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Kammerchor Stuttgart (Chamber Choir)

Founded: 1968 - Stuttgart, Baden-Württemberg, Germany

The Kammerchor Stuttgart, which was founded by Frieder Bernius, has gained a reputation as one of the foremost European vocal ensembles, its changing to accomodate the given stylistic requirements. The ensemble has won many international prizes and has made frequent guest appearances in most European radio stations and at festivals. In 1988/89 the schedule of the Kammerchor Stuttgart included concert tours of the Far East, Poland, the USA, Italy, France and the Netherlands. Some 40 LP's have been recorded, many of them winning prizes.

Members of Kammerchor Stuttgart:





Henriette Autenrieth
Inga Balzer-Wolf
Christine Beatrix Fischer
Maria Bernius
Sandra Bernius
Franziska Bobe
Sigrun Bornträger [MB]
Clémence Boullu
Mechthild Brand
Anna-Sophie Brosig
Carmen Buchert
Miriam Burkhardt
Andrea Conangla
Isabel Delemarre
Katharina Eberl
Claudia Ehmann
Carolin Franke
Florence Günther
Julia Hagenmüller
Katharina Harjung [MB]
Ulrike Hellermann [MB]
Natasha Hogarth
Angelika Huber
Dorothea Jakob
Jessica Jans
Julia Jurgasch
Annette Klär [MB]
Gudrun Lauffer [MB]
Kathrin Lorenzen
María Martínez Gabaldón
Andrea Oberparleiter
Magdalena Podkościelna
Eva Prockl [MB]
Elisabeth Rave
Sibylla Rubens
Lisa Rothländer
Martina Schänzle (?)
Anja Scherg
Julla Schmidt
Annette Schneider [MB]
Mona Spägele
Annika Stegger
Mirjam Striegel
Murni Suwetja
Ania Vegry (Anja Wegrzyn)
Aline Wilhelmy
Johanna Winkel

Jan Börner
Detlef Bratschke
Werner Buchin
Nanora Büttiker
Philipp Cieslewicz
Robke Cuppens
Julia Diefenbach
Christoph Dittmar
Joachim Dreher [MB]
Friedemann Engelbert
Magdalena Fischer
Stephanie Hampl
Andreas Hoffmann
Kerry Jago
Pascale Jonczyk
Claudia Kemmerer
Stefan Kunath
Roland Kunz
Lester Lardenoye
Henny Mirle
Katharina Oelerich [MB]
Alex Potter
Breno Quinderé
Manja Raschka [MB]
Thomas Riede
Elke Rutz
Bernhard Schafferer
Adam Schilling
Agnes Schmauder
Antje Siefert
Victor Soares
Nora Steuerwald
Jan Thomer
Ute Weitkämper
Martin Wölfel
Meindert Zwart

Christian Aretz [MB]
Volker Arndt
Martin Bochinger [MB]
Friedrich Bracks
Stefan Dörr
Beat Duddeck
Matthias Echternach
Maxmilian Fieth
David Geier
Jörg Genslein
Andreas Hirtreiter
Jo Holzwarth
Thomas Jakobs
Daniel Käsmann
Johannes Klügling
Oliver Kringel
Dennis Marr
Tobias Mäthger
Pascal Mayer
Bruno Michalke
Jonas Müller
Laurin Oppermann
Julian Prégardien
Christian Rathgeber
Michael Schaffrath
Bernhard Scheffel
Berthold Schindler
Bernhard Schmidt
Florian Schmitt [MB]
Simon Schnorr
Uwe Schulze
Florian Sievers
Friedrich Spieser
Kristian Sørensen
Tiago Oliveira
Maximilian Vogler
Tobias Wall
Hans-Joachim Weber
Stefan Weible

Matthias Begemann [MB]
Philipp Brömsel
Martin Callenius [MB]
Dávid Csizmár
Christoph Drescher [MB]
Nikolaus Fluck
Jens Hamann
Johannes Hill
Wolfgang Klose
Mathis Koch
Reinhard Krämer
Gerhard Möller
Karsten Müller
Gerhard Nennemann
Philip Niederberger
Patrick Pobeschin
Rudolf Preckwinkel
Daniel Raschinsky
Felix Rathgeber
Bart Van Reyn (or T)
Bernhard Richter
Nicolas Ries
Felix Rumpf
Felix Schuler-Meybier
Adolph Seidel
Alois Späth
Christian Walter
Tobias Wicky

MB = Missing Biography. If you would like to contribute a biography of the artist, please send me a message. My e-mail address and the instructions can be found at the page: Short Biographies - Explanation.

Vantaa Baroque Week Website (1998)
Contributed by
Aryeh Oron (August 2001, February 2018, November 2023)

Frieder Bernius: Short Biography | Ensembles: Kammerchor Stuttgart | Barockorchester Stuttgart
Bach Discography:
Recordings of Vocal Works

Links to other Sites

Kammerchor Stuttgart-Frieder Bernius (Vantaa Baroque Week)
Kammerchor Stuttgart (Musik-Podium) [German]
Kammerchor Stuttgart (Chor)
Las Vegas RJ:Lifestyles: Kammerchor Stuttgart set for concert
Musik Podium Stuttgart [German]

Biographies of Performers: Main Page | A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J | K | L | M | N | O | P | Q | R | S | T | U | V | W | X | Y | Z
Explanation | Acronyms | Missing Biographies | The Sad Corner


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Last update: Monday, August 19, 2024 05:34