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Benedict Randall Shaw (Baritone)

Born: August 13, 2002 - London, England

The English baritone, Benedict Randall Shaw, studied at Westminster School. On the basis of his outstanding performance, he was selected to represent the UK in the International Linguistics Olympiad in Summer 2018, which took place at Charles University in Prague. He reads Maths at Trinity College, Cambridge (June 2021-2024), where he is Choral Scholar in Trinity College Choir of Cambridge (Director: Stephen Layton) and President of the Trinity College Music Society. He is President of the Cambridge University Chamber Choir, and both junior treasurer and secretary of the Cambridge University Opera Society (CUOS). He has been involved in COUS productions, as: Producer of Orpheus in the Underworld (February 2024), the role Frank in Die Fledermaus (February 2022); and Chorus member in W.A. Mozart's The Magic Flute (February 2023), George Frideric Handel's Semele (October 2022), G.F. Handel's Acis and Galatea (February 2022), W.A. Mozart's Le Nozze di Figaro (October 2021).

Benedict Randall Shaw profile on Facebook
Photo 01: Cambridge Chronicles; Photo 09: Paul Ashley; Photo 15: Liberty Osborne; Photo 16: Joshua Loo
Bits & pieces from other sources
Contributed by
Aryeh Oron (May 2024)

Recordings of Bach Cantatas & Other Vocal Works




Sam Gray


TCMS [CV-11] (2023, Video): BWV 18 [also viola]

Jonathan Lee


TCMS [CV-11] (2023, Video): BWV 61 [also viola]

Links to other Sites

Benedict Randall Shaw on Facebook

Biographies of Performers: Main Page | A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J | K | L | M | N | O | P | Q | R | S | T | U | V | W | X | Y | Z
Explanation | Acronyms | Missing Biographies | The Sad Corner


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Last update: Thursday, May 16, 2024 15:07