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Julien Chauvin (Violin, Conductor)

Born: March 11, 1979 - Fontainebleau, France

The French violinist and conductor, Julien Chauvin, was attracted at an early age by the Baroque revolution and the new wave of historically informed performance practice using period instruments and moved to the Netherlands to train at the Koninklijk Conservatorium Den Haag - Royal Conservatoire of The Hague with Vera Beths, who founded L’Archibudelli with Anner Bylsma. He perfected his skills with Wilbert Hazelzet, Jaap ter Linden and Anner Bylsma. In 2003, he was a prize-winner at the International Early Music competition in Bruges (MAfestival Brugge).

Julien Chauvin has a career as soloist, guest violinist, chamber musician and musical director, specialized in the interpretation on period instruments and gut strings. He he has performed as a soloist in South America, South Africa and Georgia, while at the same time playing in the leading European Baroque ensembles, before founding in 2005 Le Cercle de l’Harmonie, which he directed jointly with Jérémie Rhorer for ten years (May 2005-December 2014). Realising his desire to bring back to life a celebrated ensemble of the 18th century, he formed in Decembe 2014 a new orchestra, Le Concert de la Loge, specialized in the interpretation of Baroque, Classical and Romantic repertoires on ancient instruments. The ambitions of this modern recreation have been demonstrated by its exploration of forgotten works from the French orchestral and vocal-operatic repertory and concert formats encouraging spontaneous and imaginative reactions from the audience. In parallel with this, he continues his collaboration with the Quatuor Cambini-Paris, formed in 2007, with which he performs the string quartets of Jadin, David, Gouvy, W.A. Mozart, Charles Gounod and Haydn.

Julien Chauvin has also conducted operatic productions such as Era la notte staged by Juliette Deschamps with Anna Caterina Antonacci, Lemoyne’s Phèdre and Isouard’s Cendrillon staged by Marc Paquien for the Palazzetto Bru Zane; Haydn’s Armida directed by Mariame Clément; and Sacchini’s Chimène ou le Cid staged by Sandrine Anglade. Continuing to investigate the question of direction in the 18th-century opera, he recently directed W.A. Mozart's Die Entführung aus dem Serail from the violin in a production by Christophe Rulhes.

Julien Chauvin has appeared as guest conductor with orchestras and ensembles including the Kammerorchester Basel (Director: Julia Schröder), Gürzenich-Orchester Köln, Orchestre de Chambre de Paris, Orchestre National d’Avignon-Provence, Orchestre National de Metz, Orchestre National de Cannes, Orchestre de l'opéra de Limoges, Esterházy Hofkapelle Orchestra, {oh!} Orkiestra Historyczna (Director: Martyna Pastuszka) in Katowice, Folger Consort in Washington, Les Violons du Roy (Director: Bernard Labadie) in Montréal and the Arion Orchestre Baroque de Montréal, Il Gardellino (Director: Marcel Ponseele), Le Poème Harmonique. He regularly appears in recital with Alain Planès, Christophe Coin, Andreas Staier, Jean-François Heisser, Justin Taylor and Olivier Baumont. He and Olivier Baumont recorded the disc ‘À Madame’ at Versailles Palace.

Julien Chauvin’s discography includes concertante works by Haydn, L.v. Beethoven and Berlioz for the Eloquentia and Ambroisie-Naïve labels. With his ensemble Le Concert de la Loge, he recorded the Haydn’s complete ‘Paris’ Symphonies, which he compared with other works created in Paris in the 1780's. Passionate about the rediscovery of forgotten French repertoire, he recorded the disc “Si j’ai aimé” with Sandrine Piau for the Alpha label. As a soloist, he recorded in 2020 an album of violin concertos for the Vivaldi Edition of the Naïve label which was awarded a Diapason d’or. His discography includes also eight discs recorded with the Cercle de l'Harmonie and the conductor Jérémie Rhorer for Virgin Classics, Eloquentia and Ambroisie-Naïve labels and five discs with the Cambini-Paris Quartet for the Timpani, MBF and Ambroisie-Naïve labels.

In addition to his concert activities, Julien Chauvin also devotes himself to teaching in orchestral sessions or master-classes at the Conservatoires Nationaux de Musique et de Danse of both Paris and Lyon, the École Normale de Paris, the Opéra national de Paris Academy and the Orchestre Français des Jeunes. Since 2008, he has also been working at the INSEAD, alongside Professor Ian Woodward, in training seminars for business leaders.

Julien Chauvin plays on a 1780 Giuseppe Guadagnini violin loaned as part of the “Adopt a Musician” project, an initiative of Music Masterpiece in Lugano. He currently lives in Paris, France.

Wikipedia Website (June 2024)
Le Concert de la Loge Website
Photo 02: © Le Cercle de l'Harmonie; Photos 05, 11, 35, 37: Marco Borggreve; Photos fpy01-08, 11-14: Franck Juery
Bits & pieces from other sources
Contributed by
Aryeh Oron (July 2024)

Julien Chauvin: Short Biography | Ensembles: Le Concert de la Loge
Bach Discography:
Recordings of Vocal Works

Recordings of Bach Cantatas & Other Vocal Works




Marcel Ponseele


Member of Il Gardellino:
[C-4] (2012): BWV 46, BWV 102

Links to other Sites

Julien Chauvin (Wikipedia)
Julien Chauvin - Violinist & Conductor (Le Concert de la Loge) [French/English]
Julien Chauvin Bio on All Music Guide
Julien Chauvin on LinkedIn
Julien Chavin on Facebook

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Last update: Friday, August 30, 2024 08:30