Index to Short Biographies of Performers - G |
Roberto Gabbiani, Choral Conductor (Italy) |
Christopher Gabbitas, Baritone (England) |
Sean Gabel, Bass-Baritone (USA) |
Gaelin Gabora, Soprano (Canada) |
Gábor Gabos, Piano (Hungary) |
Judit Gabos, Piano (Romania / Hungary) |
Angharad Gabriel, Soprano (Austria) |
Thomas Gabriel, Piano (Germany) |
Gabrieli Consort & Players, Vocal & Instrumental Ensemble (England) |
Ossip Gabrilowitsch, Piano, Conductor (Russia / USA) |
Nodar Gabunia, Piano (Georgia) |
Gächinger Kantorei Stuttgart (GKS), Choir (Germany) |
Benzi Gadash, Piano, Flute (Israel) |
Paige Gadbois, Soprano (USA) |
Kim Sahra Gadewoltz, Soprano (Germany) |
Georg Gädker, Baritone (Germany) |
Gaechinger Cantorey (GKS), Chamber Choir & Baroque Orchestra (Germany) |
Daniel Gaede, Violin (Germany) |
David Gáez, Bass (Chile) |
Laurie Gaffney, Choral Conductor (Australia) |
Benedetta Gaggioli, Soprano (Italy) |
Philippe Gagné, Tenor (Canada) |
Jean-Loup Gagnon, Conductor, Harpsichord, Organ (Canada) |
Stephan Gähler, Tenor (Germany) |
Michi Gaigg, Conductor, Violin (Austria) |
Ophélie Gaillard, Cello (France / Switzerland) |
Joseph Gaines, Tenor (USA) |
Dorothy Gal, Soprano (USA) |
Erika Gál, Mezzo-soprano (Hungary) |
József Gál, Tenor (Hungary) |
Máté Gál, Tenor (Hungary) |
Katarina Galagaza, Mezzo-soprano (USA) |
John T. Galagher, Tenor (England) |
Inessa Galante, Soprano (Latvia) |
Jennifer Athena Galatis, Piano (Canada) |
Paul Galbraith, Guitar (Scotland, UK) |
Carol Gale, Soprano (USA) [Missing Biography] |
Real Filharmonia de Galicia (RFG), Symphony Orchestra (Spain) |
Rebecca Galick, Mezzo-soprano (USA) |
Ensemble Galilei (EG), Instrumental Ensemble (USA) |
Czesław Gałka, Bass (Poland) |
Jeffrey Gall, Counter-tenor (USA) |
Alexandra Galla, Mezzo-soprano (USA) |
Kevin R. Gallagher, Guitar (USA) |
Sophie Gallagher, Soprano, Mezzo-soprano (England) |
Ricardo Gallén, Guitar (Spain) |
Anne Gallet, Harpsichord (France) [Missing Biography] |
Emanuela Galli, Soprano (Italy) |
Alceo Galliera, Conductor (Italy) |
Francesco Galligioni, Cello, Viola da gamba (Italy) |
Martin Galling, Harpsichord, Piano (Germany) |
David Galliver, Tenor (England) |
Franklin Gallo, Choral Conductor (USA) |
Luca Gallo, Bass (Italy) |
Maria Chiara Gallo, Mezzo-soprano (Italy) |
Cecil Gallois, Counter-tenor, Baritone (France) |
Boyd Galloway, Tenor (USA) |
Delphine Galou, Contralto (France) |
Anne Galowich, Harpsichord (Luxemburg) |
Alexis Galpérine, Violin (France) |
Sofia Galvão, Soprano (Portugal) |
Michael Galvin, Bass (USA) |
Maria Gambarian, Piano (Armenia) |
Stefano Gambarino, Tenor (Italy) |
Nobuko Gamo-Yamamoto, Soprano (Country ?) [Missing Biography] |
Annelies Gamper, Soprano (Switzerland) |
Walter Gampert, Boy Soprano (Country ?) [Missing Biography] |
Brigitte Ganady, Soprano (Germany) [Missing Biography] |
Johnny Gandelsman, Violin (Russia / USA) |
Laura Gandlgruber, Soprano (Germany / Austria) |
Lynne Gangbar, Guitar (Canada) |
Ace Gangoso, Tenor, Choral Conductor (USA) |
James Gant, Tenor, Viola (England) |
Sara Ganz, Soprano (USA) |
Coro de Garage, Choir (Argentina) |
Daniel Garay, Conductor (Spain) |
Luciano Garay, Baritone (Argentina) |
Myrtha Garbarini, Soprano (Argentina) |
Cord Garben, Piano, Conductor (Germany) |
José-Luis García, Violin, Conductor (Spain) |
Jorge Enrique García, Conductor, Baritone, Counter-tenor, Flute (Spain) |
Paco Garcia, Tenor (France) |
Leonardo García-Alarcón, Conductor, Harpsichord, Organ (Argentina) |
Monica Garcia-Albea, Soprano (USA) |
Jesús García Aréjula, Baritone (Spain) |
Jean-François Gardeil, Bass (France) |
Il Gardellino, Instrumental Ensemble (Belgium) |
John Eliot Gardiner, Conductor (England) |
Edward Gardner, Conductor (England) |
June Gardner, Soprano (Country ?) [Missing Biography] |
Amanda Gardner-Porter, Soprano (USA) |
Helrun Gardow, Mezzo-soprano (Germany) |
Roberta Garelli, Mezzo-soprano (Italy) |
McKenzie Garey, Soprano (USA) |
Sona Gargaloyan, Soprano (Armenia / Cyprus) |
Garnati Ensemble, Chamber Music Ensemble (Spain) |
Dirk Garner, Choral Conductor (USA) |
Don Garrard, Bass (Canada) |
Lesley Garrett, Soprano (England) |
Junko Ueno Garrett, Piano (Japan / USA) |
Pilar Garrido, Soprano (Chile) |
Jon Garrison, Tenor (USA) |
Sabine Garrone, Mezzo-soprano (France) |
David Michael Garry, Bass (USA) |
Marielle Gars, Piano (France) |
Krzysztof Garstka, Harpsichord (Poland) |
Beate Gartner, Soprano (Germany) |
Bernhard Gärtner, Tenor (Germany) |
Sharon Garvey, Soprano (USA) |
Nicholas Garza, Counter-tenor (USA) |
Santiago Garzón, Baritone (Colombia) |
Phillip Gaskill, Conductor, Cello (USA) |
Daniele Gaspari, Tenor (Italy) |
Lothar Gast, Choral Conductor (Germany) |
József Gát, Piano, Harpsichord (Hungary) |
Juan Francisco Gatell, Tenor (Argentina) |
Jeffrey Grayson Gates, Baritone (USA) |
Cécile Gathoye, Soprano (Belgium) |
István Gáti, Baritone (Hungary) |
Enrico Gatti, Violin (Italy) |
Flavio Gatti, Conductor, Organ (Italy) |
Lorenzo Gatto, Violin (Belgium) |
Johannes Gaubitz, Tenor (Germany) |
Nathalie Gaudefroy, Soprano (France) |
Benjamin Gaughran, Choral Conductor, Bass (England) |
Carolina Gauna, Mezzo-soprano (Argentina) |
William Gaunt, Bass-Baritone (England) |
Christophe Gautier, Baritone (France) |
Karina Gauvin, Soprano (Canada) |
Zoltán Gavodi, Counter-tenor (Hungary) |
Andrei Gavrilov, Piano (Russia) |
Alexander Gavrylyuk, Piano (Ukraine) |
Violetta Gawara, Mezzo-soprano, Choral Conductor (Poland / England) |
Paul Gay, Bass-Baritone (France) |
Andrew W. Gaydos, Baritone, Choral Conductor (USA) |
Liliya Gaysina, Soprano (Russia) |
Ruben Gazarian, Conductor Armenia |
GCC-Grupo de Canto Coral, Chamber Choir (Argentina) |
Robert Geary, Choral Conductor (USA) |
Gottlobe Gebauer, Soprano (Germany) |
Renata Gebe-Fügi, Violin, Soprano (Romania) |
Alexander Gebhard, Tenor Luxembourg |
Hans Gebhard, Conductor, Organ (Germany) |
Julie Gebhart, Soprano (Belgium) |
Nicolai Gedda, Tenor (Sweden) |
Nicholas Gedge, Bass-Baritone (Wales, UK) |
James Geer, Tenor (England) |
Michael Gees, Piano (Germany) |
David De Geest, Conductor (Belgium) |
Merel van Geest, Soprano (The Netherlands) |
Simon van der Geest, Tenor (The Netherlands) |
Joep van Geffen, Bass-Baritone (The Netherlands) |
Robert Gehrenbeck, Choral Conductor (USA) |
Joachim Gehrold, Organ (Sweden) |
James Geidt, Bass-Baritone (England) |
Leonhard Geiger, Bass-Baritone (Germany) |
Benjamin Geier, Tenor (USA) |
David Geier, Tenor (Germany) |
Gregory Geiger, Bass-Baritone (USA) |
Jean-Christophe Geiser, Organ (Switzerland) |
Walther Geiser, Conductor (Switzerland) |
Kathy Geisler, Oboe, Computers (USA) |
Walter Geisler, Tenor (Germany) |
Reiner Geißdörfer, Tenor (Germany) |
Klaus Geitner, Choral Conductor, Organ (Germany) |
Bruno-Leonardo Gelber, Piano (Argentina) |
Gelders Ensembles (The Netherlands): |
Gelders Bach Collegium, Chamber Choir (The Netherlands) |
Het Gelders Orkest (HGO), Symphony Orchestra (The Netherlands) |
Gelders Oratoriumkoor, Choir (Ther Netherlands) [Missing Biography] |
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Geert Van Gele, Recorder (Belgium) |
Brigitte Geller, Soprano (Switzerland) |
Emily Geller, Contralto (USA) |
Peter Gellhorn, Conductor (England) |
Katalin Gémes, Mezzo-soprano (Hungary) |
Gemischte Chor Zürich (GCZ), Choir (Switzerland) |
Vivica Genaux, Mezzo-soprano (USA) |
Laurent Gendre, Conductor (Switzerland) |
Maurice Gendron, Cello (France) |
Günther Genersch, Tenor (Country ?) [Missing Biography] |
Gli Angeli Genève (GAG), Vocal & Instrumental Ensemble (Switzerland) |
Rebecca Genge, Soprano (Canada) |
GéNIA, Piano (Ukraine, former USSR) / England) |
Panna Genia > Genia Las, Soprano, Mezzo-soprano (USA) |
Rémi Geniet, Piano (France) |
Véronique Gens, Soprano (France) |
Jörg Genslein, Tenor, Choral Conductor (Germany) |
Lilian Gentele, Soprano (Country ?) [Missing Biography] |
Gent (Ghent) Ensembles (Belgium): |
Bachkoorgent, Chamber Choir (Belgium) |
Collegium Vocale Gent (CVG), Vocal & Instrumental Ensemble (Belgium) |
^^^^^ |
Christoph Genz, Tenor (Germany) |
Stephan Genz, Baritone (Germany) |
Jean Geoffroy, Percussion, Marimba (France) |
Christian Georg, Tenor (Germany) |
Klaus Georg, Tenor (USA) |
Mechthild Georg, Mezzo-soprano (Germany) |
Brandon Patrick George, Flute (USA) |
Michael George, Bass-Baritone (England) |
Vance George, Choral Conductor (USA) |
George Enescu Philharmonic Orchestra (GEPO), Symphony Orchestra (Romania) |
Karl-Heinz Georgi, Trumpet (Germany) |
Georgia Tech Chamber Choir, Chamber Choir (USA) |
Karine Georgian, Cello (Russia) |
Barbara Gepp, Contralto (Germany) |
Reussisches Kammerorchster Gera, Chamber Orches(Germany) |
Lieke Geraats, Mezzo-soprano (The Netherlands) |
Harry Geraerts, Tenor (The Netherlands) |
Manuel Gerber, Tenor (Switzerland) |
Holger Gerberding, Bass (Germany) |
Matthias Gerchen, Bass (Germany) |
Sven-Olaf Gerdes, Tenor (Country ?) [Missing Biography] |
Joseph Gerdjikov, Conductor (Bulgaria) [Missing Biography] |
Hajnalka Gergely, Soprano (Hungary) [Missing Biography] |
Christian Gerhaher, Baritone (Germany) |
Reinhold Oskar Gerhardt, Baritone (Germany) |
Paul Gerhardt Adam, Counter-tenor (Germany) |
Claire Gerhardt-Schultheß, Soprano (Switzerland) |
Franz Gerihsen, Bass (Germany) |
David Geringas, Cello, Conductor (Lithuania / Germany) |
Tatjana Schatz-Geringas, Piano (Russia / Germany) |
Michael Gerisch, Choral Conductor, Organ (Germany) |
Sandra Gerlach, Mezzo-soprano (Germany) |
Ruggero Gerlin, Harpsichord (Italy) |
Carsten Gerlitz, Choral Conductor (Germany) |
Emmanuelle Germain, Soprano (France) |
German Ensembles: |
German Brass, Brass Ensemble (Germany) |
German Hornsound, Horn Quartet (Germany) |
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Tobias Germeshausen, Baritone (Germany) |
Mariella Gernone, Soprano (Italy) |
Elsbeth Gerritsen, Mezzo-soprano (The Netherlands) |
Óscar Gershensohn, Conductor (Argentina) |
Kirill Gerstein, Piano (Russia / USA) |
Daniela Gerstenmeyer, Soprano (Germany) |
Christoph Gerthner, Choral Conductor, Organ (Germany) |
Wim van Gerven, Tenor, Choral Conductor (The Netherlands) |
Walter Gerwig, Lute (Germany) |
Hilde Geske, Soprano (Country ?) [Missing Biography] |
Christophe Gesseney, Choral Conductor (Switzerland) |
Martin Gester, Conductor (France) |
Gesualdo Consort Amsterdam, Vocal Ensemble (The Netherlands) |
Robert Getchell, Tenor (USA) |
Frédéric Gevers, Piano (Belgium) |
Gewandhaus Ensembles (Leipzih, Saxony, Germany): |
GewandhausKammerchor, Leipzig (GKC), Chamber Choir (Germany) |
Gewandhausorchester Leipzig (GOL), Symphony Orchestra (Germany) |
Gewandhaus Brass Quintett (GBQ), Brass Quintet (Germany) |
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Stefan Geyer, Bass (Germany) |
Angela Gheorghiu, Soprano (Romania) |
Griet de Geyter, Soprano (Belgium) |
Kameron Ghanavati, Tenor (USA) |
Lorenzo Ghielmi, Organ, Harpsichord, Fortepiano (Italy) |
Vittorio Ghielmi, Viola da gamba, Conductor (Italy) |
Oscar Ghiglia, Guitar (Italy) |
Alexander Ghindin, Piano (Russia) |
Lorenzo Ghirlanda, Conductor, Trombone (Switzerland) |
Ellen Giacone, Soprano (Italy) |
Enrico Gianella, Tenor (Switzerland) |
Reine Gianoli, Piano (France) |
Il Giardino Armonico, Early Music Ensemble (Italy) |
Benoît Giaux, Bass (Belgium) |
Ruth Gibbins, Mezzo-soprano (England) |
John Gibbons, Harpsichord, Conductor (USA) |
John Gibbons, Conductor (England) |
Charles Gibbs, Bass (England) |
Alexandra Gibson, Mezzo-soprano (England) |
Archer Gibson, Organ (USA) |
Dan Gibson, Sound Recordist (Canada) |
John Gibson, Clarinet (USA) |
Marie Gibson, Soprano (USA) |
Agnes Giebel, Soprano (The Netherlands / Germany) |
Nils Giebelhausen, Tenor (Germany) |
Brian Giebler, Tenor (USA) |
Romano Giefer, Conductor, Harpsichord, Organ (Germany) |
Marjan van Giel, Soprano (The Netherlands) |
Michael Gielen, Conductor (Germany) |
Michael Gieler, Viola, Conductor (Austria) |
Stefan Gienger, Boy Soprano (Country ?) [Missing Biography] |
Robert Gierlach, Bass-Baritone (Poland) |
Nils Giesecke, Tenor (Germany) |
Walter Gieseking, Piano (France-Germany) |
Clemence Gifford, Mezzo-soprano (USA) |
Gifu Bach-Chor (GBC), Choir (Japan) |
Beniamino Gigli, Tenor (Italy) |
Eve Gigliotti, Mezzo-soprano (USA) |
Peter Gijsbertsen, Tenor (The Netherlands) |
Leander Van Gijsegem, Tenor (Belgium) |
Ludwig van Gijsegem, Tenor (Belgium) |
Christian Gil-Borrelli, Counter-tenor (Spain) |
Alan Gilbert, Conductor, Violin (USA) |
Kenneth Gilbert, Harpsichord (Canada) |
James Gilchrist, Tenor (England) |
Emil Gilels, Piano (Russia) |
Rodney Gilfry, Bass-Baritone (USA) |
Annie Gill, Mezzo-soprano (Scotland, UK) |
Carl-Henrik Gillberg, Bass (Sweden) |
Marie-Luise Gilles, Mezzo-soprano (Germany) |
Wendy Gilles, Soprano (USA) |
Hans Gillesberger, Choral Conductor (Austria) |
John Gillespie, Harpsichord, Piano (USA) |
Jessica Gillingwater, Mezzo-soprano (England) |
Daniel Gillis, Counter-tenor, Tenor (Canada) |
Sophia Gilmson, Piano (Russia / USA) |
Raimund Gilvan, Tenor (England) |
Sophie Ginn, Soprano (USA) |
Ria Ginster, Soprano (Ge) |
Victor Ginsburg, Piano (Russia) |
Grigory Ginzburg, Piano (Russia) |
Reinhart Ginzel, Tenor (Germany) |
Raffaele Giordani, Tenor (Italy) |
Carmine Giordano, Baritone (Italy) |
Errol Girdlestone, Conductor (England / France) |
Santiago Lusardi Girelli, Conductor (Argentina) |
Girgina Girginova, Soprano (Bulgaria) |
Marie-Frédérique Girod, Soprano (France) |
Vincent Girod, Tenor (Country ?) [Missing Biography] |
Renato Girolami, Baritone (Italy) |
Miguel Angel Girollet, Guitar (Argentina) |
Rodolfo Girón, Counter-tenor (Mexico / USA) |
Allison Gish, Contralto, Mezzo-soprano (USA) |
Rodney Gisick, Baritone (USA) |
Andreas Gisler, Tenor (Switzerland) |
Johannes Gisser, Bass-Baritone, Piano (Austria) |
Ivry Gitlis, Violin (Israel) |
Alisa Gitsba, Soprano (Russia) |
Jean Gitton, Violin, Choral Conductor (France) |
Roberta Giua, Soprano (Italy) |
Bruno Giuffredi, Guitar (Italy) |
Jesse Giuliani, Baritone (England) |
Carlo Maria Giulini, Conductor (Italy) |
Anicio Zorzi Giustiniani, Tenor (Italy) |
Thibault Givaja, Tenor (France) |
Melissa Givens, Soprano (USA) |
Igor Gjadrov, Conductor (Croatia, former Yugoslavia)) |
Alexandra Gladkoborodova, Soprano (Russia) |
Bruce Gladstone, Choral Conductor, Tenor (USA) |
Alice Glaie, Soprano (France) |
Matthew Glandorf, Conductor, Organ (USA) |
Renate Glaser, Soprano (Germany) |
University of Glasgow Chapel Choir (UGCC), Choir (Scotland, UK) |
Joshua Glassman, Tenor (USA) |
Achim Glatz, Tenor (Switzerland) |
Benjamin Glaubitz, Tenor (Germany) |
Therese Glaubitz, Soprano (Germany) |
Cornelius Glaus, Counter-tenor (Switzerland) |
Herta Glaz, Contralto (Austria / USA) |
Bradford Gleim, Baritone (USA) |
Jennifer Gleinig, Mezzo-soprano (Germany) |
Bernd Glemser, Piano (Germany) |
Glen Ellyn Children's Chorus (GECC), Children’s Choir (USA) |
Julia Glenn, Violin (USA) |
Choir of St. Paul's Lutheran Church, Glenside, PA, Choir (USA) |
Gli Ensembles: |
Gli Angeli Genève (GAG), Vocal & Instrumental Ensemble (Switzerland) |
Gli Incogniti, Instrumental Ensemble (Europe) |
Orchestra Barocca e Coro Gli Invaghiti, Choir & Baroque Orchestra (Italy) |
Gli Scarlattisti, Vocal Ensemble (Germany) |
^^^^^ |
Gary Glick, Tenor (Canada) |
Christine Glick-Fairfield, Soprano (USA) |
Helga Glöckner, Soprano (Country ?) [Missing Biography] |
Richard Glöckner, Tenor (Germany) |
Ulf Gloede, Tenor (Germany) |
Daniel Gloger, Counter-tenor (Germany) |
Léonie Gloor, Soprano (Switzerland) |
Valentin Johannes Gloor, Tenor (Switzerland) |
Gloria Ensembles: |
Gloria Chamber Choir, Chamber Choir (Ukraine) |
Gloriæ Dei Cantores (GDC), Choir (USA) |
Musica Gloria, Vocal & Instrumental Baroque Ensemble (Belgium) |
Musica Glorifica, Baroque Ensemble (South Korea) |
Chamber Choir Soli Deo Gloria, Chamber Choir (Russia) |
Ensemble Soli Deo Gloria, Choir & Orchestra (Switzerland) |
^^^^^ |
Jane Glover, Conductor (England) |
Wolfgang Glüxam, Harpsichord (Austria) |
Vadim Gluzman, Violin (Ukraine / Israel) |
Martina Gmeinder, Mezzo-soprano (Austria) |
Nino Aurelio Gmünder, Tenor (Switzerland) |
Maud Gnidzaz, Soprano (France) |
Benedikt Göbel, Bass (Germany) |
Horst Göbel, Piano, Harpsichord (Germany) |
Max Goberman, Conductor (USA) |
Véronique Gobet, Piano (Switzerland) |
Béatrice Gobin, Soprano (France) |
Jeffrey Goble, Baritone (USA) |
Maciej Gocman, Tenor (Poland) |
Lucy Goddard, Mezzo-soprano (England) |
Henriette Gödde, Mezz-soprano (Germany) |
Aaron Godfrey-Mayes, Tenor (England) |
Reinhard Goebel, Conductor (Germany) |
Franzpeter Goebels, Piano, Harpsichord (Germany) |
Claudia Goebl, Soprano (Austria) |
Michael Goede, Choral Conductor, Organ (Germany) |
Walter Goehr, Conductor (Germany / England) |
Leo Goeke, Tenor (USA) |
Katherine Goeldner, Mezzo-soprano (USA) |
Sara Goering, Mezzo-soprano (USA) |
Christine Goerke, Soprano (USA) |
Matthias Goerne, Bass-Baritone (Germany) |
Thomas Goerz, Bass (Canada) |
Philip Goeth, Virtual Organ & Harpsichord (Austria) |
Goethe-Institut Choir (GIC), Choir (Ireland) |
Michel van Goethem, Counter-tenor (Country ?) [Missing Biography] |
Patrick Van Goethem, Counter-tenor (Belgium) |
Sabine Goetz, Soprano (Germany) |
Andreas Goetze, Bass-Baritone (The Netherlands) |
Marie-Therese Goetzky, Soprano (Germany) |
Charity Goh, Soprano (Malaysia) |
Verena Gohl, Contralto (Germany) |
Vanessa Goikoetxea, Soprano (USA / Spain) |
Natasha Goldberg, Soprano (England) |
Szymon Goldberg, Conductor, Violin (Poland / USA) |
Goldberg Ensembles: |
Goldberg Baroque Ensemble, Vocal & Instrumental Ensemble (Poland) |
Goldberg Trio Lucerne, String Trio (Switzerland) |
Trio Goldberg, Monaco, String Trio (Monaco) |
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Ruth Golden, Soprano (USA) |
Bibiana Goldenthal, Soprano (Romania / Israel) |
Angela Göldi, Mezzo-soprano (Switzerland) |
Amy Goldin, Soprano (USA) |
Friedrich Goldmann, Conductor (Germany) |
Philipp Goldmann, Baritone, Choral Conductor (Germany) |
Boris Goldmund, Harp (USA) |
Jeremiah Goldovitz, Baritone (USA) |
Arnold Goldsbrough, Conductor, Organ, Harpsichord (England) |
Nicholas Goldschmidt, Conductor (Moravia / Canada) |
Marleene Goldstein, Contralto, Mezzo-soprano (The Netherlands) |
Martha Goldstein, Harpsichord, Piano (USA) |
Karol Gołębiowski, Organ (Poland) |
Thomas Goleeke, Tenor (USA) |
Rudolf Golez, Piano (Philippines) |
Lucio Golino, Conductor (Italy / Austria) |
May Belle Golis, Soprano (USA) |
Veronika Golling, Mezzo-soprano (Germany) |
Vladimir Golschmann, Conductor (France / USA) |
Shoko Göltinger, Piano (Japan) |
Gottfried von der Goltz, Conductor, Violin (Germany) |
Tiago Amado Gomes, Baritone (Canada / Portugal) |
Andrés Alberto Gómez, Harpsichord (Spain) |
Estelí Gomez, Soprano (USA) |
Lucía Gómez, Mezzo-soprano (Spain) |
Maria Paula Gómez, Soprano (Colombia) |
Melisa Gómez, Soprano (Chile) |
Vicente Gómez, Guitar (Spain / USA) |
Adriel Gomez-Mansur, Piano (Argentina) |
David Gómez Ramírez, Conductor (Spain) |
Ruth Gomme, Soprano (England) |
Almeno Gonçalves, Tenor (Portugal) |
Elisabeth Gondek, Soprano (USA) |
Juliana Gondek, Mezzo-soprano (USA) |
Michael Gondek, Bass-Baritone (USA) |
Wolfgang Gönnenwein, Conductor (Germany) |
Choir of Gonville & Caius College Canbridge, Choir (England) |
Ana María González, Soprano (Spain / Argentina) |
Hector Gonzalez, Counter-tenor (Puerto Rico / USA) |
Leticia González, Soprano (Spain) |
Asael Gonzalez Castillo, Tenor (Cuba) |
Emiliano Gonzalez-Toro, Tenor (Switzerland) |
Chamber Music Society of Good Shepherd, Instrumental Ensemble (USA) |
David Goode, Organ (England) |
Richard Goode, Piano (USA) |
Lisa Goode Crawford, Harpsichord (USA) |
Julia Gooding, Soprano (England) |
Alissa Goodkin, Soprano (USA) [Missing Biography] |
Bernard Goodman, Violin, Conductor (USA) |
Roy Goodman, Conductor, Violin (England) |
Julian Goods, Choral Conductor, Organ, Bass (USA) |
Andrew Goodwin, Tenor (Australia) |
Paul Goodwin, Conductor, Oboe (England) |
Ricky Goodwyn, Jr., Tenor (England / USA) |
Stewart Goodyear, Piano (Canada) |
Ivan Goosens, Tenor (Country ?) [Missing Biography] |
Andreas Göpfert, Choral Conductor (Germany) |
Göppinger Kantorei, Choir & Orchestra (Germany) |
Anna Gorbachyova, Soprano (Russia) |
Catherine Gordeladze, Piano (Georgia) |
Lillian Gordis, Harpsichord (USA / France) |
David Gordon, Tenor (USA) |
Samuel Gordon, Choral Conductor (USA) |
Violet Gordon Woodhouse, Harpsichord (England) |
Pamela Gore, Mezzo-soprano (Country ?) [Missing Biography] |
Cumhur Görgün, Bass (Turkey) |
Grace Gori, Mezzo-soprano (USA) |
Nika Gorič, Soprano (Slovenia) |
Igor Gorin, Baritone (Ukraine / USA) |
Kathrin Göring, Mezzo-soprano (Germany) |
Filippo Gorini, Piano (Italy) |
Gino Gorini, Piano (Italy) |
Toshiro Gorobe, Tenor (Japan) [Missing Biography] |
Jessica Gorski, Soprano (USA) |
Alice Gort-Switynk, Soprano, Recorder (The Netherlands) |
Peter Gortner, Conductor, Organ, Tenor (Germany) |
Carl Gorvin, Conductor, Harpsichord (Romania / Germany) [Missing Biography] |
Anna Goryachova, Mezzo-soprano (Russia) |
Olga Goryunova, Soprano (Russia) |
Susanne Gorzny, Soprano (Germany) |
Alexander Gosch, Chorus Master (Country ?) [Missing Biography] |
Ilenya Goss, Soprano (Italy) |
Predrag Gosta, Harpsichord, Conductor (Serbia / USA) |
Göteborg (Gothenburg) Ensembles (Sweden): |
Göteborg Baroque, Baroque Ensemble (Sweden) |
Gothenburg Symphony Orchestra (GSO), Symphony Orchestra (Sweden) |
^^^^^ |
Midori Gotō (AKA Midori), Violin (Japan / USA) |
Shunya Goto, Bass (Japan) |
Matthias Göttemann, Choral Conductor, Organ (Germany) |
Stefan Gottfried, Conductor (Austria) |
Luca Gotti, Tenor (Switzerland) |
Claudia Götting, Soprano (Germany) |
Tobias Götting, Tenor, Conductor, Organ (Germany) |
Göttingen EnsemblesLower Saxony, Germany: |
Göttinger Barockorchester, Baroque Orchestra (Germany) |
Göttinger Kammerorchester, Chamber Orchestra (Germany) |
Göttinger Stadtkantorei (GSK), Choir (Germany) |
Kammerchor St. Jacobi Göttingen, Chamber Choir (Germany) |
Kantorei St. Jacobi Göttingen, Choir (Germany) |
^^^^^ |
Felix Gottlieb, Harpsichord, Piano (Russia, Germany) |
Heinz Markus Göttsche, Conductor (Germany) |
Jörg Gottschick, Baritone (Germany) |
Franziska Gottwald, Mezzo-soprano (Germany) |
Cornelia Götz, Soprano (Germany) |
Orchesterverein Götzis (OVG), Chamber Orchestra (Austria) |
Constantin Goubet, Tenor (France) |
Ananda Goud, Contralto (Country ?) [Missing Biography] |
David Gould, Counter-tenor (England) |
Glenn Gould, Piano, Organ, Conductor (Canada) |
Thomas Gould, Violin (England) |
Anna Gourari, Piano (Russia) |
Alexandra Gouton, Soprano (Germany / France) |
Deborah Gover, Soprano (USA) |
David Govertsen, Bass-Baritone (USA) |
Richard Gowers, Organ, Harpsichord (England) |
Adele Grabowski, Mezzo-soprano (USA) |
Barbara R. Grabowski, Soprano (Germany) |
Mira Graczyk, Soprano (Poland) |
Gary Graden, Choral Conductor (USA / Sweden) |
The Graduate Choir NZ, Choir (New Zealand) |
Gradus Ad Musicam (GAM), Vocal & Instrumental Ensemble (France) |
Elisabeth Graf, Contralto (Germany) |
Enrique Graf, Piano (Uruguay) |
Hedy Graf, Soprano (Spain / Switzerland) |
Judith Graf, Soprano (Switzerland) |
Kathrin Graf, Soprano (Switzerland) |
Sophie Graf, Soprano (Switzerland) |
Uta Graf, Soprano (Germany) |
Michael Graf Münster, Choral Conductor (Germany) |
Scott Graff, Bass-Baritone (USA) |
Brandon Graham, Baritone (USA) |
John Graham, Viola (USA) |
Larry Graham, Piano (USA) |
Patrick Graham, Baritone (USA) |
Pauline Graham, Soprano (Scotland, UK) |
Roland Graham, Choral Conductor, Piano, Harpsichord (Canada) |
Susan Graham, Mezzo-soprano (USA) |
Robert Graham-Campbell, Tenor (England) |
Anna-Lena Grahl, Mezzo-soprano (Germany( |
Patrick Grahl, Tenor (Germany) |
Andrea Graichen, Mezzo-soprano (USA) |
Percy Grainger, Piano (Australia / USA) |
Armin Gramer. Counter-Tenor (Austria) |
Rainer Grämer, Bass-Baritone (Germany) |
Jacob Gramit, Baritone (Canada) |
Donald Gramm, Bass-Baritone (USA) |
Carolina Grammelstorff, Soprano (Chile) |
Sebastian Gramss, Double Bass, Cello (Germany) |
Nele Gramß, Soprano (Germany) |
Orquesta Filarmónica de Gran Canaria (OFGC), Symphony Orchestra (Spain) |
Jack Granby, Tenor (England) |
Grand Choir "Masters of Choral Singing" of Russian State Musical TV & Radio Centre, Moscow, Choir (Russia) |
La Grande Écurie et la Chambre du Roy, Instrumental Ensemble (France) |
Alfredo Grandini, Baritone (Italy) |
Simon Grange, Bass (England) |
Cécile Granger, Soprano (France) |
Cor de Cambra de Granollers (CCGr), Chamber Orchestra (Spain) |
Orquestra de Cambra de Granollers (OCGr), Chamber Orchestra (Spain) |
Michael Gransee, Bass (Germany) |
Simon Grant, Bss-Baritone (England) |
Heidi Grant-Murphy, Soprano (USA) |
Carlo Grante, Piano (Italy) |
Helle Grarup, Mezzo-soprano (Denmark) |
Rudolf Grasman, Choral Conductor (The Netherlands) |
Alexander Grassauer, Bass-Baritone (Austria) |
Lorie Gratis, Contralto (USA) |
Maude Gratton, Harpsichord, Organ (France) |
Andreas Grau & Götz Schumacher, Duo Piano (Germany) |
Angelica Grau, Mezzo-soprano (USA) |
John Grau, Tenor (USA) |
Günter Graulich, Conductor (Germany) |
Rasmus Gravers Nielsen, Tenor (Denmark) |
Megan Graves, Mezzo-soprano (USA) |
Antony Gray, Piano (Australia) |
Emily Gray, Soprano (England) |
Gerald Gray, Tenor (USA) |
Judith Gray, Soprano (USA) |
Judy Gray, Choral Conductor (USA) |
Sam Gray, Baritone, Piano, Conductor (England) |
William Jon Gray, Choral Conductor (USA) |
Graz Ensembles (Austria): |
Cappella Nova Graz, Choir (Austria) |
Grazer Keplerspatzen (GKS), Choir (Austria) |
^^^^^ |
Richard Greager, Tenor (New Zealand) |
Greater San Diego Music Coterie (GSDMC), Chamber Choir & Chamber Orchestra (USA) |
Massimo Grechi, Conductor, Harpsicord (Italy) |
Olga Grechko, Soprano (Russia) |
Cristina Greco, Mezzo-soprano (Italy) |
Daniel Greco, Baritone (Spain / USA) |
David Greco, Baritone (Australia) |
Stefano Greco, Piano (Italy) |
Wies de Greef, Mezzo-soprano (The Netherlands) |
Annabel Green, Soprano (England) |
J. Ernest Green, Conductor (USA) |
Leslie Green, Tenor (USA) |
Patricia Green, Mezzo-soprano (Canada) |
Ryan Speedo Green, Bass-Baritone (USA) |
Samuel Green, Tenor (USA) |
Sheri Greenawald, Soprano (USA) |
Eric Greene, Tenor (England) |
Alfred Greenfield, Choral Conductor, Organ (USA) |
Emily Greenleaf, Mezzo-soprano (USA) |
Jolle Greenleaf, Soprano (USA) |
Robert Greenlee, Tenor (USA) |
Joe Greemore, Tenor (USA) |
Elise Greenwood Bahr, Soprano (USA) |
Bernadette Greevy, Mezzo-soprano (Ireland) |
Glenn R. Gregg, Choral Conductor (USA) |
Gregg Smith Singers (GSS), Choir (USA) |
Thomas A. Gregg, Tenor (USA) |
Thierry Grégoire, Counter-tenor (France) |
Polona Gregorc, Soprano (Slovenia) |
Pablo Gregorian, Tenor (The Netherlands) |
Alice Gregorio, Mezzo-soprano (France) |
Anthony Gregory, Tenor (England) |
Katherine Gregory, Soprano (England) |
Donald Greig, Bass-Baritone (England) |
Anne Greiling, Contralto (Germany) |
David Greilsammer, Piano, Conductor (Israel) |
Josef Greindl, Bass (Germany) |
Thomas Gremmelspacher, Tenor (Germany) |
Corinne Grendelmeier-Nipp, Mezzo-soprano, Choral Conductor, Organ (Switzerland) |
Les Musiciens du Louvre Grenoble (MDLG), Orchestra (France) |
Andrew Grenon, Tenor (New Zealand) |
Elsa Grether, Violin (France) |
Dietrich Greve, Baritone (Germany) |
Melanie Greve, Soprano (The Netherlands) |
Joanna Griscom, Soprano (USA) |
Lynn Griebling, Soprano (USA) |
Hans Griepentrog, Bass (Germany) |
Francis Grier, Choral Conductor, Organ (England) |
Margret Gries, Harpsichord (USA) |
James Griffett, Tenor (England) |
Henry Griffin, Baritone (USA) |
Edwin Griffith, Tenor (USA) |
Howard Griffiths, Conductor (England) |
Rachael Griffiths-Hughes, Choral Conductor, Harpsichord, Organ (New Zealand) |
Raitis Grigalis, Bass (Latvia) |
Asmik Grigorian, Soprano (Lithuania) |
Dmitri Grigoriev, Choral Conductor, Organ, Piano (Russia / Germany) |
Juliana Grigoryan, Soprano (Armenia) |
Nuné Grigoryan, Soprano (Armenia) |
Lilit Grigoryan, Piano (Armenia) |
Slava Grigoryan, Guitar (Kazakhstan/ Australia) |
David Grimal, Violin (France) |
Hélène Grimaud, Piano (France) |
Frederick Grimes, Organ, Choral Conductor (USA) |
Anne Grimm, Soprano (The Netherlands) |
Maria Grinberg, Piano (Russia) |
Ilya Gringolts, Violin (Russia) |
Dmitry Grinikh, Baritone (Russia) |
Edward Grint, Bass-Baritone (England) |
Hans Grischkat, Conductor (Germany) |
Reri Grist, Soprano (USA) |
Nathan Gritter, Tenor, Choral Conductor (Canada) |
Peter Gritton, Counter-tenor (England) |
Robin Gritton, Conductor (England) |
Susan Gritton, Soprano (England) |
Ralf Grobe, Bass-Baritone (Germany) |
Gerd Grochowski, Bass-Baritone (Germany) |
Ulla Groenewold, Contralto (Germany) |
Guido Groenland, Tenor (The Netherlands) |
Andreas Groethuysen > Tal & Groethuysen, Piano (Germany) |
Jean-Christophe Groffe, Bass, Choral Conductor (France / Switzerland) |
David Grogan, Baritone (USA) |
Markus Groh, Piano (Germany) |
Valeri Grohovski, Piano (Russia) |
Günther Groissböck, Bass (Austria) |
Felix C. Groll, Baritone (Germany) |
Regina Grönegreß, Contralto (Germany) |
Marcia Gronewold Sly, Mezzo-soprano (USA) |
Koor Groningse Bachvereniging, Choir (The Netherlands) |
Peter Grønlund, Tenor (Denmark) |
Uwe Gronostay, Choral Conductor (Germany) |
Walton Grönroos, Baritone (Finland) |
Monica Groop, Mezzo-soprano (Finland) |
Groot Omroepkoor (NRC), Choir (The Netherlands) |
Peter de Groot, Counter-tenor (The Netherlands) |
Loes Groot Antink, Soprano (The Netherlands) |
Suze van Grootel, Soprano (The Netherlands) |
Thomas Gropper, Bass-Baritone, Choral Conductor (Germany) |
Verena Gropper, Soprano (Germany) |
Gerhard Gröschel, Bass (Country ?) |
Christa-Sylvia Gröschke, Soprano (Country ?) [Missing Biography] |
Holger Groschopp, Piano (Germany) |
Alfred Gross, Harpsichord, Clavichord (Germany) |
Steven Gross, Conductor (USA) |
Franziska Groß, Soprano (Germany) |
Hans-Peter Groß, Bass (Country ?) [Missing Biography] |
Jürgen Groß, Violin, Music Director (Germany) |
Merle Groß, Soprano (Germany) |
Dina Grossberger, Mezzo-soprano (Austria) |
Dominic Große, Baritone (Germany) |
Ulrich Grosser, Conductor, Organ, Piano, Harpsichord (Germany) |
Michael Großlercher, Bass (Austria) |
Jeffrey Grossman, Harpsichord, Organ , Conductor (USA) |
Ferdinand Grossmann, Conductor (Austria) |
James Grossmith, Choral Conductor (Scotland, UK) |
Ashley Grote, Organ (England) |
Lara Grote, Mezzo-soprano (Germany) |
Barbara Groth, Soprano (Country ?) |
Konradin Groth, Trumpet (Germany) |
Valeria La Grotta, Soprano (Italy) |
Helen Groves, Soprano (England) |
Christian Grube, Conductor (Germany) |
Gesine Grube, Contralto (Germany) |
Ferry Gruber, Tenor (Austria) |
Lucille Gruber, Harpsichord (USA) |
Sari Gruber, Soprano (USA) |
Edita Gruberová, Soprano (Slovakia) |
Roman Grübner, Baritone (Germany) |
Maik Gruchenberg, Baritone, Organ, Choral Conductor (Germany) |
Inger Grudin-Brandt, Harpsichord, Clavichord, Fortepiano (Sweden) |
Angharad Gruffydd Jones, Soprano (Wales, UK) |
Arthur Grumiaux, Violin (Belgium) |
Elisabeth Grümmer, Soprano (Germany) |
Georg Grün, Choral Conductor (Germany) |
Franz Grundheber, Baritone (Germany) |
Martin Gründler, Bass (Country ?) [Missing Biography] |
Gereon Grundmann, Bass-Baritone (Germany) |
Owen Grundy, Bass-Baritone (England) |
Bertrand Grunenwald, Bass (France) |
Ev-Marie Grünenwald, Soprano (Austria) [Missing Biography] |
Jean-Jacques Grünenwald, Organ (France) |
Matthias Grünert, Choral Conductor, Organ (Germany) |
Uta Grunewald, Mezzo-soprano (Germany) |
Alicia Grünwald, Mezzo-soprano, Piano (Germany) |
GCC-Grupo de Canto Coral, Chamber Choir (Argentina) |
Julie Grutzka, Soprano (Germany) |
Alexander Ferdinand Grychtolik, Harpsichord, Organ, Conductor (Germany) |
Małgorzata Grzegorzewicz-Rodek, Soprano (Poland) |
Agnieszka Grzywacz, Soprano (Poland) |
Anna Gschwend, Soprano (Switzerland) |
Lawrence Guadagnoli, Baritone (USA) |
Silvana Guatelli, Soprano (Argentina) |
Claire-Marie Le Guay, Piano (France) |
Maria Gubbels, Soprano, Mezzo-soprano (Canada) |
Einar Gudmundsson, Bass-Baritone (Iceland) |
Alex Guebert, Music Director (USA) |
Hailey Guerra, Clarinet, Soprano (USA) |
Vivian Guerra, Mezzo-soprano (Chile / Germany) |
Alex Guerrero, Tenor (USA) |
Rodrigo Guerrero, Choral Conductor (Spain) |
François Guerrier, Harpsichord, Organ (France) |
François-Nicolas Guertin, Baritone (Canada) |
Gerd Guglhör, Choral Conductor (Germany) |
Katharina Guglhör, Mezzo-soprano (Germany) |
Luca Guglielmi, Harpsichord, Organ, Conductor (Italy) |
Elisabetta Guglielmin, Piano, Harpsichord (Italy) |
Helmut Guhl, Baritone (Germany) |
Vittorio Gui, Conductor (Italy) |
Stephanie Guidera, Mezzo-soprano (England) |
Accademia Corale Guido d'Arezzo, Choir (Italy) |
Emmanuelle Guigues, Viola da gamba (France) |
Lorena Guijalba, Contralto (Spain) [Missing Biography] |
Georges Guillard, Organ, Conductor (France) |
Margot Guilleaume, Soprano (Germany) |
Kyle Guilfoyle, Counter-tenor (Canada) |
Laurence Guillod, Soprano (Switzerland) |
Damien Guillon, Counter-tenor (France) |
Sébastien Guillot, Harpsichord (France) |
Jean Guillou, Organ (France) |
Caio Guimarães, Choral Conductor (Brazil / USA) |
Fernando Guimarães, Tenor (Portugal) |
Claire Guimond, Flute, Musical Director (Canada) |
María Guinand, Choral Conductor (Venezuela) |
Leslie Guinn, Bass-Baritone (USA) |
José Manuel Guinot, Tenor (Spain) |
Andréa Guiot, Soprano (France) |
Gulbenkian Orchestra / Gulbenkian Chamber Orchestra, Orchestra / Chamber Orchestra (Portugal) |
Friedrich Gulda, Piano (Austria) |
Ruth Guldbaek, Soprano (Denmark) |
Youra Guller, Piano (France) |
Marika Gulordava, Soprano (Georgia) |
Sofya Gulyak, Piano (Russia) |
Georg Gulyás, Guitar (Sweden) |
Jeanne Guyla, Soprano (France) |
Paul Gümmer, Bass (Germany) |
Wilfried Gumtau, Bass (Country ?) [Missing Biography] |
Romy Gundermann, Soprano (Germany) |
Franziska Gündert, Mezzo-soprano (Germany) |
Karl-Gustav Gunneflo, Bass (Country ?) [Missing Biography] |
Henk Gunneman, Tenor (The Netherlands) |
Marie Rosa Günter, Piano (Germany) |
Antje Günther, Contralto (Germany) |
Florence Günther, Soprano (Germany) |
Gertrud Günther, Soprano (Germany) |
Helena Günther, Soprano (Germany) |
Horst Günther (or Günter), Baritone (Germany) |
Hubert Günther, Choral Conductor (Country ?) [Missing Biography] |
Ingrid Günther, Alto (Country ?) [Missing Biography] |
Manuel Günther, Tenor (Germany) |
Renate Günther, Contralto (Country ?) [Missing Biography] |
Thomas Günther, Piano (Germany) |
Jonathan Gunthorpe, Baritone (England) |
Marcus Günzel, Baritone (Germany) |
Zhiheng Guo, Piano (China) |
Vijay Gupta, Violin, Artistic Director (USA) |
Werner Güra, Tenor (Germany) |
Manfred Gurlitt, Conductor (Germany) |
Alexander Gurning, Piano (Belgium) |
Avigail Gurtler, Soprano (Israel) |
Heinrich Gurtner, Organ (Switzerland) |
Gürzenich-Orchester Köln, Orchestra (Germany) |
Erik Gustafson, Tenor (USA) |
Gustav Mahler Jugendorchester (GMJO), Symphony Orchestra (Austria) |
Il Gusto Barocco, Baroque Orchestra (Germany) |
Gutenberg-Kammerchor, Chamber Choir (Germany) |
Bachchor Gütersloh, Choir (Germany) |
Lauren Guthridge, Mezzo-soprano (USA) |
Frederick Guthrie, Bass (USA) |
Harry Guthrie, Choral Conductor, Baritone (England) |
Thomas Guthrie, Baritone (England) |
Felipe Gutiérrez, Tenor (Chile) |
Guillaume Gutiérrez, Tenor (France) |
Micaela Gutierrez, Choral Conductor, Harpsichord (USA) |
Adolfo Gutiérrez Arenas, Cello (Germany / Spain) |
Natalia Gutman, Cello (Kazakhstan, former USSR) |
Stephen Gutman, Piano (England) |
Daniel Gutmann, Bass-Baritone (Austria) |
Enoch zu Guttenberg, Conductor (Germany) |
Sara Guttenberg, Soprano (USA) |
Ludwig Güttler, Conductor, Trumpet, Corno da caccia (Germany) |
Paul Guttry, Bass-Baritone (USA) |
Anna Guz, Soprano (Poland) |
Sofia Gvirts, Mezzo-soprano (Russia) |
Pavica Gvozdić, Piano (Croatia, former Yugoslavia) |
Gymnasium Carolinum Osnabrück Chor, Choir (Germany) |
Adam Gyorgy, Piano (Hungary) |
Eszter Gyüdi, Soprano (Hungary) |
Prepared by Aryeh Oron (January 2001 - March 2025) |