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Vladimir Krasov (Baritone)

Born: Russia

The Russian baritone, Vladimir Krasov (Russian: Владимир Красов), graduated from The Gnessin Academy of Music (V. Levko‘s class), where he appeared as soloist with The Academy‘s Opera Studio. Then he joined The Moscow Stanislavsky and Nemirovich-Danchenko Musical Theatre. Since 1995 he has been a Bolshoi Theatre soloist.

Repertoire includes: Ibn-Hakia (Tchaikovsky’s Iolanta); Narumov, Tomsky, Yeletsky (Queen of Spades); A Company Commander (Eugene Onegin); Schaunard (La Boheme); Kuzka, Streshnev, Boyar Shaklovity (Mussorgsky’s Khovanshchina); Silvano (Un Ballo in Maschera); Afron (Nikolai Rimsky-Korsakov’s The Golden Cockerel); A Sacristan (Tosca); Dunois (Tchaikovsky’s The Maid of Orleans); Don Carlos (Dargomyzhsky‘s The Stone Guest); Farfarello, Leandro (Prokofiev’s The Love for Thee Oranges); Yushko Velebin, Bomelius (N. Rimsky-Korsakov ‘s The Maid of Pskov); The High Priest of Bel (Nabucco); Virgily (Sergei Rachmaninov’s Francesña da Rimini); Mr. Astley (Prokofiev’s The Gambler); Mandarin (Turandot); Carnival-scarecrow, Second Herald (The Snow Maiden); Doctor, Servant to Macbeth, Murderer (Macbeth); The Servant (Prokofiev’s The Fiery Angel); Andrei Shchelkalov (Mussorgsky’s Boris Godunov); Police Sergeant (Dmitri Shostakovich’s The Lady Macbeth of Mtsensk); The Imperial Commissioner (Madama Butterfly); Old Footman, Gavrila, Marshal Berthier, General Raevsky, Second Madman (Prokofiev’s War and Peace); Homeless man (Desyatnikov’s The Children of Rosenthal)

Discography: Tchaikovsky’s Iolanta - Ibn-Hakia, conductor V. Fedoseev (Relief, 2002).

Awards: Vladimir Krasov was awarded a diploma at the Chaliapin Bass Competition in 1993.

Sources: (version of May 2, 2013 from Internet Arhive)
Contributed by
Aryeh Oron (December 2021)

Recordings of Bach Cantatas & Other Vocal Works




Ivan Lebedev


[CV-5] (2019, Video): BWV 33

Oleg Romanenko


Все кантаты Баха [S3-4] (2020, Video): BWV 3, BWV 13, BWV 22, BWV 23
Все кантаты Баха
[S4-3] (2021, Video): BWV 25, BWV 135, BWV 1083
Все кантаты Баха
[S4-4] (2021, No video): BWV 166, BWV 108
Все кантаты Баха
[S5-1] (2021, Video): BWV 60, BWV 20
Все кантаты Баха
[S5-2] (2021, Video): BWV 106, BWV 95, BWV 125
Все кантаты Баха
[S5-3] (2021, Video): BWV 191, BWV 243a
Все кантаты Баха
[S5-5] (2022, Video): BWV 104, BWV 85, BWV 112
Все кантаты Баха
[S5-6] (2022, Video): BWV 146, BWV 147
Все кантаты Баха
[S5-7] (2022, Video): BWV 44, BWV 97
Все кантаты Баха
[S6-1] (2022, Video): BWV 113, BWV 168
Все кантаты Баха
[S6-2] (2022, Video): BWV 96, BWV 164, BWV 80
Все кантаты Баха
[S6-3] (2022, Video): BWV 101, BWV 90
Все кантаты Баха
[S6-5] (2023, Video): BWV 171, BWV 41
Все кантаты Баха
[S6-6] (2023, Video): BWV 154, BWV 124, BWV 157
Все кантаты Баха
[S6-7] (2023, Video): BWV 188, BWV 148
Все кантаты Баха
[S6-8] (2023, Video): BWV 145, BWV 67
Все кантаты Баха
[S6-10] (2023, Video): BWV 119, BWV 120, BWV 190
Все кантаты Баха
[S7-1] (2023, Video): BWV 24, BWV 167, BWV 69a, BWV 237
Все кантаты Баха
[S7-2] (2023, Video): BWV 138, BWV 48, BWV 109
Все кантаты Баха
[S7-3] (2023, Video): BWV 179, BWV 89, BWV 70
Все кантаты Баха
[S7-6] (2024, Video): BWV 134, BWV 66, BWV 86
Все кантаты Баха
[S7-7] (2024, Video): BWV 245 (1st Version, 1724) [2nd recording, Jesus]

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Last update: Friday, June 14, 2024 08:50