Cantata BWV 219
Siehe, es hat überwunden der Löwe
English Translation in Interlinear Format
Cantata BWV BWV 219 - See! Victory is his – the Lion |
Event: Cantata for Feast of St Michael and All Angels
Readings: Epistle: Revelations 12: 7-12; Gospel: Matthew 18: 1-11
Text: Erdmann Neumeister (Mvts. 1-4); Justus Gesenius (Mvt. 5)
Chorale Text: O Gott, der du aus Herzensgrund
Composer: Georg Philipp Telemann (Hamburg, 1723)
1st performance: 1723 - Hamburg
2nd performance: 1728 - Hamburg |
Biblical quotations in green font, chorales in purple |
1 |
Chorus [S, A, T, B] |
Siehe! Es hat überwunden der Löwe,
See! Victory is his – the Lion,
der da ist vom Geschlecht Juda,
who comes from the race of Judah,
die Wurzel David.
the root of David. [Rev 5:5] |
2 |
Aria [Bass] |
Gott stürzet den Hochmuth des wüthenden Drachen,
God casts down the arrogance of the raging Dragon,
denn Christus hat den Satanas besiegt.
for Christ has conquered Satan.
Drum jauchzet und preiset den Herrn vergnügt!
Therefore shout for joy and praise the Lord happily
Wir können nun mit frohem Herzen lachen,
we can now laugh with joyful hearts
weil Der, so uns unglücklich wollte machen,
since the one who wanted to cause us such unhappiness
selbst in dem Pfuhl der Höllen liegt.
lies himself in the pit of hell. |
3 |
Recitative [Soprano] |
Mensch, willst du nicht dein Heil verscherzen
Man, if you do not wish to forfeit your salvation
und einst des Satans Sclave sein,
and once and for all be Satan's slave,
so schranke deinen Hochmuth ein.
then curb in your arrogance.
Gott hasst die stolzen Herzen,
God hates proud hearts
nur den Demüthigen glanzt seiner Gnade Schein.
the light of his grace shines only on the humble.
Es war der Lucifer ein schön erschaff'ner Engel;
Lucifer was created as a beautiful angel
doch weil er seinen Schöpfer wollt' verachten,
but because he wanted to despise his creator
durch seine Kraft sich gross zu machen trachten,
and to strive to make himself great through his own power.
so ist er aus der reinen Geister Orden verstossen
he was driven out from the ranks of pure spirits
und ein schwarzer Teufel worden
and became a black devil.
So geht's auch dir, wenn dein Vertrauen auf Reichtum,
This will happen to you also if you place your trust
zeitlich Glück und hohen Stand will bauen,
in wealth, worldly prosperity and high rank,
wenn du den Nachsten willst gering und wenig schätzen,
if you value your neighbour so very slightly
und ihn durch Bosheit stets verletzen.
and continually harm him with your evil.
Wer aber sich vor Gott in Demuth niederlegt,
But the person who prostrates himself in humility before God,
des Heilands Fürbild stets für Augen tragt,
keeps the image of his saviour always before his eyes,
sich dessen Blut erwahlt zu Heilung seiner Mängel:
chooses his blood to heal his faults,
der wird, wenn ihn der Tod drückt in die Gruft der Erden,|
when death presses him down to his tomb in the earth
zur Herrlichkeit erhoben werden.
will be raised up to glory |
4 |
Aria [Alto] |
Wenn in meinen letzten Zügen Sünd'
When I am at my last gasp and
und Satan mich bekriegen,
my sins and Satan are waging war on me,
stehe mir, mein Jesu, bei!
stand by me,my Jesus!
Lass mich deiner Engel Wagen
Grant that the chariot of your angels
zu der Burg des Himmels tragen,
may carry me to heaven's castle
dass ich durch dein Siegen
so that through your victory.
auch gekrönt mit Palmen sei.
I also may be crowned with palms |
5 |
Chorale [S, A, T, B] |
Lass deine Kirch' und unser Land
Grant that our church and country may
der Engel Schutz empfinden,
experience the protection of your angels,
dass Fried' und Freud'
so that peace and joy
in allem Stand ein Jeder möge finden;
can be found by everyone in all ranks of society;
lass sie des Teufels Mord und List,
grant that the devil's murder and cunning
und was sein Reich und Anhang ist,
and all that he rules and has
durch deine Kraft zerstören.
may through your power be destroyed. |
Note on the Text |
Georg Philipp Telemann's (1681-1767) Michaelfest Cantata, "Siehe, es hat überwunden der Löwe," (Behold, the lion has triumphed), was originally catalogued as a Bach composition, BWV 219, now listed as TVWV 1:1328. It was first performed in Hamburg in 1723 and repeated in 1728. It has double usage for Easter Season Sundays and the Michaelfest. The text is by Erdmann Neumeister, written in 1711 or 1714. The dictum of the opening choral fugue is based on Revelation 5:5 (KJV): "And one of the elders saith unto me, Weep not: behold, the Lion of the tribe of Judah, the Root of David, hath prevailed to open the book, and to loose the seven seals thereof." It closes with the Justus Gesenius (1601-1683), chorale, "O Gott, der du aus Herzensgrund" Stanzas 9 and 10.
(Information from William Hoffman's notes on BCW: http://www.bach-cantatas.com/BWV219-D.htm} |
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This Translation in Parallel Format |
English Translation by Francis Browne (September 2015)
Contributed by Francis Browne (September 2015) |
Georg Philipp Telemann:
Short Biography
| G.P. Telemann - Use of Chorale Melodies in his works
| G.P. Telemann - His Autobiography (Hamburg, 1740)
Georg Philipp Telemann & Bach:
Part 1
| Part 2
| Part 3
Cantata BWV 141
| Cantata BWV 160
| Cantata BWV 218
| Cantata BWV 219
| Passions-Pasticcio BWV 1088
| Motet Jauchzet dem Herrn, alle Welt, BWV Anh 160
| Cantata Hier ist mein Herz, geliebter Jesu, TWV 1:795
| Cantata Ich freue mich im Herren, TWV 1:826
| Cantata Machet die Tore weit (I), TWV 1:074
| Cantata Der Herr ist König, TWV 8:6
| Brockes Passion, TWV 5:1
| Passions-Oratorium Seliges Erwägen, TWV 5:2
Original German Texts of Telemann's Vocal Works:
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Non-Bach Cantatas:
Details & Discographies:
BWV 15
| BWV 53
| BWV 141
| BWV 142
| BWV 160
| BWV 189
| BWV 200
| BWV 217
| BWV 218
| BWV 219
| BWV 220
| BWV 221
| BWV 222
Part 1
| Part 2
| Part 3
| Part 4
English Translations in Interlinear/Parallel Format (English-3):
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| Note on English Translations