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Choir and Orchestra of J.S. Bach Foundation
Schola Seconda Pratica (Vocal & Instrumental Ensemble)

Founded: 2006 - St. Gallen, Switzerland

The Choir and Orchestra of the J.S. Bach Foundation (formerly: Schola Seconda Practica) was founded by Rudolf Lutz in 2006. The ensemble consists of professional musicians from the whole of Switzerland, southern Germany and Austria. All its members are experienced in historical performance practices and relish the challenge of exploring a contemporary and vital interpretation of J.S. Bach's cantatas. The Choir and Orchestra consists of regular members, with extra musicians being engaged according to the demands of the work performed. The choir's size varies in the range of up to 40 voices, and is made up of young professional singers. Individual members receive the opportunity to take on solo roles from time to time.

Conducted by Rudolf Lutz, the Choir and Orchestra has been performing J.S. Bach’s cantatas in a monthly concert cycle since October 2006. Throughout the ongoing work of this project, it has continually developed and matured. Today, the ensemble is distinguished by its homogenous, yet flexible sound and its wealth of experience in the interpretation of J.S. Bach’s works. The quality and of vitality of its performances have garnered the group notable critical acclaim. In recent years, the Choir and Orchestra has ventured beyond its home concert hall in Trogen, Switzerland, and now gives regular concerts both nationally and internationally.

Members of Choir of the J.S. Bach Foundation (2010-2022):





Lia Andres
Alice Borciani
Larissa Bretscher
Lucy De Butts
Maria Deger (Maria Weber)
Sybille Diethelm
Keiko Enomoto
Felicitas Erb
Cornelia Fahrion
Susanne Frei
Léonie Gloor
Olivia Heiniger-Fündeling
Guro Hjemli
Mami Irisawa
Jessica Jans
Lena Kiepenheuer
Gunhild Lang-Alsvik
Linda Loosli
Damaris Rickhaus-Nussbaumer
Stephanie Pfeffer
Jennifer Ribeiro-Rudin
Lea Pfister-Scherer
Simone Schwark
Susanne Seitter
Julia Schiwowa
Gunta Smirnova
Noëmi Sohn-Nad
Noëmi Tran-Rediger [MB]
Madeline Trösch
Baiba Urka
Alexa Vogel
Anna Walker [MB]
Maria Weber
Mirjam Wernli-Berli
Ulla Westvik

Anne Bierwirth
Laura Binggeli
Jan Börner
Nanora Büttiker
Roland Faust
Judith Flury
Antonia Frey-Sutter
Corinne Grendelmeier-Nipp
Olivia Heiniger-Fündeling
Katharina Guglhör
Katharina Jud
Stefan Kahle
Tobias Knaus
Dina König
Laura Kull (AKA Binggeli
Dorothee Labusch
Liliana Lafranchi
Misa Lamdark (Jäggin)
Lara Morger
Francisca Näf
Kazuko Nakano
Lea Pfister-Scherer
Alexandra Rawohl
Damaris Rickhaus-Nussbaumer
Simon Savoy
Lea Pfister-Scherer
Isabelle Stettler
Jan Thomer
Lisa Weiss
Sarah Widmer

Jonas Atwood
Rodrigo Carreto
Marcel Fässler
Clemens Flämig
Zacharie Fogal
Manuel Gerber
Achim Glatz
Raphael Höhn
Daniel Issa
Matthias Lüdi
Tobias Mäthger
Klemens Mölkner
Joël Morand
Tiago Oliveira
Christian Rathgeber
Sören Richter
Nicolas Savoy
Walter Siegel
Jonathan Spicher
Jan Thomer

Jan Börner
Matthias Ebner
Jean-Christophe Groffe
Fabrice Hayoz
Serafin Heusser
Johannes Hill
Christian Kotsis
Matthias Lutze
Chasper Mani
Israel Martins
Grégoire May
Simón Millán
Valentin Parli
Daniel Pérez
Retus Pfister
Felix Rathgeber
Philippe Rayot
Julian Redlin
Oliver Rudin
Martin Schicketanz
Jonathan Sells
Peter Strömberg
Othmar Sturm
Manuel Walser
Tobias Wicky
William Wood

Members of Orchestra of the J.S. Bach Foundation (January-June 2022):

Violins: Monika Baer, Péter Barczi, Christine Baumann, Eva Borhi, Patricia Do, Claire Foltze, Judith von der Goltz, Elisabeth Kohler, Petra Melicharek, Dorothee Mühleisen, Ildikó Sajgó, Olivia Schenkel, Renate Steinmann, Lenka Torgersen, Salome Zimmermann
Violas: Sonoko Asabuki, Péter Barczi, Martina Bischof, Claire Foltzer, Susanna Hefti, Matthias Jäggi, Stella Mahrenholz, Sarah Mühlethaler
Violoncellos: Maya Amrein, Hristo Kouzmanov, Magdalena Reisser, Daniel Rosin, Martin Zeller
Violoncello piccolo: Martin Zeller
Violone: Markus Bernhard, Guisella Massa
Recorder/Flute: Sarah van Cornewal, Marc Hantaï, Tomoko Mukoyama, Kiichi Suganuma, Yukiko Yaita,
Oboes: Katharina Arfken, Clara Espinosa, Andreas Helm, Thomas Meraner, Philipp Wagner
Horns: Stefan Katte
Trumpets: Lukasz Gothszalk, Peter Hasel, Patrick Henrichs, Klaus Pfeiffer, Matthew Sadler, Alexander Samawicz;
Bassoon: Susann Landert. Gilat Rotkop
Timpani: Inez Ellmann, Martin Homann
Harpsichord: Thomas Leininger, Rudolf Lutz
Organ: Nicola Cumer

MB = Missing Biography. If you would like to contribute a biography of the artist, please send me a message. My e-mail address and the instructions can be found at the page: Short Biographies - Explanation.

J.S. Bach-Stiftung St. Gallen Website, English translation by Aryeh Oron (October 2009)
Xoan Castineira (Vertriebs AG der J.S. Bach-Stiftung, July 2013)
Contributed by
Aryeh Oron (October 2009, August 2014, July 2016, April 2018, July 2020, November 2021, December 2023); Xoan Castineira (July 2013)

Recordings of Bach Cantatas & Other Vocal Works




Gotthold Schwarz


[F2020-V1] [V-4] (2020, Video): BWV 245: Chorales

Links to other Sites

Choir & Orchestra of the J.S. Bach Foundation (Bachstiftung)
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J.S. Bach-Stiftung on Facebook

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Last update: Friday, June 14, 2024 08:51