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Rudolf Lutz & Schola Seconda Pratica
Bach Cantatas & Other Vocal Works
Discography - Part 3

Recordings of Cantatas on DVD's/Videos: 2009


J.S. Bach: Kantate BWV 155 "Mein gott, wie lang, ach lange"


Cantata Mein Gott, wie lang, ach lange, BWV 155 [CD: 12:41; YT: 15:41]

Conductor & Organ: Rudolf Lutz
Reflection lecture: Hugo Loetscher

(OVPP - No Choir) / Schola Seconda Pratica

Soloists: Soprano: Julia Neumann; Alto: Margot Oitzinger; Tenor: Julius Pfeifer; Bass: Raphael Jud
Orchestra: Violins: Renate Steinmann [Leader], Fanny Tschanz; Viola: Susanna Hefti; Violoncello: Maya Amrein; Violone: Iris Finkbeiner; Bassoon: Donna Agrell

J.S. Bach-Stiftung St. Gallen A620 (Gallus Media 30)

Jan 16, 2009


Recorded live at Evangelische Kirche, Trogen, Switzerland, in the frame of J.S. Bach-Stiftung, St. Gallen: Cantata Series.
The DVD (in German, no subtitles) includes a film recording of the complete cantata, the reflection lecture of the speaker and a film portrait of the J.S. Bach Foundation.
Recording & Production: Sound Engineers: Stefan Ritzenthaler, Johannes Widmer; Producer: Meinrad Keel; Production: Gallus Media AG, Switzerland; DVD format: PAL.
Watch on YouTube:
Cantata BWV 155: Complete Cantata [15:41] | Workshop [42:03 | Workshop [42:04] | Reflection Lecture [20:53] | Lecture & Complete Cantata [42:04] | Mvt. 4: Aria [S] [3:02]
Buy this album at:
DVD (2010): J.S. Bach-Stiftung, St. Gallen: Shop |
11-DVD (2010): J.S. Bach-Stiftung, St. Gallen: Shop |


J.S. Bach: Kantate BWV 18 "Gleich wie der Regen"


Cantata Gleich wie der Regen, BWV 18 [CD: 13:36; YT: 17:13]

Conductor: Rudolf Lutz
Reflection lecture: Hans Jecklin

Vokalensemble der Schola Seconda Pratica / Schola Seconda Pratica

Soloists: Soprano: Núria Rial; Tenor: Makoto Sakurada; Bass: Dominik Wörner
Choir: Sopranos: Susanne Frei, Léonie Gloor, Guro Hjemli, Jennifer Rudin; Altos: Antonia Frey, Olivia Heiniger, Damaris Nussbaumer, Lea Scherer; Tenors: Marcel Fässler, Nicolas Savoy, Walter Siegel; Basses: Fabrice Hayoz, Philippe Rayot, William Wood
Orchestra: Recorders: Armelle Plantier, Gaëlle Volet; Bassoon: Nikolaus Broda; Violas: Susanna Hefti, Renate Steinmann, Martina Bischof, Joanna Bilger; Violoncello: Maya Amrein; Violone: Iris Finkbeiner; Organ: Norbert Zeilberger

J.S. Bach-Stiftung St. Gallen A621 (Gallus Media 48)

Feb 13, 2009


Recorded live at Evangelische Kirche, Trogen, Switzerland, in the frame of J.S. Bach-Stiftung, St. Gallen: Cantata Series.
The DVD (in German, no subtitles) includes a film recording of the complete cantata, the reflection lecture of the speaker and a film portrait of the J.S. Bach Foundation.
Recording & Production: Sound Engineers: Stefan Ritzenthaler, Johannes Widmer; Producer: Meinrad Keel; Production: Gallus Media AG, Switzerland; DVD format: PAL.
Watch on YouTube:
Cantata BWV 18: Complete Cantata [17:13] | Workshop [46:03] | Workshop [46:03 | Reflection Lecture [18:32 | Mvt. 3: Recitative [T, B] & Chorale [5:49]
Buy this album at:
DVD (2010): J.S. Bach-Stiftung, St. Gallen: Shop |
11-DVD (2010): J.S. Bach-Stiftung, St. Gallen: Shop |


J.S. Bach: Kantate BWV 23 "Du wahrer Gott und Davids Sohn"


Cantata Du wahrer Gott und Davids Sohn, BWV 23 [YT: 19:24]

Conductor: Rudolf Lutz
Reflection lecture: Konrad Hummler

Vokalensemble der Schola Seconda Pratica / Schola Seconda Pratica

Soloists: Soprano: Miriam Feuersinger; Counter-tenor: Markus Forster; Tenor: Jens Weber; Bass: Fabrice Hayoz
Choir: Sopranos: Susanne Frei, Léonie Gloor, Guro Hjemli, Noëmi Tran-Rediger; Altos: Jan Börner, Antonia Frey, Olivia Heiniger, Lea Scherer; Tenors: Marcel Fässler, Clemens Flämig, Manuel Gerber; Basses: Matthias Ebner, Fabrice Hayoz, Philippe Rayot
Orchestra: Violins: Renate Steinmann [Leader], Martin Korrodi, Ildiko Sajgo, Olivia Schenkel, Marjolein Streefkerk, Livia Wiersich; Violas: Susanna Hefti, Martina Bischof; Violoncello: Maya Amrein; Violone: Iris Finkbeiner; Bassoon: Susann Landert; Oboes: Kerstin Kramp, Andreas Helm; Organ: Norbert Zeilberger

J.S. Bach-Stiftung St. Gallen A622 (Gallus Media 24)

Mar 13, 2009


Recorded live at Evangelische Kirche, Trogen, Switzerland, in the frame of J.S. Bach-Stiftung, St. Gallen: Cantata Series.
The DVD (in German, no subtitles) includes a film recording of the complete cantata, the reflection lecture of the speaker and a film portrait of the J.S. Bach Foundation.
Recording & Production: Sound Engineers: Stefan Ritzenthaler, Johannes Widmer; Producer: Meinrad Keel; Production: Gallus Media AG, Switzerland; DVD format: PAL.
Watch on YouTube:
Cantata BWV 23: Complete Cantata [19:24] | Workshop [47:34] | Reflection Lecture [23:14] | Mvt. 3: Chorus [3:57]
Buy this album at:
DVD (2010): J.S. Bach-Stiftung, St. Gallen: Shop |
11-DVD (2010): J.S. Bach-Stiftung, St. Gallen: Shop |


J.S. Bach: Kantate BWV 42 "Am Abend aber desselbigen Sabbats"


Cantata Am Abend aber desselbigen Sabbats, BWV 42 [CD: 26:01; YT: 29:32]

Conductor & Harpsichord: Rudolf Lutz
Reflection lecture: Barbara Bleisch

(OVPP - NO Choir) / Schola Seconda Pratica

Soloists: Soprano: Ulrike Hofbauer; Alto: Irène Friedli; Tenor: Bernhard Berchthold; Bass: Markus Volpert
Orchestra: Violins: Renate Steinmann [Leader], Anaïs Chen, Sylvia Gmür, Martin Korrodi, Olivia Schenkel, Livia Wiersich; Violas: Susanna Hefti, Martina Bischof; Violoncello: Martin Zeller; Violone: Iris Finkbeiner; Bassoon: Susann Landert; Oboes: Luise Baumgartl, Meike Güldenhaupt; Organ: Norbert Zeilberger

J.S. Bach-Stiftung St. Gallen A623 (Gallus Media 28)

Apr 17, 2009


Recorded live at Evangelische Kirche, Trogen, Switzerland, in the frame of J.S. Bach-Stiftung, St. Gallen: Cantata Series.
The DVD (in German, no subtitles) includes a film recording of the complete cantata, the reflection lecture of the speaker and a film portrait of the J.S. Bach Foundation.
Recording & Production: Sound Engineers: Stefan Ritzenthaler, Johannes Widmer; Producer: Meinrad Keel; Production: Gallus Media AG, Switzerland; DVD format: PAL.
Watch on YouTube:
Cantata BWV 42: Complete Cantata [29:32] | Workshop [44:13 | Reflection Lecture [17:37] | Reflection Lecture [17:38] | Mvt. 3: Aria [A] [11:33]
Buy this album at:
DVD (2010): J.S. Bach-Stiftung, St. Gallen: Shop |
11-DVD (2010): J.S. Bach-Stiftung, St. Gallen: Shop |


J.S. Bach: Kantate BWV 34 "O ewiges Feuer, O Ursprung der Liebe"


Cantata O ewiges Feuer, O Ursprung der Liebe, BWV 34 [CD: 16:07; YT: 19:49]

Conductor: Rudolf Lutz
Reflection lecture: Arthur Godel

Vokalensemble der Schola Seconda Pratica / Schola Seconda Pratica

Soloists: Alto: Margot Oitzinger; Tenor: Jens Weber; Bass: Fabrice Hayoz
Choir: Sopranos: Susanne Frei, Léonie Gloor, Guro Hjemli, Jennifer Rudin, Noëmi Tran-Rediger; Alto: Alexandra Rawohl, Olivia Heiniger, Francisca Näf, Damaris Nussbaumer, Lea Scherer; Tenor: Marcel Fässler, Manuel Gerber, Nicolas Savoy, Walter Siegel; Bass: Fabrice Hayoz, Chasper Mani, Philippe Rayot, William Wood
Orchestra: Violins: Renate Steinmann [Leader], Plamena Nikitassova, Sylvia Gmür, Sabine Hochstrasser, Fanny Pestalozzi, Olivia Schenkel, Fanny Tschanz, Livia Wiersich; Violas: Susanna Hefti, Martina Bischof, Joanna Bilger; Violoncellos: Martin Zeller, Hristo Kouzmanov; Violone: Iris Finkbeiner; Bassoon: Susann Landert; Oboes: Luise Baumgartl, Martin Stadler; Transverse Flutes: Maria Mittermayr, Renate Sudhaus; Trumpets: Patrick Henrichs, Peter Hasel, Klaus Pfeiffer; Timpani: Martin Homann; Organ: Nicola Cumer; Harpsichord: Oren Kirschenbaum

J.S. Bach-Stiftung St. Gallen A624 (Gallus Media 36)

May 29, 2009


Recorded live at Evangelische Kirche, Trogen, Switzerland, in the frame of J.S. Bach-Stiftung, St. Gallen: Cantata Series.
The DVD (in German, no subtitles) includes a film recording of the complete cantata, the reflection lecture of the speaker and a film portrait of the J.S. Bach Foundation.
Recording & Production: Sound Engineers: Stefan Ritzenthaler, Johannes Widmer; Producer: Meinrad Keel; Production: Gallus Media AG, Switzerland; DVD format: PAL.
Watch on YouTube:
Cantata BWV 34: Complete Cantata [19:49] | Workshop [42:42] | Workshop [42:43] | Reflection Lecture [23:08] | Mvt. 3: Aria [A] [6:03]
Buy this album at:
DVD (2010): J.S. Bach-Stiftung, St. Gallen: Shop |
11-DVD (2010): J.S. Bach-Stiftung, St. Gallen: Shop |


J.S. Bach: Kantate BWV 135 "Ach Herr, mich armen Sünder"


Cantata Ach Herr, mich armen Sünder, BWV 135 [YT: 18:38]

Conductor & Harpsichord: Rudolf Lutz
Reflection Lecture: Emmanuel Wiemer

Vokalensemble der Schola Seconda Pratica / Schola Seconda Pratica

Soloists: Counter-tenor: Jan Börner; Tenor: Hans Jörg Mammel; Bass: Klaus Häger
Choir: Sopranos: Susanne Frei, Guro Hjemli, Jennifer Rudin, Noëmi Tran-Rediger; Altos: Antonia Frey, Olivia Heiniger, Lea Scherer; Tenors: Manuel Gerber, Raphael Höhn, Nicolas Savoy; Basses: Fabrice Hayoz, Chasper Mani, Philippe Rayot
Orchestra: Violins: Renate Steinmann [Leader], Fanny Tschanz; Viola: Susanna Hefti; Violoncello: Martin Zeller; Violone: Iris Finkbeiner; Bassoon: Susann Landert; Oboes: Katharina Arfken, Dominik Melicharek; Bass Trombone: Ulrich Eichenberger; Organ: Norbert Zeilberger

J.S. Bach-Stiftung St. Gallen A625 (Gallus Media 29)

Jun 26, 2009


Recorded live at Evangelische Kirche, Trogen, Switzerland, in the frame of J.S. Bach-Stiftung, St. Gallen: Cantata Series.
The DVD (in German, no subtitles) includes a film recording of the complete cantata, the reflection lecture of the speaker and a film portrait of the J.S. Bach Foundation.
Recording & Production: Sound Engineers: Stefan Ritzenthaler, Johannes Widmer; Producer: Meinrad Keel; Producton: Gallus Media AG, Switzerland; DVD format: PAL.
Watch on YouTube:
Cantata BWV 135: Complete Cantata [18:38] | Workshop [43:40] | Reflection Lecture [22:07 | Mvt. 3: Aria [T] [3:27]
Buy this album at:
DVD (2010): J.S. Bach-Stiftung, St. Gallen: Shop |
11-DVD (2010): J.S. Bach-Stiftung, St. Gallen: Shop |


J.S. Bach: Kantate BWV 35 "Geist und Seele wird verwirret"


Cantata Geist und Seele wird verwirret, BWV 35 [CD: 25:00; YT: 28:43]

Conductor, harpsichord: Rudolf Lutz
Reflection lecture: Ulrike Landfester

Schola Seconda Pratica

Soloist: Alto: Claude Eichenberger; Organ: Norbert Zeilberger
Orchestra: Violins: Renate Steinmann [Leader], Martin Korrodi, Christine Baumann, Sabine Hochstrasser, Olivia Schenkel, Livia Wiersich; Violas: Susanna Hefti, Xiao Ma; Violoncello: Martin Zeller; Violone: Iris Finkbeiner; Bassoon: Susann Landert; Oboes: Katharina Arfken, Thomas Meraner; Oboe da caccia: Luise Baumgartl

J.S. Bach-Stiftung St. Gallen A630 (Gallus Media 27)

Aug 28, 2009


Recorded live at Evangelische Kirche, Trogen, Switzerland, in the frame of J.S. Bach-Stiftung, St. Gallen: Cantata Series.
The DVD (in German, no subtitles) includes a film recording of the complete cantata, the reflection lecture of the speaker and a film portrait of the J.S. Bach Foundation.
Recording & Production: Sound Engineers: Stefan Ritzenthaler, Johannes Widmer; Producer: Meinrad Keel; Production: Gallus Media AG, Switzerland; DVD format: PAL.
Watch on YouTube:
Cantata BWV 35: Complete Cantata [28:43] | Workshop [44:48] | Workshop [44:48] | Reflection Lecture [18:18] | Mvt. 5: Sinfonia [3:31]
Buy this album at:
DVD (2010): J.S. Bach-Stiftung, St. Gallen: Shop |
11-DVD (2010): J.S. Bach-Stiftung, St. Gallen: Shop |



J.S. Bach: Kantate BWV 161 "Komm, du süsse Todesstunde"


Cantata Komm, du süße Todesstunde, BWV 161 [CD: 17:56]

Conductor: Rudolf Lutz
Reflection lecture: Alex Rübel

Vokalensemble der Schola Seconda Pratica / Schola Seconda Pratica

Soloists: Counter-tenor: Alex Potter; Tenor: Daniel Johannsen
Choir: Sopranos: Susanne Frei, Guro Hjemli, Jennifer Rudin, Noëmi Tran-Rediger; Altos: Jan Börner, Antonia Frey, Olivia Heiniger, Lea Scherer; Tenors: Marcel Fässler, Clemens Flämig, Nicolas Savoy; Bass: Matthias Ebner, Fabrice Hayoz, William Wood
Orchestra: Violins: Renate Steinmann [Leader], Fanny Tschanz; Viola: Susanna Hefti; Violoncello: Maya Amrein; Violone: Iris Finkbeiner; Bassoon: Susann Landert; Flute: Claire Genewein, Martin Skamletz; Organ: Norbert Zeilberger

J.S. Bach-Stiftung St. Gallen A631 (Gallus Media 31)

Sep 25, 2009


Recorded live at Evangelische Kirche, Trogen, Switzerland, in the frame of J.S. Bach-Stiftung, St. Gallen: Cantata Series.
The DVD (in German, no subtitles) includes a film recording of the complete cantata, the reflection lecture of the speaker and a film portrait of the J.S. Bach Foundation.
Recording & Production: Sound Engineers: Stefan Ritzenthaler, Johannes Widmer; Producer: Meinrad Keel; Production: Gallus Media AG, Switzerland; DVD format: PAL.
Watch on YouTube:
Cantata BWV 161: Mvt. 3: Aria [T] [4:56]
Buy this album at:
DVD (2010): J.S. Bach-Stiftung, St. Gallen: Shop |
11-DVD (2010): J.S. Bach-Stiftung, St. Gallen: Shop |


J.S. Bach: Kantate BWV 180 "Schmücke dich, o liebe Seele"


Cantata Schmücke dich, o liebe Seele, BWV 180 [CD: 23:39]

Conductor: Rudolf Lutz
Reflection lecture: Monica Rüthers

Vokalensemble der Schola Seconda Pratica / Schola Seconda Pratica

Soloists: Soprano: Maria Cristina Kiehr; Counter-tenor: Jan Börner; Tenor: Julius Pfeifer; Bass: Fabrice Hayoz
Special guest: Christophe Coin (Violoncello piccolo)
Choir: Sopranos: Susanne Frei, Guro Hjemli, Damaris Nussbaumer, Noëmi Tran-Rediger; Altos: Jan Börner, Antonia Frey, Olivia Heiniger, Lea Scherer; Tenors: Clemens Flämig, Manuel Gerber, Walter Siegel; Basses: Matthias Ebner, Fabrice Hayoz, Oliver Rudin
Orchestra: Violins: Renate Steinmann [Leader], Plamena Nikitassova, Anaïs Chen, Sabine Hochstrasser, Olivia Schenkel, Livia Wiersich; Violas: Susanna Hefti, Emmanuel Carron; Violoncello: Martin Zeller; Violone: Iris Finkbeiner; Bassoon: Susann Landert; Recorders: Armelle Plantier, Priska Comploi; Flute: Claire Genewein; Oboe: Stefanie Haegele; Oboe da caccia: Luise Baumgartl; Organ: Norbert Zeilberger

J.S. Bach-Stiftung St. Gallen A632 (Gallus Media 32)

Oct 23, 2009


Recorded live at Evangelische Kirche, Trogen, Switzerland, in the frame of J.S. Bach-Stiftung, St. Gallen: Cantata Series.
The DVD (in German, no subtitles) includes a film recording of the complete cantata, the reflection lecture of the speaker and a film portrait of the J.S. Bach Foundation.
Recording & Production: Sound Engineers: Stefan Ritzenthaler, Johannes Widmer; Producer: Meinrad Keel; Production: Gallus Media AG, Switzerland; DVD format: PAL.
Watch on YouTube:
Cantata BWV 180: Lecture & Complete Cantata [45:01] | Workshop [45:00] | Workshop [45:02] | Mvt. 5 Aria [S] [4:16]
Buy this album at:
DVD (2010): J.S. Bach-Stiftung, St. Gallen: Shop |
11-DVD (2010): J.S. Bach-Stiftung, St. Gallen: Shop |


J.S. Bach: Kantate BWV 26 "Ach wie flüchtig, ach wie nichtig"


Cantata Ach wie flüchtig, ach wie nichtig, BWV 26 [CD: 15:18; YT: 19:02]

Conductor & Harpsichord: Rudolf Lutz
Reflection lecture: Gerhard Schwarz

Vokalensemble der Schola Seconda Pratica / Schola Seconda Pratica

Soloists: Soprano: Susanne Frei; Alto: Antonia Frey; Tenor: Daniel Johannsen; Bass: Klaus Häger
Choir: Sopranos: Léonie Gloor, Guro Hjemli, Damaris Nussbaumer; Altos: Jan Börner, Antonia Frey, Olivia Heiniger, Lea Scherer; Tenor: Clemens Flämig, Nicolas Savoy, Manuel Gerber; Bass: Fabrice Hayoz, Philippe Rayot, William Wood
Orchestra: Violins: Renate Steinmann [Leader], Anaïs Chen, Sylvia Gmür, Martin Korrodi, Fanny Tschanz, Livia Wiersich; Violas: Susanna Hefti, Martina Bischof; Violoncello: Maya Amrein; Violone: Iris Finkbeiner; Bassoon: Susann Landert; Horn: Olivier Picon; Oboes: Katharina , Stefanie Haegele, Dominik Melicharek; Flute: Claire Genewein; Organ: Norbert Zeilberger

J.S. Bach-Stiftung St. Gallen A633 (Gallus Media 25)

Nov 20, 2009


Recorded live at Evangelische Kirche, Trogen, Switzerland, in the frame of J.S. Bach-Stiftung, St. Gallen: Cantata Series.
The DVD (in German, no subtitles) includes a film recording of the complete cantata, the reflection lecture of the speaker and a film portrait of the J.S. Bach Foundation.
Recording & Production: Sound Engineers: Stefan Ritzenthaler, Johannes Widmer; Producer: Meinrad Keel; Production: Gallus Media AG, Switzerland; DVD format: PAL.
Watch on YouTube:
Cantata BWV 26: Complete Cantata [19:02] | Workshop [48:12] | Reflection Lecture [16:33] | Mvt. 1: Chorus [2:37]
Buy this album at:
DVD (2010): J.S. Bach-Stiftung, St. Gallen: Shop |
11-DVD (2010): J.S. Bach-Stiftung, St. Gallen: Shop |


J.S. Bach: Kantate BWV 191 "Gloria in Excelsis Deo"


Cantata Gloria in Excelsis Deo, BWV 191 [CD: 14:50]

Conductor: Rudolf Lutz
Reflection lecture: Abbot Primate Notker Wolf

Vokalensemble der Schola Seconda Pratica / Schola Seconda Pratica

Soloists: Soprano: Gerlinde Sämann; Tenor: Johannes Kaleschke
Choir: Sopranos: Mirjam Berli, Susanne Frei, Léonie Gloor, Guro Hjemli, Mami Irisawa, Damaris Nussbaumer, Jennifer Rudin, Noëmi Tran-Rediger; Altos: Alexandra Rawohl, Antonia Frey, Olivia Heiniger, Lea Scherer; Tenors: Marcel Fässler, Nicolas Savoy, Walter Siegel; Bass: Fabrice Hayoz, Philippe Rayot, William Wood
Orchestra: Violins: Renate Steinmann [Leader], Anaïs Chen, Sylvia Gmür, Sabine Hochstrasser, Martin Korrodi, Livia Wiersich; Violas: Susanna Hefti, Martina Bischof; Violoncello: Claire Pottinger; Violone: Iris Finkbeiner; Bassoon: Susann Landert; Flutes: Claire Genewein, Maria Mittermayr; Oboes: Luise Baumgartl, Thomas Meraner; Trumpets: Patrick Henrichs, Peter Hasel, Klaus Pfeiffer; Timpani: Martin Homann; Organ: Norbert Zeilberger

J.S. Bach-Stiftung St. Gallen A634 (Gallus Media 33)

Dec 18, 2009


Recorded live at Evangelische Kirche, Trogen, Switzerland, in the frame of J.S. Bach-Stiftung, St. Gallen: Cantata Series.
The DVD (in German, no subtitles) includes a film recording of the complete cantata, the reflection lecture of the speaker and a film portrait of the J.S. Bach Foundation.
Recording & Production: Sound Engineers: Stefan Ritzenthaler, Johannes Widmer; Producer: Meinrad Keel; Production: Gallus Media AG, Switzerland; DVD format: PAL.
Watch on YouTube:
Cantata BWV 191: Mvt. 1: Chorus [6:27] Bach Factory [19:10]
Buy this album at:
DVD (2010): J.S. Bach-Stiftung, St. Gallen: Shop |
11-DVD (2010): J.S. Bach-Stiftung, St. Gallen: Shop |


Bach-Kantaten-Edition der Bach-Stiftung St. Gallen: Bach erlebt III - Das Bach-Jahr 2009


[D3-1] Cantata Mein Gott, wie lang, ach lange, BWV 155
[D3-2] Cantata Gleich wie der Regen, BWV 18
[D3-3] Cantata Du wahrer Gott und Davids Sohn, BWV 23
[D3-4] Cantata Am Abend aber desselbigen Sabbats, BWV 42
[D3-5] Cantata O ewiges Feuer, O Ursprung der Liebe, BWV 34
[D3-6] Cantata Ach Herr, mich armen Sünder, BWV 135
[D3-7] Cantata Geist und Seele wird verwirret, BWV 35
[D3-8] Cantata Komm, du süße Todesstunde, BWV 161
[D3-9] Cantata Schmücke dich, o liebe Seele, BWV 180
[D3-10] Cantata Ach wie flüchtig, ach wie nichtig, BWV 26
[D3-11] Cantata Gloria in Excelsis Deo, BWV 191

Rudolf Lutz

Vokalensemble der Schola Seconda Pratica / Schola Seconda Pratica

See [D3-1] - [D3-11] above

J.S. Bach-Stiftung St. Gallen (Gallus Media 34)


11-DVD / TT:

Recorded live at Evangelische Kirche, Trogen, Switzerland, in the frame of J.S. Bach-Stiftung, St. Gallen: Cantata Series.
Buy this album at:
11-DVD (2010): J.S. Bach-Stiftung, St. Gallen: Shop |

The list of recordings was compiled by Aryeh Oron (October 2009 - April 2024)

Rudolf Lutz: Short Biography | Ensembles: Chor & Orchester der J.S. Bach-Stiftung
Bach Discography: Recordings of Cantatas on DVD'S/Videos : 2006-2007 | 2008 | 2009 | 2010 | 2011 | 2012 | 2013 | 2014 | 2015 | 2016 | 2017 | 2018 | 2019 | 2020 | 2021 | 2022 | 2023 | 2024
Recordings of Cantatas CD's/MP3's: Vols. 1-20 | Vols. 21-40 | Vols. 41-60
Recordings of Other Vocal Works
Bach Festivals and Cantata Series: J.S. Bach-Stiftung, St. Gallen: Cantata Series | List of Recorded Works | Appenzeller Bachtage
Piano Transcriptions: Works | Recordings
General Discussions: Part 1

Conductors of Vocal Works: Main Page | A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J | K | L | M | N | O | P | Q | R | S | T | U | V | W | X | Y | Z | Singers & Instrumentalists


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Last update: Saturday, April 13, 2024 08:18