Order of Discussion in the Bach Mailing List |
Contents |
Order of Discussion in the BCML: Explanation | Year 1999 | Year 2000 | Year 2001 | Year 2002 | Year 2003 | Year 2004 | Year 2005 | Year 2006 | Year 2007 | Year 2008 | Year 2009 | Year 2010 | Year 2011 | Year 2012 | Year 2013 | Year 2014 | Year 2015 | Year 2016 | Year 2017 | Year 2018 | Year 2019 | Year 2020 | Year 2021 | Year 2022 | Year 2023 | Year 2024 | Year 2025
Order of Discussion in the BRML: Explanation | Order of Discussion |
Order of Discussion of Vocal Works in the BCML - Explanation |
The Bach Cantata discussions in the Bach Cantatas Mailing List (BCML) took off in December 1999.
In the 1st cycle of cantata discussions (1999-2003), the cantatas were discussed in the BCML on a weekly basis, a cantata per week. The list of cantatas to be discussed was suggested about every 10 weeks by one of the members of the BCML. It was agreed between the members of the BCML that the cantatas would be discussed more or less according to their relation to the Lutheran Church Year. Cantatas that were composed for no special event, or secular cantatas, were used as 'fillers' for weeks to which there was not any dedicated cantata.
The Order of Discussion of the 1st cycle of cantata discussions can be found at the pages: Year 1999 | Year 2000 | Year 2001 | Year 2002 | Year 2003
Year 2004 was dedicated to discussions of J.S. Bach's other vocal works. See: Year 2004
In the 2nd cycle of cantata discussions (2005-2009), the cantatas were discussed chronologically, in the order J.S. Bach initially performed them. The following page of the BCW includes: Performance Dates of Bach’s Vocal Works
The Order of Discussion of the 2nd cycle of cantata discussions can be found at the pages: Year 2005 | Year 2006 | Year 2007 | Year 2008
The 3rd cycle of cantata discussions started at the beginning of 2009 and will last 5 years. This round the cantatas are discussed roughly in the order they are presented in the NBA and in Alfred Dürr's The Cantatas of J.S. Bach (Oxford University Press, 2005). This round covers all the performable works in the BWV and BWV Anh lists, including all Bach's other vocal works, as well as spurious works.
The Order of Discussion of the 3rd cycle of cantata discussions can be found at the pages: Year 2009 | Year 2010 | Year 2011 | Year 2012 | Year 2013.
In the 4th cycle of cantata discussions (2014-2018), the cantatas ere discussed roughly according the Lutheran Church Year.
The Order of Discussion of the 4th cycle of cantata discussions can be found at the pages: Year 2014 | Year 2015 | Year 2016 | Year 2017 | Year 2018
In the 5th cycle of Bach discussions (2019-), Bach's instrumental works, musicology and various topical and repertory subjects are discussed.
The Order of Discussion of the 5th cycle of Bach discussions can be found at the pages: Year 2019 | Year 2020 | Year 2021
In order to participate in the discussions, you have to join the BML. See instructions at the page: How to contribute
Any member who is interested in leading any of the discussions should contact Aryeh Oron. |
Order of Discussion of Instrumental Works in the BRML - Explanation |
Explanation - April 2002 |
Francis Browne wrote (April 2002):
As an experiment from April 2002 it has been suggested that the Bach Recording Mailing List (BRML) might include each month an open wide-ranging discussion of one or two of Bach's non-vocal works. This of course would be in addition to the normal postings on the list.
The purpose will be to share knowledge and enjoyment of Bach's music by closely focussing on one work from a variety of perspectives. The excellent reviews provided by Don, Kirk and others already provide a critical view of some non-vocal works, but it is hoped that the format of an open discussion of one work will allow us to explore in more detail both the music itself and its recordings.
If the idea takes off, an archive of discussions useful and interesting to Bach lovers could be built up on the Internet. Aryeh has kindly agreed to host the list and any archives on his cantata Website, and I with more enthusiasm than sense, have agreed to start and organise the list of works to be discussed.
What I suggest then to start appears in the table below.
After this I hope others will come forward with their own suggestions for discussion. No expert musicological expertise is required to start a topic - my only qualifications are a love of Bach's music and desire to learn and so enjoy more, and I hope that all members would feel free to contribute information or questions.
I suggest that any postings for the work to be discussed should be prefixed with e.g. MD1; Chaconne or MD2: BWV 971 so that members could easily pick out - or if they choose - avoid a particular discussion. I do not want to interrupt the normal running of the list, which I enjoy and learn from. |
Introduction - November 2003 |
Francis Browne wrote (November 2003):
There are over four hundred members of this Bach Recordings list, but only a small number contribute regularly. Many of the contributions are not directly concened with recordings of Bach, but with various aspects of Bach's music. Sometimes the connection with the ostensible subject of the list becomes very remote, and from time to time also there have been outbursts of animosity and vituperation.
Over the past year I have read much of what has been posted with mixed feelings. Sometimes there has been amusement , but more often exasperation and frustration - for those who make the most negative contributions are often the very people who can and do contribute to the list most positvely. I have no desire to take sides or sit in judgement. My purpose in joining this list was to share my delight in Bach's music and to learn from others who have a deeper understanding and appreciation of that music. Rather than just quietly unsubscribe and disappear muttering ' a plague on both your houses' it seems worthwhile at least to attempt to provide some alternative discussion closely focused on Bach recordings as a regular and continuing feature of the list. I have no wish to stifle wider debates and the freedom the list offers to raise any topic to do with Bach is valuable. But I suspect I am not alone in finding discussions more meaningful when they are linked to particular works and even particular recordings.
My suggestion thereforeis that as well as the ordinary traffic of the list those who choose to do so should discuss one particular work in detail. To enable everyone - from beginner to expert - to follow and, I hope, contribute to such discussions MP3s of a range of recordings would with Aryeh's help be posted temporarily on the net - and so be accessible to all members . The discussion might focus closely on the particular movement or the work as a whole or range more generally. So, for example, the first discussion might keep to the examples of the praeludium of the first partita (BWV 825) that I shall provide or discuss that partita , or recordings of all the partitas. I would want to keep the structure and timescale as flexible as possible so that discussions could run their natural course.
The only role I see for myself in this is fall guy - and the necesssary anchor to get things started . I regard myself as spectacularly, comically unqualified to start such discussions: I am not a musician, in a life filled with other interests - literary, philosphical, linguistic - I have learnt only what I have taught myself about music and my intense interest in Bach dates from only a few years ago. But in a strange way my wonderfully extensive ignorance is an advantage, since I have no desire to impress anyone with my erudition and insight, have no concern to advance one particular point of view and will not be disturbed in the least if my own opinions are torn to shreds. On the contrary I shall achieve my purpose in joining the list :to understand and so to enjoy Bach's music better, with more discrimination.. But if such an experiment as this is to have any chance of success there does have to be some anchor- somebody to keep things going and move things along. Aryeh has performed that role splendidly for the Bach Cantatas mailing list. With no illusion that I can in any way remotely emulate his example and very much faute de mieux and hoping that if I make a start others may continue I shall post some comments and information. about some audio examples of BWV 825, movement 1. Aryeh has kindly undertaken to make these available. It will then be up to anyone who chooses to take the discussion forward.
If it seems worthwhile to continue, the intention would be to have a varied diet of Bach's music - orchestral, solo instruments, keyboard, organ - focusing initially at least on a range of examples from recordings that I hope may be provided by others as well as myself.
If the general feeeling is that this suggestion is not worthwhile, so be it. |
Introduction - September 2008 |
Some members of the list have expressed an interest in reviving monthly discussions of instrumental works. A suggested order of discussion can be found at: Order of Discussion of Bach’s Instrumental Works.
In order to participate in the discussions, you have to join the BML.
See instructions at the page: How to contribute
Any member who is interested in leading any of the discussions should contact Aryeh Oron. |
Aryeh Oron
Webmaster of Bach Cantatas Website (BCW)
Moderator of Bach Mailing List (BML) |
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Prepared by Aryeh Oron (May 2000 - July 2020) |