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Katherina Müller (Soprano)

Born: Germany

The German soprano, Katherina Müller, studied singing at the Hochschule für Musik "Felix Mendelssohn Bartholdy" in Leipzig and followed at the Studio of the Deutschen Staatsoper Berlin. She won prizes at the International Bach Competition in Leipzig and the Mozart Competition in Würzburg.

After first engagements at the Theater in Schwerin and at the Gärtnerplatztheater in Munich, Katherina Müller has worked since 1994 in Berlin and as freelancer. Opera appearances have led her to Vienna at the Festival "Mozart in Schönbrunn", as well as to many European opera houses as the Staatsoper Berlin, the State Opera of Prague, the Theatre du Châtelet Paris and the Theater Basel. She has performed roles such as Pamina in W.A. Mozart's Die Zauberflöte, Donna Elvira in W.A. Mozart's Don Giovanni, Susanna in W.A. Mozart's Le Nozze di Figaro and Ännchen in Der Freischütz, and has co-operated with renowned conductors such as Christoph von Dohnányi, Philippe Jordan, Julien Salemkour and Sebastian Weigle.

Katherina Müller is invited regularly to appear as a guest soloist in concerts with renowned choirs and orchestras, such as the Chor der St. Hedwigs-Kathedrale Berlin, Monteverdi-Chor Hamburg, Thomanerchor Leipzig, Münchener Bach-Chor, Basler Gesangverein, Zürcher Bach-Chor, Orchestre Philharmonique de Strasbourg, Zürcher Kammerorchester, Gewandhausorchester Leipzig and Virtuosi Saxoniae.

In the 2003-2004 season, Katherina Müller was connected with the Staatsoper Berlin. Beside Pamina in Zauberflöte, she sang here for the first time the role of Sophie in Rosenkavalier. In this role she also made her debut in January 2004 at the Nederlandse Opera in Amsterdam. In addition she could be heard in Elegie für junge Liebende by Hans Werner Henze in the role of Elisabeth Zimmer. She currently lives in Berlin, Germany.

Image Concert Website, English translation by Aryeh Oron (May 2005)
Photos 1000+: Antonia Cornelius; Photos 0100+: Bettina Theek
Contributed by
Aryeh Oron (May 2005)

Recordings of Bach Cantatas & Other Vocal Works




Georg Christoph Biller


Radio: BWV 11

Peter Eidenbenz


BWV 244

Andreas Fischer


[V-1] (2017): BWV 247

Stefan Kordes


[BT6-1] (2023, Video): BWV 176, BWV 135
[BT6-2] (2023, Video): BWV 20, BWV 75
[BT6-3] (2023, Video): BWV 167, BWV 168

Links to other Sites

Katherina Müller (Image Concert) [German]
Katherina Müller - Sopran (Official Website) [German]
Katherina Müller on Facebook

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Last update: Tuesday, May 28, 2024 15:49