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Just Bach Madison
Bach Cantatas & Other Vocal Works
Discography - Part 7

Season 7: 2024-2025


Just Bach Madison September 2020 Concert


03:43-34:36: Cantata Schweigt stille, plaudert nicht, BWV 211 (Coffee Cantata) [30:53]

Vocal Director: Ryne Cherry; Instrumental Director: Charlie Rasmussen

Just Bach Madison

Soprano: Julia Rottmayer; Tenor: Ryan Nash; Bass: Ryne Cherry
Linda Pereksta (Transverse Flute); Nathan Giglierano (Violin); Anna Rasmussen (Violin); Madlen Breckbill (Viola); Charlie Rasmussen (Cello); Dan Sullivan (Harpsichord)
The final chorus (Mvt. 10) of BWV 211 is sung twice, the 2nd time with participation of the audience

Just Bach Madison

Sep 2024

Video / TT: 29:27

Recorded & filmed live at Luther Memorial Church, Madison, Wisconsin, USA, as part of the Just Bach Madison Concert Series.
Dave Parminter, videographer.
Watch on YouTube:
Full Concert, including: BWV 211 [35:28]


Just Bach Madison October 2020 Concert


Suite for Viola: By J.S. Bach and his contemporaries:
I. Preludium: J.S. Bach BWV 939
II. Allemande: D. Buxtehude: BuxWV 227
III. Fantasia: J. Pachelbel P.126
IV. Adagio: C.F. Abel AbelWV A3
V. Passacaglia: C.F. Witt
29:21-31:29: J.S. Bach: Chorale Herr Jesu Christ, einiger Trost (CM: Herr Jesu Christ, du höchstes Gut) (Mvt. 7) from Cantata BWV 48 [2:28]

Vocal Director: Ryne Cherry; Instrumental Director: Charlie Rasmussen

Just Bach Madison

Micah Behr (Viola Soloist); Baritone: Ryne Cherry; Andrew Schaeffer(Organ)
The Chorale (Mvt. 7) of BWV 48 is sung twice, the 2nd time with participation of the audience

Just Bach Madison

Oct 16, 2024

Video / TT: 32:08

Recorded & filmed live at Luther Memorial Church, Madison, Wisconsin, USA, as part of the Just Bach Madison Concert Series.
Dave Parminter, videographer.
Watch on YouTube:
Full Concert, including: BWV 48/7 [32:08]


Just Bach Madison November 2020 Concert


Songs by Amalia Catherina von Erbach:
Morgen-Lieder. Das Vierdte. Werdet munter / meine Sinnen
Tage-Lieder. Das Andere Sonntags-Lied: Weils Sonntag ist
Buß-Lieder. Das Andere: Maria hat das beste Theil erwehlet
From Andächtige Sing-Lust (Hildbrughausen, 1692)
Tempo di Sarabande
From Scherzi musicali, Op. 6 (Amsterdam, c1698) by Johannes Schenck (1660–after 1712)
Morgen-Lieder. Das Dritte: Ich lobe Gott von hertzens Grunde
Tage-Lieder. Mittwochs-Lied: Lob und Danck wil ich anfangen
Klag- und Trost-Lieder. Das Vierzehende: Als Goliath Israël Hohn gesprochen
From Andächtige Sing-Lust by Amalia Catherina von Erbach
Tempo di passacaglia
From Scherzi musicali, Op. 6 (Amsterdam, c1698) by Johannes Schenck
Tage-Lieder. Sonn-Abends-Lied: Gleich wie Sonn-Abends eilen
Lehr-Lieder. Das Vierzehende: So weit kan es der Heuchler bringen
From Andächtige Sing-Lust by Amalia Catherina von Erbach
31:23-32:30: J.S. Bach: Chorale Dahero Trotz der Höllen Heer! (Machs mit mir, Gott, nach deiner Güt) (Mvt. 6) from Cantata BWV 139 [1:07]

Vocal Director: Ryne Cherry; Instrumental Director: Charlie Rasmussen

Just Bach Madison

Soprano: Kristin Knutson Berka
Tim Sterner Miller (Lute); Charlie Rasmussen (Viola da gamba)
The Chorale (Mvt. 6) of BWV 139 is sung twice, the 2nd time with participation of the audience


Nov 20, 2024

Video / TT: 33:19

Recorded & filmed live at Luther Memorial Church, Madison, Wisconsin, USA, as part of the Just Bach Madison Concert Series.
Watch on YouTube:
Full Concert, including: BWV 139/6 [33:19]


Just Bach Madison December 2025 Concert


D. Buxtehude: Magnificat anima mea Dominum, BuxWV Anh. 1
13:36-30:06: J.S. Bach: Cantata Nun komm, der Heiden Heiland, BWV 61 [16:30]

Vocal Director: Ryne Cherry; Instrumental Director: Charlie Rasmussen

Just Bach Madison

Sopranos: Amanda Lauricella & Eleanor Mayerfeld; Alto: Geoffrey Williams; Tenor: John Bragle [Gerald Stacy at Nashotah House only]; Baritone: Ryne Cherry
Anna Rasmussen & Keri Kelly (Violins); Jonathon Brodie (Viola); Phillip Serna (Viola da gamba); Charlie Rasmussen (Viola da gamba); Mark Brampton Smith (Organ)
The Chorale (Mvt. 6) of BWV 61 is sung twice, the 2nd time with participation of the audience

Just Bach Madison

Dec 11, 2024

Video / TT: 35:08

Recorded & filmed live at Luther Memorial Church, Madison, Wisconsin, USA, as part of the Just Bach Madison Concert Series.
Watch on YouTube:
Full Concert, including: BWV 61 [35:08]


Just Bach Madison January 2025 Concert


August Kühnel: Viola da Gamba Sonata X: Aria Solo: Herr Jesu Christ, du höchstes Gut
Wolfgang Carl Briegel: Allemande & Sarabande for Viola da Gamba
D. Buxtehude: Sonata for Viola da Gamba & Violone, BuxWV 267
34:42-35:44: J.S. Bach: Chorale Erhalt mein Herz im Glauben rein (Herr Jesu Christ, meins Lebens Licht II) (Mvt. 6) from Cantata BWV 3 [1:02]

Vocal Director: Ryne Cherry; Instrumental Director: Charlie Rasmussen

Just Bach Madison

Phillip Serna (Viola da gamba); Charlie Rasmussen (Viola da gamba); Andrew Schaeffer (Organ); Baritone: Ryne Cherry [BWV 3/6]
The Chorale (Mvt. 6) of BWV 3 is sung twice, the 2nd time with participation of the audience

Just Bach Madison

Jan 22, 2025

Video / TT: 35:29

Recorded & filmed live at Luther Memorial Church, Madison, Wisconsin, USA, as part of the Just Bach Madison Concert Series.
Watch on YouTube:
Full Concert, including: BWV 3/6 [35:29]


Just Bach Madison February 2025 Concert


04:20-10:16: Aria - Duet for Soprano & Bass Mein Freund ist mein (Mvt. 6) from Cantata BWV 140 [5:56]
12:56-27:13: Cantata Ich steh mit einem Fuß im Grabe, BWV 156 [14:17]

Vocal Director: Ryne Cherry; Instrumental Director: Charlie Rasmussen

Just Bach Madison

Soprano: Kristin Knutson Berka; Alto: Madison Barrett; Tenor: John Bragle; Bass: Ryne Cherry
Stacey Berk (Baroque Oboe); Anna Rasmussen & Keri Kelly (Violins); Madlen Breckbill (Viola); Charlie Rasmussen (Cello); Jared Stellmacher (Organ)
The Chorale (Mvt. 6) of BWV 156 is sung twice, the 2nd time with participation of the audience

Just Bach Madison

Feb 19, 2025

Video / TT: 28:10

Recorded live at Luther Memorial Church, Madison, Wisconsin, USA, as part of the Just Bach Madison Concert Series.
Watch on YouTube:
Full Concert, including: BWV 140/6, 156 [28:10]


Just Bach Season 7 March 2025 Concert - Motets & Community Chorales


Johann Christoph Bach: Sei getreu bis in den Tod
H. Schütz: Verleih uns Frieden genädiglich, SWV 372
H. Schütz: Gib unserm Fürsten und aller Obrigkeit, SWV 373
14:46-16:52: J.S. Bach: Chorale Befiehl Du Deine Wege (Mvt. 44) (CM: Befiehl du deine Wege) from Matthäus-Passion BWV 244 [2:06]*
Johann Christoph Bach: Der Mensch, vom Weibe geboren
H. Schütz: Die mit Tränen säen werden mit Freuden ernten, SWV 378
Adam Drese: Nun ist alles überwunden
31:18-33:25: J.S. Bach: Chorale Schmücke dich, o liebe Seele (alternate text) (CM: Schmücke dich, o liebe Seele) (Mvt. 7) from Cantata BWV 180 [2:07]*

Vocal Director: Ryne Cherry; Instrumental Director: Charlie Rasmussen

Just Bach Madison

Soprano: Eleanor Mayerfeld; Soprano: Amanda Lauricella; Alto: Geoffrey Williams; Tenor: John Bragle; Baritone: Ryne Cherry
Eric Miller (Cello); Bruce Bengston (Piano/Organ)
*The Chorales are sung twice, the 2nd time with participation of the audience

Just Bach Madison

Mar 12, 2025

Video / TT: 34:23

Recorded live at Luther Memorial Church, Madison, Wisconsin, USA, as part of the Just Bach Madison Concert Series.
Watch on YouTube:
Full Concert, including: BWV 244/44, BWV 180/7 [34:23]

The list of recordings was compiled by Aryeh Oron (February 2025 - March 2025)

Just Bach Madison: Short History | Founders & Co-Artistic Directors: Cheryl Bensman-Rowe | Paul Rowe | Ryne Cherry | Charlie Rasmussen
Bach Discography:
Recordings of Vocal Works | Season 7: 2024-2025

Conductors of Vocal Works: Main Page | A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J | K | L | M | N | O | P | Q | R | S | T | U | V | W | X | Y | Z | Singers & Instrumentalists


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Last update: Thursday, March 20, 2025 01:38