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Texts & Translations: Main Page | Cantatas BWV 1-50 | Cantatas BWV 51-100 | Cantatas BWV 101-150 | Cantatas BWV 151-200 | Cantatas BWV 201-224 | Other Vocal BWV 225-249 | Chorales BWV 250-438 | Geistliche Lieder BWV 439-507 | AMN BWV 508-524 | Other Vocal 1081-1164 | BWV Anh | Chorale Texts | Emblemata | Sources | Poets & Composers
Discussions: Texts: Part 1 | Part 2 | Part 3 | Translations: Part 1 | Part 2 | Part 3 | Part 4

Cantata BWV 50
Nun ist das Heil und die Kraft und das Reich
Polskie tłumaczenie [Polish Translation]
Kantata BWV 50 - Tedy oto jeść wybawienie y potęga y włość Boga

Okazja: Uroczystość Świętego Michała Archanioła

Oryginalny tekst niemiecki [Original German Text]

Polskie tłumaczenie [Polish Translation]

1. Coro

1. Chór [S, A, T, B

Tromba I-III, Timpani, Oboe I-III, Violino I/II, Viola, Continuo

Nun ist das Heil und die Kraft und das Reich und die Macht unsers Gottes seines Christus worden, weil der verworfen ist, der sie verklagete Tag und Nacht vor Gott.

Tedy oto jeść wybawienie y potęga y włość Boga naszego y Mocność Krysta jego, abociem zrzucon jeść tenci, co nawadzał był we dnie y w nocy onych przed Boga oblicznością.


Dedicated to Ms. Grażyna Banduch

Autor przekładu: Filip Adam Zieliński (June 2017)
Przekład dedykowany p. mgr Grażynie Banduch

Contributed by Filip Adam Zieliński (July 2018)

Cantata BWV 50: Nun ist das Heil und die Kraft for Feast of St Michael and All Angels (Unknown date)
Details | Discoraphy: Complete Recordings: 1900-1949 | 1950-1959 | 1960-1969 | 1970-1979 | 1980-1989 | 1990-1999 | 2000-2009 | 2010-2019 | 2020-2029
Discussions: Part 1 | Part 2 | Part 3 | Part 4

BWV 50 Text: German-1 | German-2 | German-6 | German-7 | NBA Text
Translations: English-1 | English-3I | English-3P | English-6 | English-10 | English-14
Catalan-1 | Chinese-2 | Dutch-0 | Dutch-3 | French-1 | French-2 | French-4 | French-5 | French-6 | Hebrew-1 | Hebrew-3 | Indonesian-1 | Italian-2 | Norwegian-1 | Polish-1 | Polish-2 | Portuguese-1 | Russian-1 | Russian-3 | Spanish-2 | Spanish-7 | Spanish/English-8

Polish Translations: Sorted by BWV Number | Sorted by Title | Sorted by Event
Notes on Polish Translations: Polish-1 | Polish-2 | Translator biographies: Armin Teske | Andrzej Teske | Filip Adam Zieliński

Texts & Translations: Main Page | Cantatas BWV 1-50 | Cantatas BWV 51-100 | Cantatas BWV 101-150 | Cantatas BWV 151-200 | Cantatas BWV 201-224 | Other Vocal BWV 225-249 | Chorales BWV 250-438 | Geistliche Lieder BWV 439-507 | AMN BWV 508-524 | Other Vocal 1081-1164 | BWV Anh | Chorale Texts | Emblemata | Sources | Poets & Composers
Discussions: Texts: Part 1 | Part 2 | Part 3 | Translations: Part 1 | Part 2 | Part 3 | Part 4


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Last update: Thursday, September 22, 2022 03:29