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Fabio Cusinato (Conductor)

Born: Italy

The Italy conductor and writer, Fabio Cusinato, obtained his 1991: Diploma in Organ and Organ from the Conservatorio “Pollini” di Padova (1991). Between 1983 and 1995, he attended Master courses with E. Fadini, Ton Koopman, F. Rampi, L. Picotti, A. Mitterhofer, Kurt Widmer, H. Zadek. He obtained his Master of Music degree in Conducting from “Internationale Bachakademie Stuttgart” under the guidance of Helmuth Rilling (1994-1997). He specialized in Special Pedagogy at Università “Cà Foscari” Venezia (2006).

Musical Activity: Between 1988 and 2012, Fabio Cusinato conductoed various choral and orchestral groups. In 1995, he founded and presided over the "Associazione Culturale Musica Reservata" which deals with the promotion and dissemination of vocal and chamber music. In 1996, he participated in the production of J.S. Bach's Mass in B minor BWV 232. The same year he founded the chamber ensemble foundation, "Quadricordo Ensemble Marostica". In 1998, he founded with his friend Lino Dalla Gassa the "Associazione Corale Musica Reservata". Between 1998 and 2012, he particpated in various festivals, including: "Il Suono del Sacro", "Il Castello Armonico", "Antiqua" and "Kalendamaya in Torino. On behalf of Musica Reservata he holds meetings and conferences on the analysis of the great works of J.S. Bach, George Frideric Handel and W.A. Mozart. In 2001, he created the Festival "Il Suono del Sacro" in Marostica, for which he held the position of Artistic Director until 2011. In 2005, he founded "Antiqua Camerata Veneta". Oratorio performance J.S. Bach's Johannes-Passion BWV 245 in an entirely Italian production. 2010: Performance of W.A. Mozart's Requiem in the innovative version by musicologist Richard Maunder. In 2011, he founded and directs the vocal group “Ars Subtilior”. In 2012, he created the Festival "Il Castello Armonico". In 2019, he designed and created the "Music for Life" initiative, which includes two concert performances for soloists, choir and orchestra in favor of AISLA with music by G.F. Handel. The concert was filmed and broadcast by TV 2000.

Repertoire: Antonio Vivaldi: Psalms, Credo & Gloria, Concertos for solo instruments & orchestra; Haydn: Salve Regina, Concertos for Organ and Orchestra; G.F. Handel: Concerti Grossi, Psalms: Dixit, Nisi Dominus, Oratorio Messiah; Arcangelo Corelli: Concerti da Chiesa; Hellendaal: Concerti Grossi; Brixi: Magnificat; J.S. Bach: Cantatas, Motets, Magnificat in D major BWV 243, Johannes-Passion BWV 245, Concertos for Violin & Orchestra, Orchestral Suites, Brandenburg Concertos. In his activity as an interpreter he has involved radio and television channels such as Radio Capodistria, Rai, Tv 2000.

1994-1997: Chair of Choral Singing at the “Sacro Cuore” Masters Institute in Bassano del Grappa
2000-2004: Chair of Music Education at the “International Bilingual School” in Bassano del Grappa
2000-2016: Chair for Support Activities in state secondary schools
2007: With Rosanna Bertoncello, he founded the newspaper Scuole in Rilievo. The L’Associazione Italiana Controllo Qualità awarded Scuole in Rilievo as the best school newspaper in the Triveneto area. Other awards follow from the national order of journalists.
Within the teaching profession he promotes self-training courses for colleagues.

The Illness: In 2010: Fabio Cusinato Prodromes of ALS, diagnosed the following year. In 2020, he 2020, was special guest of AISLA together with the singer-songwriter Ron at the inauguration of the new NeMo department at the "Niguarda" hospital in Milan. In 2021, he was again part of the NeMo project, and participated in the inauguration of another department at the "Richiedei" hospital in Gussago (BS).

Literary Activity. Publications: In 1996, he collaboratodn with the periodical Libertà di Educazione of Milan. In 2019, he published Didattica Eversiva, in collaboration with R. Bertoncello. Opaco nebbia and Un bastone di cedro. In 2022: , he published Una parrucca per Giona, with “Fede e Cultura” publisher. He participated as a speaker at the IX Festival of Faith & Culture in Peschiera sul Garda where he received the "Witness of Faith" award for his latest publication. He collaborates with his own column with the periodical “La Voce dei Giovani” in Bassano del Grappa. In 2023, he participates with a meeting in the "Veglia per la Vita" organized by the diocese of Sanremo and Ventimiglia at the San Siro cathedral in Sanremo.

Since 1994 he has been married to Manuela and has four children: Emma, ​​Giulio, Ida and Tiberio.

Fabio Cusinato Website English translation by Aryeh Oron (June 2024)
Bits & pieces from other sources
Contributed by
Aryeh Oron (June 2024)

Fabio Cusinato: Short Biograohy | Ensembles: Accademia Corale Musica Reservata
Bach Discography:
Recordings of Vocal Works

Links to other Sites

Fabio Cusinato - musician, writer, cook and professional paralitic (Official Website) [Italian]
Fabio Cusinato Channel on YouTube

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Last update: Monday, July 01, 2024 00:18