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Felix Ketterer & Katolischer Kirchenchor St. Sixtus Zunweier
Recordings of Cantatas Recordings of Other Vocal Works
Felix Ketterer - Short Biography Katholischer Kirchenchor St. Sixtus Zunsweier - Short History
Recordings of Cantatas
Cantata BWV 61 []
Felix Ketterer
Katholischer Kirchenchor St. Sixtus Zunsweier / Kammerensemble "Au Pont de l´Europe"
Soprano: Marni Schwonberg; Soprano: Lucia Schienle; Alto: Martina Seifert; Tenor: Gerhard Danner; Bass: Winfried Walter
Kath. Kirchenchor St. Sixtus Zunsweier
CD / TT:
Recorded live at Katholische Kirche St. Sixtus Zunsweier, Germany. Source: Felix Ketterer Website
Recordings of Other Vocal Works
Geistliches Kirchenkonzert
F. Mendelssohn: Psalm 42 "Wie der Hirsch schreit", J.S. Bach: Sacred work
Felix Ketterer (Organ & Conductor)
Katholischer Kirchenchor St. Sixtus Zunsweier Kammerensemble "Au Pont de l´Europe" Kehl, Strassburg Sängervereinigung Zunsweier
Soprano: Angela Baltes; Soprano: Lucia Schienle; Alto: Olga Schacht; Tenor: Gert Walter; Bass: Winfried Walter Friedhelm Keitel (Organ)
The list of recordings was compiled by Aryeh Oron (March 2009 - April 2009)
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