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Bradley Wells
Recordings of Cantatas Recordings of Other Vocal Works
Bradley Wells - Short Biography Berkshire Bach Singers - Short History
Recordings of Cantatas
Berkshire Bach Society Presents the Best of Times (Two Bach Cantatas; German Requiem)
Disc 1: Heinrich Schütz: Musicalische exequien (1636) [] Concerto in D minor for recorder and strings BWV 1059 [] Disc 2: Cantata BWV 161 [] Cantata BWV 106 (Actus Tragicus) []
Berkshire Bach Singers / Instrumental Ensemble
Soprano: Judith Gray; Soprano: Madonna Meagher; Alto: Emily Eyre; Tenor: Mark Sprinkle; Tenor: Douglas Schmolze; Bass: Keith Kibler; Bass: Andrew Crispell
Off the Beat-n-Track
Jun 12, 2004
2-CD / TT:
Recorded live at St. James Church, Great Barrington, Massachusetts, USA, in the frame of Berkshire Bach Society: Concert Series.
The list of recordings was compiled by Aryeh Oron (May 2015)
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