian Polster, Bass (Germany) |
Ensemble Polyharmonique, Vocal Ensemble (Germany) |
Polyphonic Ensembles: |
Polyphony, Vocal Ensemble (England) |
Polyphonia Khoros, Chamber Choir (Brazil) |
Polifonia Students’ Choir of Kalisz, Choir (Poland) |
I Polifonici Vicentini, Chamber Choir (Italy) |
Coro Polifónico Provincial de Santa Fe, Choir (Argentina) |
^^^^^ |
Robert Pomakov, Bass (Canada) |
Ian Pomerantz, Bass-Baritone (USA) |
Max Pommer, Conductor (Germany) |
Hanns Pommerien, Baritone (Germany) |
Wilhelm Pommerien, Bass (Germany) |
Jean-Bernard Pommier, Piano (France) |
Johanna Pommranz, Soprano (Germany) |
Il Pomo d'Oro, Instrumental Ensemble (Italy / Switzerland) |
Giovanni Pompeo, Conductor (Italy) |
Izhar Abdi Poncelis Santana. Baritone (Mexico) |
Réné Ponchelet, Choral Conductor (Luxembourg) [Missing Biography] |
Sarah Ponder, Mezzo-soprano (USA) |
Luc Ponet, Organ (Belgium) |
Pierre-Dominique Ponnelle, Conductor (Country ?) |
Svetlana Ponomarëva, Piano (Russia) |
Marcel Ponseele, Oboe, Conductor (Belgium) |
Carles Ponseti Verdaguer, Conductor (Spain) |
David Ponsford, Organ, Harpsichord (Wales, UK) |
Simon Ponsford, Counter-tenor (England) |
Ponta Delgada Ensembles (Portugal): |
Coro Johann Sebastian Bach, Ponta Delgada (Portugal) |
Orquestra de Câmara de Ponta Delgada, Chamber Orchestra (Portugal) |
^^^^^ |
Laura Pontecorvo, Flute (Italy) |
Mauro Pontes, Bass (Brazil) |
Joël Pontet, Harpsichord (France) |
Michael Ponti, Piano (Germany / USA) |
Roland Pöntinen, Piano (Sweden) |
Marc Pontus, Counter-tenor (France) |
Adrian Poon, Tenor (Singapore) |
Hans Pootjes, Bass (The Netherlands) |
Ruth Popeski (Daigon), Soprano (Canada / USA) |
Annamaria Popescu, Mezzo-soprano (Canada / Italy) |
Dan Popescu, Bass (Romania) |
Łukasz Popiałkiewicz, Choral Conductor (Poland) |
Elisabeth Popien, Contralto (Germany) |
Ralf Popken, Counter-tenor (Germany) |
Ross Pople, Cello, Conductor (New Zealand / England) |
Georg Poplutz, Tenor (Germany) |
Ilona Popova, Soprano (Latvia / Germany) |
Lucia Popp, Soprano (Slovakia / Austria) |
Marius Popp, Conductor, Organ, Piano, Harpsichord (Romania / Germany) |
Christoph Poppen, Conductor, Baroque Violin (Germany) |
Chalium Poppy, Bass-Baritone (England) / Canada / New Zealand) |
Pops Orchestras: |
Boston Pops Orchestra, Symphony Orchestra (USA) |
Cincinnati Pops Orchestra, Symphony Orchestra (USA) |
^^^^^ |
Benoît Porcherot, Tenor, Choral Conductor (France) |
Elizabeth de la Porte, Harpsichord (South Africa) |
Jarrett Porter, Baritone (USA) |
Kim Porter, Mezzo-soprano (England) |
Michael Porter, Tenor (USA) |
David Porter-Thomas, Bass (England) |
David Portillo, Tenor (USA) |
Portland Ensembles (Oregon, USA): |
Portland Baroque Orchestra, Baroque Orchestra (USA) |
Bach Cantata Choir, Portland, Oregon (BCCPO), Choir & Orchestra (USA) |
^^^^^ |
Porto Alegre Ensembles (Brazil): |
Porto Alegre Consort, Vocal & Instrumental Ensemble (Brazil) |
Coral Porto Alegre, Choir (Brazil) |
^^^^^ |
Portsmouth Pro Musica (PPM), Choir (USA) |
Posener Knabenchor, Boys' Choir (Poland) |
Ruža Pospiš-Baldani, Mezzo-soprano (Croatia, former Yugoslavia) |
Pośrodku Żywota, Chamber Choi (Poland) |
Armando Possante, Baritone, Music Director (Portugal) |
Berthold Possemeyer, Bass (Germany) |
André Post, Tenor (The Netherlands) |
Andreas Post, Tenor (Germany) |
Martin Post, Tenor (Germany) |
Samuel Post, Piano (USA) |
Frankie Postles, Baritone (England) |
Viktoria Postnikova, Piano (Russia) |
Edward Poston, Organ, Choral Conductor (USA) |
Chris Postuma, Tenor (The Netherlands) |
Stéphanie Pothier, Mezzo-soprano (Canada) |
Potsdam Ensembles (Brandenburg, Germany): |
Kammerakademie Potsdam (KAP), Chamber Orchestra (Germany) |
Oratorienchor Potsdam, Choir (Germany) |
^^^^^ |
Charles Pott, Bass-Baritone (England) |
Alex Potter, Counter-tenor (England) |
John Potter, Tenor (England) |
Jutta Potthoff, Soprano (Germany) |
Marie Pouchelon, Contralto (France) |
Leff Pouishnoff, Piano (Ukraine / England) |
Isabelle Poulenard, Soprano (France) |
Chris Pouw, Conductor (The Netherlands) |
Amanda Powell, Soprano (USA) |
Stephen Powell, Baritone (USA) |
Margot Power, Soprano (USA) |
Elena Pozhidaeva, Contralto, Mezzo-soprano (Russia) |
Rodrigo del Pozo, Tenor, Male Soprano (Chile) |
Davide Pozzi, Organ, Harpsichord, Fortepiano, Conductor (Italy) |
Corrado Pozzoli, Piano (Italy) |
Mary Ellen Pracht, Soprano (USA) |
Massimo Pradella, Conductor, Violin (Italy) |
Wagner Stefani d'Aragona Malheiro Prado [Missing Biography], Piano (Brazil) |
Pieter De Praetere, Counter-tenor (Belgium) |
Pia Praetorius, Choral Conductor (Germany) |
Prague Ensembles (Czech Republic): |
Ars Rediviva of Prague, Chamber Ensemble (Czechoslovakia) |
Bach-Collegium Praha, Instrumental & Vocal Ensemble (Czech Republic) |
Bambini di Praga (BDP), Children's Choir (Czechoslovakia) |
Prague Chamber Orchestra (PKO), Chamber Orchestra (Czechoslovakia) |
Concertino Prague, Instrumental Ensemble (Czech Republic) |
Prague Madrigal Singers, Vocal & Instrumental Ensemble (Czechoslovakia) |
Prague Philharmonia, Chamber Orchestra (Czechoslovakia) |
Prague Philharmonic Choir (PPC), Choir (Czechoslovakia) |
Virtuosi di Praga (VDP), Chamber Orchestra (Czechoslovakia) |
^^^^^ |
Orelle Pralus, Mezzo-soprano (France) |
Cinzia Prampolini, Soprano (Italy) |
Johannes Pramsohler, Violin (Austria / France) |
Judith Pranger, Soprano (The Netherlands) |
Patrick Pranger, Baritone, Choral Conductor (The Netherlands) |
Will Prapestis, Baritone (USA) |
Norbert Prasser, Tenor (Austria) |
Jorge Luis Prats, Piano (Cuba) |
Awadagin Pratt, Piano (USA) |
Daniel Pratt, Baritone (Country ?) [Missing Biography] |
Tim Pratt, Choral Conductor (England) |
Pratum Integrum, Period-instrument Chamber Orchestra (Russia) |
Frederik Prausnitz, Conductor (Germany / USA) |
Valerie Prebys Arsenault, Violin (USA) |
Rudolf Preckwinkel, Bass, Double-bass (Germany) |
Christoph Prégardien, Tenor (Germany) |
Julian Prégardien, Tenor (Germany) |
Ignacio Prego, Harpsichord (Spain) |
Rita Preikšaitė, Mezzo-soprano (Lithuania) |
Johann-Werner Prein, Bass (Austria) |
Gottfried Preinfalk, Conductor (Austria) |
Georg Preißler, Baritone (Germany) [Missing Biography] |
Maria Preißler, Mezzo-soprano (Germany) [Missing Biography] |
Lucy Prendergast, Soprano (England) |
Olivia Prendergast, Soprano (USA) |
Michaela Prentl, Choral Conductor, Organ (Germany) |
Gertraud Prenzlow, Mezzo-soprano (Germany) |
Judith Prenzlow, Mezzo-soprano (Germany / USA) |
Sofya Preobrazhenskaya, Mezzo-sorano (Russia) |
Presbyterian Church of Barrington Sanctuary Choir, Choir (USA) |
Terrie Preskitt-Brown, Soprano, Choral Conductor (USA) |
Kurt Prestel, Choral Conductor (Country ?) [Missing Biography] |
Simon Preston, Conductor, Organ, Harpsichord (England) |
Stephen Preston, Flute (England) |
Emma Preston-Dunlop, Soprano (England) |
Christopher Preston Thompson, Tenor, Harp (USA) |
Georges Prêtre, Conductor (France) |
Hermann Prey, Bass-Baritone (Germany) |
Stefan Preyer, Boy Soprano (Country ?) [Missing Biography] |
Vito Priante, Bass (Italy) |
Bergen Price, Mezzo-soprano (USA) |
Christina Price, Soprano (USA) |
David Price, Tenor (USA) |
Eric Price, Tenor (Italy / USA) |
Leontyne Price, Soprano (USA) |
Elisabeth Priday, Soprano (England) |
Margaret Pride, Choral Conductor (Australia) |
John Priebe, Tenor (Country ?) [Missing Biography] |
Hannah De Priest, Soprano (USA) |
Pamela Priestly-Smith, Soprano (Country ?) [Missing Biography] |
Lorraine Prigent, Soprano (Italy / France) |
Brian Priestman, Conductor (England) |
Kwartet Prima Vista, String Quartet (Poland) |
Vassily Primakov, Piano (Russia) |
Riccardo Primitivo Fiorucci, Baritone (Italy) |
Sonia Prina, Contralto (Italy) |
Barbara Prince, Mezzo-soprano (USA) |
Princeton Ensembles:(New Jersey, USA): |
Princeton High School Choir (PHSC), Choir (USA) |
Princeton Trinity Chorus, Choir (USA) |
^^^^^ |
Anna Princeva, Soprano (Russia / Italy) |
Katie Pringle, Soprano (Country ?) [Missing Biography] |
Prisma Wien - Ensemble für Musik, Instrumental Ensemble (Austria) |
Nicholas Pritchard, Tenor (England) |
Rosemarie Pritzkat, Choral Conductor, Organ (Germany) |
Elena Privalova, Organ (Russia / Latvia) |
Matthias Privler, Bass, Choral Conductor (Germany) |
PRJCT Amsterdam, Baroque Ensemble (The Netherlands) |
Pro Ensembles: |
Chœur Pro Arte de Laussane (CPAL), Choir (Switzerland) [Missing Biography] |
Pro Arte Orchestra, Munich (PAOM), Chamber Orchestra (Germany) |
Pro Arte Singers (PAS), Vocal Ensemble (USA) |
Ensemble Pro Brass, Brass Ensemble (Austria) |
Promusica Baroque Academy (PMBA), Baroque Orchestra (Japan) |
Chorus pro Musica, Choir (USA) |
Portsmouth Pro Musica (PPM), Choir (USA) |
Southern Pro Musica (SPM), Chamber Orchestra (England) |
^^^^^ |
Coril Prochnow, Soprano (USA) |
Bruno Procopio, Harpsichord (Brazil) |
Norma Procter, Contralto (England) |
Teresa Procter, Mezzo-soprano (USA) |
Zoe Rose Proeber, Soprano (USA) |
Max Proebstl, Bass (Germany) |
Harald Pröglhöf, Bass-Baritone (Austria) |
Anna Prohaska, Soprano (Germany / Austria) |
Felix Prohaska, Conductor (Austria) |
Alexander Prokhorov, Bass-Baritone, Choral Conductor (Russia / USA) |
Karl Prokopetz, Tenor, Conductor (Germany) |
Nicola Proksch, Soprano (Austria) |
Franns von Promnitzau, Organ (Germany) |
Corrie Pronk, Contralto (The Netherlands) |
Daniel Propper, Piano (Sweden / France) |
Chelsie Propst, Soprano (USA) |
Josef Protschka, Tenor (Czechoslovakia / Germany) |
Ekaterina Protsenko, Soprano (Russia) |
Malcolm Proud, Harpsichord (Ireland) |
Richard Proulx, Choral Conductpr, Organ (USA) |
Simon Proulx, Guitar (Canada) |
Svetla Protich, Piano (Bulgaria) |
Ludovic Provost, Baritone (France) |
Ruth Provost, Soprano (England) |
Francisca Prudencio, Soprano (Germany / Chile) |
Pedro-Pablo Prudencio, Conductor (Chile) |
Marina Prudenskaja, Mezzo-soprano (Russia) |
Ute Pruggmayer-Philipp, Piano (Germany) |
Brett Pruunsild, Baritone (Estonia) |
Julius Prüwer, Conductor (Austria) |
Andreas Pruys, Bass (Germany) |
PsalmiDeo Chorale (PDC), Choir (Singapore) |
Publick Musick, Instrumental & Vocal Ensemble (USA) |
Andrew Puschel, Tenor (USA) |
Johannes Puchleitner, Tenor (Austria) |
Christopher Puckett, Tenor (USA) |
Sabina Puértolas, Soprano (Spain) |
Katharina Pugh, Contralto (Country ?) [Missing Biography] |
Richard K. Pugsley, Conductor (USA) |
Sabine Puhlmann, Soprano (Germany) |
Clara Puig, Soprano (Catalonia, Spain) |
Jean-Marie Puissant, Choral Conductor (France) |
Maria Pujades, Soprano (Catalonia, Spain) |
Ensemble Pulcinella, Instrumental & Vocal Ensemble (France) |
Alexander Puliaev, Piano, Harpsichord (Russia / Germany) |
Herjan Pullen, Boy Soprano, Tenor (The Netherlands) |
Douglas Purcell, Tenor (Country ?) [Missing Biography] |
Purcell Ensembles: |
Purcell Choir, Choir (Hungary) |
Purcell Quartet (PQ), Chamber Instrumental Ensemble (England) |
^^^^^ |
Alexander Purser, Baritone (USA) |
William Purefoy, Counter-tenor (England) |
Gregory Purnhagen, Bass-Baritone (USA) |
Christopher Purves, Bass (England) |
Laura-Maria Püsch, Mezzo-soprano (Germany) |
Graham Pushee, Counter-tenor (Australia) |
Kazimierz Pustelak, Tenor (Poland) |
Carlo Putelli, Tenor (USA) |
Esther Putter, Soprano (The Netherlands) |
Burkhard von Puttkamer, Baritone (Germany) |
Ruth-Margret Pütz, Soprano (Germany) |
Elja Puukko, Baritone (Finland) |
Rafael Puyana, Harpsichord (Colombia) |
Ensemble Pygmalion, Vocal & Instrumental Ensemble (France) |
Thomas Pyle, Baritone (USA) |
Victoria Pym, Mezzo-soprano (England) |
Prepared by Aryeh Oron (January 2001 - March 2025) |