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Accademia Hermans (Instrumental Ensemble)

Founded: 2000 - Arrone, Province of Terni, Region of Umbria, Italy

Accademia Hermans has been established in 2000 by the will of Fabio Ciofini, its Director; thanks to his overwhelming enthusiasm and love for early music, he has involved young instrumentalists and singers willing to deepen their knowledge of this musical repertoire and its performance practice. Since then, a path has been undertaken which has led Accademia Hermans and its members, who have studied at the most prominent European schools, to gain greater and greater success on the Italian and international concert scene, and also collaborate with acclaimed singers and instrumentalists such as Enrico Gatti, Marcello Gatti, Gloria Banditelli, Sergio Foresti, Mario Cecchetti, Mirko Guadagnini, Roberta Invernizzi, Bart Van Oort, Roberta Mameli and others.

Accademia Hermans has performed live for the most prestigious Associations and Festivals of Early Music in Italy and abroad (Netherlands, Poland, Portugal, Finland, Spain, Canada, USA, Mexico and Japan). Accademia Hermans constantly collaborates with Festival Villa Solomei and is the resident Orchestra of Teatro CUCINELLI in Solomeo (Corciano, PG, Italy).

For Bongiovanni, Accademia Hermans has recorded “Sei Concerti Armonici” by Unico Willem Van Wassenaer in collaboration with Orfeo Ensemble (from Spoleto, Italy) based on Albert Dunning’s critical edition; for Tactus, Symphonies and Organ Concerts by Gaetano Valeri in collaboration with organist Luca Scandali. For Bottega Discantica, a CD entitled “Il più misero amante” was recorded in the fresco hall of Palazzo Castelli in Polino (Terni, Italy) and published in 2006; in 2008 a CD on Antonio Vivaldi (Gloria, Stabat Mater and Dixit Dominus) was out. In June 2009 a CD was published which is a monograph on Georg Philipp Telemann (concerts for various instruments), recorded within the “Parco in… Musica 2007” Festival at the San Pietro in Valle Abbey, in Ferentillo (Terni, Italy). In 2011 a new CD, “Requiem” by W.A. Mozart, was recorded at the Church of Solomeo (Perugia, Italy); "W.A. Mozart - Concerti K.466 e K.467" with M° Bart Van Oort, produced by Fondazione Cucinelli and published by Bottega Discantica, has been evaluated as “exceptional” (5 stars) by Musica magazine. In 2014 a CD, Stabat Mater by J. Haydn, was published. In July 2012, for Brilliant Classics, Accademia Hermans has recorded “Scherzi Musicali” by Abbot Agostino Steffani (17th Century), performed in concert during the Bolzano Festival. Again for Brilliant Classics, a CD has been published entitled “Abendmusik”, with baritone Mauro Borgioni. Accademia Hermans has been carrying out intense activity of promotion of early music in Umbria, organizing classes, recording CD's in historical sites, buildings and churches, and taking over the artistic direction of two Festivals: “Parco in… Musica” in the historical sites of Valnerina and “Musica e Musei” in the most important museums of the Umbria Region. For Glossa, a new CD has been published entitled “Queens”, with the soprano Roberta Invernizzi.

Accademia Hermans Website & Facebook page
Bits & pieces from other sources
Contributed by
Aryeh Oron (December 2023)

Fabio Ciofini: Short Biography | Ensembles: Coro Canticum Novum | Accademia Hermans
Bach Discography:
Recordings of Vocal Works

Links to other Sites

Accademia Hermans (Official Website)
Accademia Hermans page on Facebook
SoloClassica Channel on YouTube

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Last update: Saturday, September 07, 2024 00:15