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Deborah Hamburger (Violin)

Born: India

The Indian-born violinist and violin teacher, Deborah Hamburger, began her musical studies in India with Josic Menzies and Melbourne Halloween. She was awarded in various competitions in Mumbai and nationally. She studied at the Universität für Musik und Dartsellende Kunst in Vienna with Eduard Melkus and Klaus Maetzl and obtained her Master of Music degree in Music Performance. She was honored with a scholarship from the Austrian Ministry of Education. She also studied with Milan Vitek in Copenhagen, and chamber music with Geoge Ebert, Rudolf Leopold (Wiener Streichsextett) and Gerhard Schulz (Quarter Alban Berg). She was a member of the European Union Youth Orchestra with which she participated in a tour under the baton of Zubin Mehta.

Deborah Hamburger has collaborated with orchestras in Austria and Denmark. She performed as a soloist, and with various chamber music groups in Austria, Germany, Switzerland, Denmark, England, Japan, India and Spain. She is co-founder of Orphelion (previously known as the Artemis Ensemble), with whom she has done numerous tours and recordings. The ensemble performs in different formations, such as piano trio and string quartet, having covered an extensive repertoire of works and styles. With Orphelion (Artemis), she participated in numerous premieres of works written for the ensemble itself, recordings and radio broadcasts. Since 1994, she is a member of the Orquesta Sinfónica de Galicia (Galician Symphony Orchestra), in addition to being highly involved in teaching.

As a pedagogue Deborah Hamburger has collaborated with various festivals in Spain and India. Her students have been awarded in national and international competitions and many of them are now part of national and European orchestras, or are members of chamber ensembles such as the Quarteto Quiroga and Quarteto Vera. In addition to maintaining her violin classes, she regularly teaches the Youth Orchestra of the Symphony Orchestra of Galicia and the Young National Orchestra of Spain (JONDE). She currently lives in Taramuño, Galicia, Spain.

CSM Galicia Website (April 2020)
Contributed by
Aryeh Oron (October 2020)

Deborah Hamburger: Short Biography | Bach Discography: Recordings of Instrumental Works

Links to other Sites

CSM Galicia String Professors
Deborah Hamburger on LinkedIn
Deborah Hamburger CV (CSM Galiacia)
Orphelion Ensemble (Official Website)

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Explanation | Acronyms | Missing Biographies | The Sad Corner


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Last update: Sunday, September 15, 2024 07:11