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Anita Monserrat (Mezzo-soprano)

Born: March 1, 1998 - Salisbury, Wiltshire, England

The British mezzo-soprano, Anita Monserrat, read music at Trinity College, Cambridge, where she was both a choral and an instrumental scholar. She obtained there her Bachelor of Arts degree in Music (2016-2019) and was a member of Trinity College Choir of Cambridge (Director: Stephen Layton). She is currently in her second year of her Master’s degree at the Royal Academy of Music under the tutelage of Catherine Wyn-Rogers and Alexander Ashworth. As part of her studies at the Academy, she has played the roles of Sesto in George Frideric Handel's Giulio Cesare, Cenerentola in La Cenerentola and Cherubino in W.A. Mozart's Le Nozze di Figaro in the Academy Opera Scenes. Competition success includes semi-finalist in the 2022 Mozart Singing Competition and finalist in the 2022 International London Handel Competition.

Anita Monserrat appeared as a soloist on multiple CD's of choral works, including those by Cecilia McDowall (released 2021 on Hyperion) and Owain Park (released 2018 on Hyperion). Since 2019, she has held positions in the choirs Polyphony (Director: Stephen Layton), and Tenebrae (Director: Nigel Short). Recent engagements include soloist in J.S. Bach’s St John Passion (BWV 245), directed by Philippe Herreweghe, soloist in many of the Royal Academy of Music Bach Cantata Concerts, and soloist in the 2022 ‘Easter from King’s’ broadcast as seen on BBC2.


The Artist (April 2022)
Anita Monserrat profiles on Facebook & LinkedIn
Bits & pieces from other sources
Photo 01: Tristan James Selden; Photo 07: Jason Alden; Photo 10: Ash Mills; Photo 11: Gaby Mann
Contributed by
Aryeh Oron (March 2018, April 2022)

Recordings of Bach Cantatas & Other Vocal Works




Joseph Deery


TCMS [CV-4] (2020, Audio): BWV 9

Stephen Layton


Member of Trinity College Choir of Cambridge:
[V-6] (2017): BWV 232 [2nd recording]

Links to other Sites

Anita Monserrat on Facebook
Anita Monserrat on LinkedIn

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Last update: Thursday, May 16, 2024 23:43